What will kill more people this year?

What do you think will kill more people this year?

  • Tobacco

    Votes: 21 28.8%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 29 39.7%
  • Cannabis/marijuana

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Kittens :)

    Votes: 24 32.9%

  • Total voters


The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
Accidental deaths per physician are 0.171
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
Health and Human Services.

Now think about this:

The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
(Yes, that's 80 million)
The number of accidental gun deaths
per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188
Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately
9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners
Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'


Almost everyone has at least one doctor.
This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!!!

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for the public at large,

The statistics on lawyers have been omitted for fear the shock would cause
people to panic and seek medical attention!


Adopt me please !
:killingme :killingme it's funny but it's SO TRUE !!!!!! SCARY.

The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
Accidental deaths per physician are 0.171
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
Health and Human Services.

Now think about this:

The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
(Yes, that's 80 million)
The number of accidental gun deaths
per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188
Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately
9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners
Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'


Almost everyone has at least one doctor.
This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!!!

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for the public at large,

The statistics on lawyers have been omitted for fear the shock would cause
people to panic and seek medical attention!


24/7 Single Dad
Almost everyone has at least one doctor.
This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!!!

Don't worry :huggy: Obama is doing his best to decrease the number of doctors
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Are only counting human deaths?

My kitteh was playing with a moth the other day. After about 15 minutes, they were like best buddies. The kitten would roll around on her back waving her little kitty paws at the moth, and the moth would swoop down and light on the kitty's paws for a second before taking back off again... one would chase the other, and a second later, the other would be chasing the one...

Until kitteh pounced on the moth and bit it.

The moth twitched a couple of times, and then stopped moving.

The kitten started meowing at me like she wanted me to fix the moth. She'd tap the moth's little deceased moth buddy as if to wake it up... and when the moth didn't respond, she'd look at me again and "Mwoaw!".. like it was my fault.

So, if we're counting non-human deaths, Kittens are easily the number one killer. They're freakin' vicious.

If we are only counting humans, Kitties come in #2 behind marijuana (it's a gateway drug). My kitty killed a stoned teenager on my street. Dude was walking by and he was all like minding his own business, right, and all of a sudden my kitten like tear-asses out the door, and jumps at this dude's face. At first he was all like "whoa", and then he was all like "get this kitteh off my face man!" In like 10 seconds, there was nothing but bloody ribbons where this dude's face used to be.

I was all like :shocked:

Anyway, I'm chalking that one up as a combination between dope and kittens.


Damned glad to meet you
Are only counting human deaths?

My kitteh was playing with a moth the other day. After about 15 minutes, they were like best buddies. The kitten would roll around on her back waving her little kitty paws at the moth, and the moth would swoop down and light on the kitty's paws for a second before taking back off again... one would chase the other, and a second later, the other would be chasing the one...

Until kitteh pounced on the moth and bit it.

The moth twitched a couple of times, and then stopped moving.

The kitten started meowing at me like she wanted me to fix the moth. She'd tap the moth's little deceased moth buddy as if to wake it up... and when the moth didn't respond, she'd look at me again and "Mwoaw!".. like it was my fault.

So, if we're counting non-human deaths, Kittens are easily the number one killer. They're freakin' vicious.

If we are only counting humans, Kitties come in #2 behind marijuana (it's a gateway drug). My kitty killed a stoned teenager on my street. Dude was walking by and he was all like minding his own business, right, and all of a sudden my kitten like tear-asses out the door, and jumps at this dude's face. At first he was all like "whoa", and then he was all like "get this kitteh off my face man!" In like 10 seconds, there was nothing but bloody ribbons where this dude's face used to be.

I was all like :shocked:

Anyway, I'm chalking that one up as a combination between dope and kittens.

That's it! :cussing: I'm reporting you to the OBAMA (Organized Butterfly And Moth Association) They will come for your killer kitteh!


Professional Hater
=Toxick;If we are only counting humans, Kitties come in #2 behind marijuana (it's a gateway drug.

Im sorry, but it appears you have been misinformed my friend. Clinical studies have shown time and time again that the "gateway drug" theory is false. Here is a quick link that you hopefully will read and possibly learn that the American public has been lied to repeatedly on this subject...

Research Proves Marijuana is Not a "Gateway Drug" | StoptheDrugWar.org


Im sorry, but it appears you have been misinformed my friend. Clinical studies have shown time and time again that the "gateway drug" theory is false. Here is a quick link that you hopefully will read and possibly learn that the American public has been lied to repeatedly on this subject...


If you don't care enough about your body and the law to stay off the pot, you surely will have no problem switching to heroin and crack.


Claudia was my gateway kitten. It's been downhill ever since.


That's how lives get destroyed.

It starts off with one seemingly harmless kitty. Pretty soon, you need more and stronger kitties just to get the same kitty-love buzz that you used to get. Pretty soon, you lose your house, your job, your family, and you're living in a cardboard box with a massive pounce of strays.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pretty soon, you lose your house, your job, your family, and you're living in a cardboard box with a massive pounce of strays, covered in cat hair.


I'm trying to shake the monkey, taper off, not sure if I can go cold turkey.