What the hells happening to Charles County?????


New Member
juggy4805 said:
Have you been to an all white trailer park in the South?

I lived in Macon Georgia for 3 years. Many friends and co-workers lived in trailer parks in and around Macon. Be careful, there's a few others on here that spent MUCH more time living in the south than I.


vraiblonde said:
Hello? Do you think he was born to wealth? Do you think Colin Powell, or Michael Steele or Clarence Thomas or any other black person who has achieved success was born with the silver spoon in their mouth and had everything handed to them?????

Do you think they were preaching that when they were young?

Don't get me wrong I agree with alot that is being said. I understand that its a cycle and will always be that way until we step up.


How you like me now?
juggy4805 said:
Do you think they were preaching that when they were young?

Don't get me wrong I agree with alot that is being said. I understand that its a cycle and will always be that way until we step up.

I don't know that is a good question.....but why not.....what do you think?


Ponytail said:
I lived in Macon Georgia for 3 years. Many friends and co-workers lived in trailer parks in and around Macon. Be careful, there's a few others on here that spent MUCH more time living in the south than I.

All I was saying is, regardless of your race, if you stay in a low income area where people are below the poverty line, there will be more crime.


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
Bill Cosby is in ALL communities, through the power of the media. He doesn't need to live in some DC slum to get his point across.

The hell he doesn't! Looking from the outside in its easy for him to speak against his people and acknowledge what they aren't doing. If he actually took a tour, I could see the affect it would have on alot of people who need the encouragement to get out of the slave mentality that "whites rule the world and things aint gonna get no better."

Seeing this guy on tv talk a whole bunch of smack does nothing but make blacks look even worse.....what he needed to do was get his ass out in the community and then get his ass on tv with the results of his speeches.

He got a whole lotta whites (yourself included) saying "look even Bill Cosby says such and such about his own people."

As if Bill Cosby is the spokesperson for all black people!!! :lmao:



The majority of my street are good kind people. We have a family of Asians as well as two black families living on our streetw. I can say this though, as soon as the third black family moved into the rental property on our street, the police are here at their residence at least once a week! Their children were terrorizing the children on this street by stealing their toys and punching them. In my opinion, white, black and any other race, it all depends on how you were raised. You tend to do what you were taught or brought up in. Decent people come from decent people. Doesn't matter what color you are. Thats MHO!


Set Trippin
Mousebaby said:
The majority of my street are good kind people. We have a family of Asians as well as two black families living on our streetw. I can say this though, as soon as the third black family moved into the rental property on our street, the police are here at their residence at least once a week! Their children were terrorizing the children on this street by stealing their toys and punching them. In my opinion, white, black and any other race, it all depends on how you were raised. You tend to do what you were taught or brought up in. Decent people come from decent people. Doesn't matter what color you are. Thats MHO!
Have you taught your kids to punch back yet? And not be #####ed out? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
Do you think they were preaching that when they were young?
Uh, they were LIVING it when they were young. :banghead:

Don't get me wrong I agree with alot that is being said. I understand that its a cycle and will always be that way until we step up.
So step up and quit making excuses.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
All I was saying is, regardless of your race, if you stay in a low income area where people are below the poverty line, there will be more crime.

No arguement there. BUT, the crime is different across the racial board. The crime rates might be similar, but the type of crime committed differs greatly.

In Macon, the murder rate was higher in Macon, than in New York City. How much of that do you think was committed by white males/females?

Domestic Violence rates? Wanna guess the differences between white male/female vs minority male/female?


NOT Politically Correct!!
Mousebaby said:
The majority of my street are good kind people. We have a family of Asians as well as two black families living on our streetw. I can say this though, as soon as the third black family moved into the rental property on our street, the police are here at their residence at least once a week! Their children were terrorizing the children on this street by stealing their toys and punching them. In my opinion, white, black and any other race, it all depends on how you were raised. You tend to do what you were taught or brought up in. Decent people come from decent people. Doesn't matter what color you are. Thats MHO!

Wow, one more family and your neighborhood may graduate to drive-bys... :whistle:


Im On 1.
Mousebaby said:
The majority of my street are good kind people. We have a family of Asians as well as two black families living on our streetw. I can say this though, as soon as the third black family moved into the rental property on our street, the police are here at their residence at least once a week! Their children were terrorizing the children on this street by stealing their toys and punching them. In my opinion, white, black and any other race, it all depends on how you were raised. You tend to do what you were taught or brought up in. Decent people come from decent people. Doesn't matter what color you are. Thats MHO!


How you like me now?
Qurious said:
The hell he doesn't! Looking from the outside in its easy for him to speak against his people and acknowledge what they aren't doing. If he actually took a tour, I could see the affect it would have on alot of people who need the encouragement to get out of the slave mentality that "whites rule the world and things aint gonna get no better."

Seeing this guy on tv talk a whole bunch of smack does nothing but make blacks look even worse.....what he needed to do was get his ass out in the community and then get his ass on tv with the results of his speeches.

He got a whole lotta whites (yourself included) saying "look even Bill Cosby says such and such about his own people."

As if Bill Cosby is the spokesperson for all black people!!! :lmao:


:bs: :rolleyes:

Give me a break.


vraiblonde said:
Uh, they were LIVING it when they were young. :banghead:

So step up and quit making excuses.

I doubt when they were struggling they were thinking about, how to make the country better.

I have stepped up. I'm not making any excuses, There are lots of other things that need to be changed first before this problem can be adressed.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
This forum is ridiculous to me. I am a YBM. Why don't most of you just come out and be honest like Mel Gibson and say Blacks are the reason for all the problems in our community. If that is how you feel you are a racist. No better than a member of the KKK.

Why is this a race issue. It is a social class issue. Go to another part of the country that is mostly white and below the poverty line. You will see the same crimes there. No difference. You have poor people living in a close radius what do think will happen. Whites have the power in this country. I'm sure you will disagree but, who owns ALL of the major corporations. Whites. The USA is a capitilistic country. Money=Power. White collar crimes are by whites mostly and blue collar crimes are by blacks.

The statistics for the crime rate would be alot different if it was broken down by the type of crime commited.

The biggest crooks in this country are corporations and politicians

Are you smoking crack? Who owns BET? Whose wife just flew in a private jet to Michigan to deliver a Stradivarius violin for a museum opening?

Hmmm...does P. Diddy, or Sean John, or whatever the heck he is calling himself these days - own his own clothing line, perfume, record label, etc.?

Let's not forget Oprah! Oh, yeah, and how about Russell Simmons? Sheesh...I'm white and I can name at least 15 more black individuals who owns companies. Give me a break.


johnjrval424 said:
Are you smoking crack? Who owns BET? Whose wife just flew in a private jet to Michigan to deliver a Stradivarius violin for a museum opening?

Hmmm...does P. Diddy, or Sean John, or whatever the heck he is calling himself these days - own his own clothing line, perfume, record label, etc.?

Let's not forget Oprah! Oh, yeah, and how about Russell Simmons? Sheesh...I'm white and I can name at least 15 more black individuals who owns companies. Give me a break.

When I say a major corporation I'm not talking about this entertainment crap. Yes blacks are very wealthy in that regard but I'm talking about defense companies, pharmaceutical companies, companies of that nature. You say 15 more black individuals in this whole country. come on.

BTW Viacom owns BET.

Diddy owns all of that but he is just exploiting the community also by selling expensive clothes.


How you like me now?
juggy4805 said:
When I say a major corporation I'm not talking about this entertainment crap. Yes blacks are very wealthy in that regard but I'm talking about defense companies, pharmaceutical companies, companies of that nature. You say 15 more black individuals in this whole country. come on.

BTW Viacom owns BET.

Diddy owns all of that but he is just exploiting the community also by selling expensive clothes.

They do not have to buy his expensive clothes, and tell me why you think you do not see more blacks in the Defense companies and so on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
There are lots of other things that need to be changed first before this problem can be adressed.
Like what?

Again, turn on MTV or BET and tell me what you see. What message are Snoop and Flav sending to young blacks? How about Al Sharpton, that media darling? What is he telling young black people?

Garbage in, garbage out.

So what needs to happen is the garbage peddlers need to be shut down and exposed for the culture trashers they are. But I don't see that happening any time soon because the second someone criticizes "black culture" (which pisses me off every time I hear someone say that), they get roundly slammed and called racist, bigot, Uncle Tom, whatever.


Active Member
Qurious said:
The hell he doesn't! Looking from the outside in its easy for him to speak against his people and acknowledge what they aren't doing. If he actually took a tour, I could see the affect it would have on alot of people who need the encouragement to get out of the slave mentality that "whites rule the world and things aint gonna get no better."

Seeing this guy on tv talk a whole bunch of smack does nothing but make blacks look even worse.....what he needed to do was get his ass out in the community and then get his ass on tv with the results of his speeches.

He got a whole lotta whites (yourself included) saying "look even Bill Cosby says such and such about his own people."

As if Bill Cosby is the spokesperson for all black people!!! :lmao:


Truth be told that the "black community" needs to instill that education is important. I am young. I took out student loans and achieved scholarships and went to school. I have a masters degree. Why should the government give any sort of assistance or priority to a minority when they have the same opportunity I did. Some of my greatest friends in college were minorities and guess what, we were all there eating ramen noodles together being typical broke college students. When you come out, you get a job. Guess what? my minority friends that went to college on the same loans I did are now working jobs without the need for a handout. Its a beautiful thing. Go to school, get a job, not a difficult process. As a parent, beat your kids A** if they arent in school and not doing well. Why let them stay out until 11, 12 1 in the morning getting in trouble on a school night so later you can have their description as a suspect in a crime. There are section 8 townhouses in my neighborhood and those delinquints play basketball until 5 am on a school night. My boyfriend woke up to go to work and drove by them all still out there.

So while you are on this "go Waldorf and its the white man's/government's fault" horse, the truth is that everyone is in charge of their own fate. The government and the people who work hard should not have to support those that didnt take advantage of their opportunities. There are minorities who have grown up in the straight hood, most dangerous parts of the country, but instead of hanging out on the corner, they studied. What happened to them? They ended up in Harvard or Princton. Yeah they may have had loans after but they did it on their own. Bill Cosby has every right to say what he is because HE DID IT ON HIS OWN.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
When I say a major corporation I'm not talking about this entertainment crap. Yes blacks are very wealthy in that regard but I'm talking about defense companies, pharmaceutical companies, companies of that nature. You say 15 more black individuals in this whole country. come on.

BTW Viacom owns BET.

Diddy owns all of that but he is just exploiting the community also by selling expensive clothes.

I don't think "Diddy" or Oprah would appreciate you minimizing their achievements. Entertainment crap? Well, I have news for you - that "entertainment crap" has made Oprah the most wealthy, African-American female in the world. It may be crap to you but to the business community, it spells "success."

Now, if you want to be specific and say "corporate America" then you may have a point, but only because I haven't taken the time to look up Forbes list of most wealthy people in America.

If you are single-handedly attempting to change the stereotypes that exist, then I commend you. However, I think you are going to encounter some serious rebellion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
Diddy owns all of that but he is just exploiting the community also by selling expensive clothes.

FINALLY we have a winnah! :yahoo:

Exploiting the community...FOR MONEY!!!

What a concept! I would never have thought of that!
