What the hells happening to Charles County?????


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
When I say a major corporation I'm not talking about this entertainment crap. Yes blacks are very wealthy in that regard but I'm talking about defense companies, pharmaceutical companies, companies of that nature. You say 15 more black individuals in this whole country. come on.

Here you've got one of the most powerful resources at your fingertips and you want someone else to name the names.

I found this list in a matter of seconds.
100+ Most Influential Black Americans (2003)
Just to list a few...

American Express Corp.

Children's Defense Fund

Attorney and Founder of MTBC
TV Network

President & CEO

Merrill Lynch & Co.

U.S. Secretary of Education

AOL-Time Warner, Inc.

Chairman and CEO
Fannie Mae Corporation

Rush Communications

Education isn't pushed into our brains from the start.
There's the list, educate yourself. Tell all of your friends to find new role models.


New Member
mainman said:
Wake up dude, half the kids where I grew up were regularly skipping and not going. Do you think anyone did anything about it? :lmao: :killingme

Oh and that would be PG representin...:peace:

The opportunity was there. how is that anyone elses fault? Those are the types of people that wind up "stuck" in the system, and some how it's everyone elses fault?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
I was just saying that blacks have a disadvantage because of that.
Juggy, I come from nothing. No-thing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

I started my company from scratch, with two young children who depended on me to feed and house them, no less.

And I know several others just like me who aren't the smartest person in the world, nor do they have family money. In fact, some didn't even have family to speak of, unless you count their absent dad and their drunken mother. But they managed to make a life for themselves.

So don't make this a black/white opportunities thing. I'll compare my upbringing against ANY gangbanger, any day. It's all about choices and what you want out of life.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Horse####. The ones taking food and water were called survivors. The ones taking sneakers and TV sets were called, appropriately, looters.

Turn on MTV or BET. Take a look at how blacks portray themselves in the media.

Now you can get off your high horse.

I have no high horse. I just don't live a life full of biased ignorant views. I see you all have no problem expressing these things on a forum. Take your views and speak them in front of those in which you are referring to. Bet the words wouldn't come out so easily then. I bet you are one of those people that say, yeah, I have A black friend. Glad I got out of that redneck infested dead-end region while I had a chance. God forbid my children should share the same classroom with your children who will obviously end up sharing the same small-minded uneducated views as you.


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
Juggy, I come from nothing. No-thing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

I started my company from scratch, with two young children who depended on me to feed and house them, no less.

And I know several others just like me who aren't the smartest person in the world, nor do they have family money. In fact, some didn't even have family to speak of, unless you count their absent dad and their drunken mother. But they managed to make a life for themselves.

So don't make this a black/white opportunities thing. I'll compare my upbringing against ANY gangbanger, any day. It's all about choices and what you want out of life.

so let me get this straight....

U beleive minorities have equal oppurtunities as whites they just dont take advantage of it?


Set Trippin
Ponytail said:
The opportunity was there. how is that anyone elses fault? Those are the types of people that wind up "stuck" in the system, and some how it's everyone elses fault?
That is not what I said, I know the "opportunity" was there and I use the term opportunity lightly... Very hard to study and learn in that atmosphere... It was always joke time...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
queencity28 said:
I bet you are one of those people that say, yeah, I have A black friend. Glad I got out of that redneck infested dead-end region while I had a chance. God forbid my children should share the same classroom with your children who will obviously end up sharing the same small-minded uneducated views as you.
OMG! :roflmao:

Lesson for the day:

When you assume, you make an ass out of u and....well, okay, just u.



New Member
queencity28 said:
I have no high horse. I just don't live a life full of biased ignorant views. I see you all have no problem expressing these things on a forum. Take your views and speak them in front of those in which you are referring to. Bet the words wouldn't come out so easily then. I bet you are one of those people that say, yeah, I have A black friend. Glad I got out of that redneck infested dead-end region while I had a chance. God forbid my children should share the same classroom with your children who will obviously end up sharing the same small-minded uneducated views as you.

And what, wind up ostresized like Bill Cosby did? Or more likely, shot at. And yea, I do have black friends. They're educated, employed, out of the "system", and guess what...they're struggling to keep their families away from what they grew up with too...just like *gasp*, white america.


Well-Known Member
Qurious said:
so let me get this straight....

U beleive minorities have equal oppurtunities as whites they just dont take advantage of it?

No, they have BETTER opportunities now. UNCF, Affirmative action....


flomaster said:
That's got to be the most DEE DEE DEE thing I have ever F'n read!!!!!! So what you are saying is that a Black person cannot create his own major company because White folks had it all when Blacks had nothing?

Our country has opportunities for education like no other on the planet. If you want to invent the next Chrysler product. Ralph Gilles is the designer of the 300M. Holy crap, a black guy given an opportunity by the white guy.

I am beyond words with the ignorance of that statement.

You cannot say that the ratio of whites to blacks that own companies are the same.


Active Member
Qurious said:
R u young and black or a minority? If not, you have no idea what blacks go through when it comes to going to school/college

So you arent entitled to the free education through high school? You cant apply for student loans? You cant study and graduate at the top of your class? You cant use your time volunteering and for extracurriculars instead of hanging out at the mall or getting into trouble?

What I am saying applies to whites to. Its your own fault if you are a loser in life and no one else should have to pay your way. The opportunities are there, you just have to take them. Somehow all the minorities that were in school with me were able to figure it out so why cant those that are turning into delinquents?


vraiblonde said:
Juggy, I come from nothing. No-thing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

I started my company from scratch, with two young children who depended on me to feed and house them, no less.

And I know several others just like me who aren't the smartest person in the world, nor do they have family money. In fact, some didn't even have family to speak of, unless you count their absent dad and their drunken mother. But they managed to make a life for themselves.

So don't make this a black/white opportunities thing. I'll compare my upbringing against ANY gangbanger, any day. It's all about choices and what you want out of life.

I agree with what you saying.


New Member
mainman said:
That is not what I said, I know the "opportunity" was there and I use the term opportunity lightly... Very hard to study and learn in that atmosphere... It was always joke time...

Ah. Well, without that joke time, we wouldn't be enjoying your daily witty remarks on SOMD, so for that, I am grateful. :yay:

I guess I missed your real message completely. :ohwell: sorry man.
juggy4805 said:
You cannot say that the ratio of whites to blacks that own companies are the same.

What do you think is the reason for that? I know for a fact that there are principals in PG county who have said the black males won't learn and/or read so the teachers have to find another way to help them.

I say it's laziness. Why learn it when someone will do it for you?

If they don't get a good education, then they will not own a company some day (more than likely). They have to get off of their arse and learn, just like everyone else (whether they're purple, green, white, red, etc).

p.s. I haven't read this whole thread. :blushing:


I appreciate the comments made. Regardless of what is said no ones opinion on this subject will be changed. We can talk all day about who's fault it is but we will go back to our nice homes and cars and the cycle will continue. :ohwell:


Im On 1.
Booboo3604 said:
Qurious said:
R u young and black or a minority? If not, you have no idea what blacks go through when it comes to going to school/college

So you arent entitled to the free education through high school? You cant apply for student loans? You cant study and graduate at the top of your class? You cant use your time volunteering and for extracurriculars instead of hanging out at the mall or getting into trouble?

What I am saying applies to whites to. Its your own fault if you are a loser in life and no one else should have to pay your way. The opportunities are there, you just have to take them. Somehow all the minorities that were in school with me were able to figure it out so why cant those that are turning into delinquents?

High school education is also bias. Just go to a high school in VA vs. one in SE DC. You act as if its a walk in the park for minorities when it comes to education and its not. It also has a lot to do with the way they are raised and where they were raised. Your not gonna have all these Akeelah & the Bee inspired kids....why? Because the schools are failing these kids and so are the parents. As if they dont have enough pressure with the community they live in....

Just because one minority can do it doesn't mean all of them can....


NOT Politically Correct!!
Sharon said:
Here you've got one of the most powerful resources at your fingertips and you want someone else to name the names.

I found this list in a matter of seconds.
100+ Most Influential Black Americans (2003)
Just to list a few...

American Express Corp.

Children's Defense Fund

Attorney and Founder of MTBC
TV Network

President & CEO

Merrill Lynch & Co.

U.S. Secretary of Education

AOL-Time Warner, Inc.

Chairman and CEO
Fannie Mae Corporation

Rush Communications

There's the list, educate yourself. Tell all of your friends to find new role models.

What about OJ??? J/K :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
U beleive minorities have equal oppurtunities as whites they just dont take advantage of it?
I'll go you one better:

I think blacks are actively discouraged from taking advantage of opportunities.

They are told repeatedly that the system needs to be dumbed down in order for them to compete against whites. What are they supposed to make of that?

They are told repeatedly that they need special compensations, in the form of welfare, affirmative action, race-exclusive programs, etc, etc, etc. BEAUTY PAGEANTS, for god's sake!

The most recent bit of racism involves showing ID when you vote. Liberal nutties cried "RACISM" so fast it made my head spin. With the obvious insinuation that blacks don't have identification - no driver's license, no passport, not even a birth certificate. We both realistically know this is bull####, but it didn't stop the slavemasters from peddling it, nor did it stop the "black community" from using it as an excuse and a rallying cry.

Where do you think terms like "Uncle Tom" and "Oreo" come from? And what do you think they mean?