What the hells happening to Charles County?????



Nicole_in_somd said:
They do not have to buy his expensive clothes, and tell me why you think you do not see more blacks in the Defense companies and so on.

I didn't say they had to buy his clothes.

Education isn't pushed into our brains from the start.

Alot of companies were started when blacks owned nothing. Companies have been passed down through generations to only family.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
I didn't say they had to buy his clothes.

Education isn't pushed into our brains from the start.

Alot of companies were started when blacks owned nothing. Companies have been passed down through generations to only family.

:lol: Education wasn't pushed?? Were you not "forced" to attend school until at least the age of 16?


Ponytail said:
:lol: Education wasn't pushed?? Were you not "forced" to attend school until at least the age of 16?

You maybe, but everybody in the community I grew up in was not.


Well-Known Member
juggy4805 said:
Alot of companies were started when blacks owned nothing. Companies have been passed down through generations to only family.

Oh! So, if I own a company I can't let my kids inherit it. I have to find someone in Watts or Bed-Stuy and give it to them when I die? That sounds just like Robert Johnson(Who SOLD B.E.T. to Viacom by the way) when he said that Abe Pollin should have sold him the Wizards(then the Bullets)because he was black. And yes he DID say exactly that. When Pollin was looking to divest either the Caps or Wizards Johnson said because he was a member of the black community Pollin should sell him the Bullets and keep the Caps for himself. He even made vague threats about going to court to "force" Pollin to do it. Why do you think Johnson wanted the basketball team and NOT the hockey team? Hmmmmmmmm? Perpetuating the stereotype there, or what?
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J.F. A sus ordenes!
Virgis W. Colbert, executive vice president of worldwide operations for Milwaukee-based Miller Brewing Co. Black Man. he is retired now but beer is big business in the corporate world. Go ahead and shut down Miller and see what happens.


24/7 Single Dad
juggy4805 said:
Education isn't pushed into our brains from the start.

Ding Ding DIng

A lot of companies were started when blacks owned nothing. Companies have been passed down through generations to only family.
Name one? Almost every major corporation is OWNED by it's stockholders. There might be a Ford in the boardroom, but he don't Own the company.


donbarzini said:
Oh! So, if I own a company I can't let my kids inherit it. I have to find someone in Watts or Bed-Stuy and give it to them when I die? That sounds just like Robert Johnson(Who SOLD B.E.T. to Viacom by the way) when he said that Abe Pollin should have sold him the Wizards(then the Bullets)because he was black. And yes he DID say exactly that. When Pollin was looking to divest either the Caps or Wizards Johnson said because he was a member of the black community Pollin should sell him the Bullets and keep the Caps for himself. He even made vague threats about going to court to "force" Pollin to do it. Why do you think Johnson wanted the basketball team and NOT the hockey team? Hmmmmmmmm? Perpetuating the stereotype there, or what?

:lmao: I didn't say they have to. I was just saying that blacks have a disadvantage because of that.


New Member
Juggy, since you asked, here's a good example of drug crime in Macon Georgia.

Two counties, Bibb and Houston (House-ton), 1995. rates are per 100,000

Total Arrests 63
Population 157,807
Total Rate 39.92

Black Total Arrests 55
Black Population 70,634
Black Arrest Rate 77.87

White Total Arrests 8
White Population 85,800
White Arrest Rate 9.32

Total Arrests 37
Population 96,500
Total Rate 38.34

Black Total Arrests 30
Black Population 23,015
Black Arrest Rate 130.35

White Total Arrests 7
White Population 71,593
White Arrest Rate 9.78

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juggy4805 said:
You maybe, but everybody in the community I grew up in was not.

Ok that sounds more like a issue with the home environment, not with the government or corporation owners.


flomaster said:
Virgis W. Colbert, executive vice president of worldwide operations for Milwaukee-based Miller Brewing Co. Black Man. he is retired now but beer is big business in the corporate world. Go ahead and shut down Miller and see what happens.

Exucutive VP is not the major stockholder.


Set Trippin
flomaster said:
Where did you grow up that kids didn't have to go to school?
Wake up dude, half the kids where I grew up were regularly skipping and not going. Do you think anyone did anything about it? :lmao: :killingme

Oh and that would be PG representin...:peace:


24/7 Single Dad
juggy4805 said:
Exucutive VP is not the major stockholder.
:lol: read a company prospectus and see just what kind of compensation an Executive VP gets. A lot of it is stock options that are used instead of cash for tax purposes


Im On 1.
Booboo3604 said:
Truth be told that the "black community" needs to instill that education is important. I am young.
R u young and black or a minority? If not, you have no idea what blacks go through when it comes to going to school/college

I took out student loans and achieved scholarships and went to school. I have a masters degree. Why should the government give any sort of assistance or priority to a minority when they have the same opportunity I did.
If minorities/blacks had the same oppurtunity that you did, there wouldn't be a need for HBCU. They were created for a reason. It is a proven fact that minorities do not get the same proper education that whites do....

So while you are on this "go Waldorf and its the white man's/government's fault" horse, the truth is that everyone is in charge of their own fate.
Did you read the thread, is that what you got from all my replies?? Its the white man and gov'ts fault?? Thats sad. :jameo: I said nothing like that.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
juggy4805 said:
I didn't say they had to buy his clothes.

Education isn't pushed into our brains from the start.

Alot of companies were started when blacks owned nothing. Companies have been passed down through generations to only family.

That's got to be the most DEE DEE DEE thing I have ever F'n read!!!!!! So what you are saying is that a Black person cannot create his own major company because White folks had it all when Blacks had nothing?

Our country has opportunities for education like no other on the planet. If you want to invent the next Chrysler product. Ralph Gilles is the designer of the 300M. Holy crap, a black guy given an opportunity by the white guy.

I am beyond words with the ignorance of that statement.