What would you do?

What would you do?

  • Turn them in ASAP

    Votes: 26 40.6%
  • Not turn them in but not take them in

    Votes: 24 37.5%
  • Take them in and hide them

    Votes: 14 21.9%

  • Total voters


b*tch rocket
Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?


I bowl overhand
Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?

I don't own any, so I don't have any to turn any in, and even if I did we aren't required to register them so how would they know to look here?

That being said. IF this was the case, how could you tell a Muslim from anyone else, like said above, we don't require you to register your religious affiliation, and physically how can you tell the difference? Assume every black person or Arab looking person is Muslim?

There's a few white people I'd turn in and tell the authorities they were Muslim. I mean if Sammy Davis can be Jewish, a White person can be Muslim right?


Highlander's MPD
Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?

Who would run the 7-11s and be accountable for da spoon straws? Didn't our country do that with the Japanese back in WWII? Our Goverment would never do anything like that in this day and age. Too many liberals and lawyers. As I saw on a bumper sticker "Only a Liberal can turn a Terrorist into a Victim." How true that is. I say keep all those bastares in Guantanamo Bay for eternity.

I do not hate all Muslims but I am not afraid to say I will be looking at each of them a little carefully for a while until they are no longer a threat. If you don't, you may be ignoring something that can potentionally save other American lives.


Highlander's MPD
I don't own any, so I don't have any to turn any in, and even if I did we aren't required to register them so how would they know to look here?

That being said. IF this was the case, how could you tell a Muslim from anyone else, like said above, we don't require you to register your religious affiliation, and physically how can you tell the difference? Assume every black person or Arab looking person is Muslim?

There's a few white people I'd turn in and tell the authorities they were Muslim. I mean if Sammy Davis can be Jewish, a White person can be Muslim right?

I guess anyone can be Muslim. We have a segment of our black community who converted to Nation of Islam and claim to be Muslim. We have a few hippie lost souls who claim to be Muslim. But, for the most part, I think of the real Muslims as the one's with an olive or slightly dark complexion. They tend to wear bed sheets and sandles, too. Some even cover their faces. I guess that's because some of their women are butt ugly. I can tell the difference betwen them and say...Indians from India. Indians tend to be a little darker and wear turbans and red dots. Indians are harmless, unless you are offended by body odor.


Which side is that?

I'm a cold hearted biatch when it comes to rag heads blowing up my countrymen. That said, I know I will probably get in trouble for my comment. But it's my opinion, and that's what makes this country FREE!


Highlander's MPD
I'm a cold hearted biatch when it comes to rag heads blowing up my countrymen. That said, I know I will probably get in trouble for my comment. But it's my opinion, and that's what makes this country FREE!

OK, in that case, I'm on your side. I couldn't agree more. But remember, they are not rags. They are sheets. That makes them Sheetheads.


Power with Control
Sorry guys, it was wrong when we did it to the Japanese, and it would be wrong to do to Muslims. And there are millions upon millions of Muslims who have done no wrong, you cant categorize them on the actions of the evil ones.

You dont round up a religion, or an ethnicity.


Sorry guys, it was wrong when we did it to the Japanese, and it would be wrong to do to Muslims. And there are millions upon millions of Muslims who have done no wrong, you cant categorize them on the actions of the evil ones.

You dont round up a religion, or an ethnicity.

Sorry to disagree with you, but HIDE AND WATCH ME!


Obama destroyed America
Sorry guys, it was wrong when we did it to the Japanese, and it would be wrong to do to Muslims. And there are millions upon millions of Muslims who have done no wrong, you cant categorize them on the actions of the evil ones.

You dont round up a religion, or an ethnicity.
You're right. You kill them where they stand. :yay:


Power with Control
The evil ones, yes, make no mistake, I've not a qualm in the world with killing the evil ones.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Sorry to disagree with you, but HIDE AND WATCH ME!

I've got more reason to hate them than you do. It's funny that my attitude is different than yours, especially since I'm considered one of the least compassionate people on the planet. It's interesting to see how people can be so polite and so empathic in so many ways, yet be so prejudice and willing to ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people.

That said, I wouldn't turn them in, but I wouldn't take them in either. I doubt it would be long before I left the country myself, which both my family and my ancestors have done to avoid persecution before.

As someone else said, how many of you can honestly tell the difference? I found myself looking down the barrell of an M16 once PAX opened back up after September 11th... and I'm Jewish, and a half-breed at that.