What would it take to get you to move out of Maryland?


PREMO Member
Do you really not understand that it is too costly for insurers to gamble on a state where hurricanes, red tide, sinkholes and climate change are destroying the state ?

Hey Dumbass .... explain how ANY the is the fault of Men ......


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was in Miami last week and the water was unpleasantly hot.

Probably from all the hot air you libtards spew. Do away with you and we'd solve global warming.

You can blow talking points from your handlers all day long. I actually live here and am telling you everyone who needs insurance has insurance, and yes name brand insurance at that.

The Gulf isn't "hot" by any stretch - it was quite refreshing last Tuesday.

And last but not least, there is a thriving gay population all over Florida. They have jobs and move freely about their cities, and the only thing they have to hide from is nutcases like you accosting them - "Please, Mr. Gay Person, can I take a selfie with you? I want to show all my Democrat friends back home that I met some gay people!! See me hanging with gay people?? :starcat: "

I don't know how you stand yourself, you lie so much. At some point a normal person would have some shame.


Well-Known Member
Also tell your theories about global warming being a hoax to the people in Lahaina. I'm sure they will agree with you.

I though you said gay people were evil and need to be kept away from children and libraries. Now you are bragging about how welcoming your state is?

God you are really mixed up in the brain. Probably form the heat.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also tell your theories about global warming being a hoax to the people in Lahaina. I'm sure they will agree with you.

I though you said gay people were evil and need to be kept away from children and libraries. Now you are bragging about how welcoming your state is?

God you are really mixed up in the brain. Probably form the heat.

It's too early for you to be this shitface drunk.