What would you do?

What would you do?

  • Turn them in ASAP

    Votes: 26 40.6%
  • Not turn them in but not take them in

    Votes: 24 37.5%
  • Take them in and hide them

    Votes: 14 21.9%

  • Total voters


I just think about it and if you ask me I say bomb the hell out of them.

They are not going to make two lines and say nice muslims over here and bad muslims over here. The minute one soldier lets a little girl muslim into the good muslims line she giggles as she presses a suicide bomb button. No, you can't trust them, none of them. BOMB THEM!


wandering aimlessly
Is this an American muslim family?

Did I know this family before they asked for asylum?

I don't let the Avon lady in the house so I definitely wouldn't be hiding strangers.

My work has taught me that you never really know someone. People are not always as they seem. Could seem like innocent store keepers but be deep cell.

I wouldn't take them in but whether I turn them in...I'd probably have to go with gut instinct on a case by case basis.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?

How much is the bounty?
Because I completely believe this to be true...

My work has taught me that you never really know someone. People are not always as they seem. Could seem like innocent store keepers but be deep cell.

I could not fully trust and therefore could not hide. I voted "turn away".


A friend of mine told me she knew a muslim man and they see americans as the devil. Why in God's name are they in OUR country if they feel that way?

I will treat them the same way they would treat us. Nuff said.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
A friend of mine told me she knew a muslim man and they see americans as the devil. Why in God's name are they in OUR country if they feel that way?

I will treat them the same way they would treat us. Nuff said.
Same reason as 9th century in Europe.

To spread their demonic cult, destroy and pillage.


b*tch rocket
Would this be like a Hitler and Auschwitz thing?

Yes. Well, sort of.

My kid is reading the Diary of Ann Frank and she made the comment that she was glad she lived in a day and age where what happened to her and her family could never happen. It just made me think, are we really at that point in our evolution?

This was my mini survey on human instinct and behavior. We really aren't above eliminating an entire segment of our society if given enough power to do so.

So my answer to her is that we do not live in a society where we've moved beyond killing people en masse for their religious affiliations, race, or gender vs their individual actions.

The next question I would pose, is that necessarily a bad thing? Is it ever something that will ever be overcome, and should it be overcome, or is it a necessary part of our DNA and human survival?


b*tch rocket
A friend of mine told me she knew a muslim man and they see americans as the devil. Why in God's name are they in OUR country if they feel that way?

I will treat them the same way they would treat us. Nuff said.

Well I view far left liberals as the devil and wonder why in God's name they are in our country, and I have to wonder if I wouldn't turn them all over to the authorities for extermination if mandated to by law. :jet:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I would not take them in and I would not report them.

We think that things like this cannot happen in this country, but it has and does. As recently as World War II, the U.S. interred, nice term for imprisoned, without cause, many citizens of Japanese decent. Our government ignored the Constitution.

The Federal government ignores the Constitution or interprets the Constitution in ways that the writers at the time did not mean most of the time. That type of misinterpretation goes against one of the earliest Supreme Court decisions, but hey, the feds won't let that get in their way. Why should we think this could not happen? Japanese, Muslims, Christians, gun owners, smokers, left-handed people, people that part their hair on the left, where does it stop?

And I will grant that my answer is biased. If Christians were being rounded up, I would take them in and hide them, but then that would not be applicable because I would be one of those trying to hide.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
A friend of mine told me she knew a muslim man and they see americans as the devil. Why in God's name are they in OUR country if they feel that way?

I will treat them the same way they would treat us. Nuff said.

Because they are using our freedom of religion to take over our country little by little. A guy by the name of Khrushchev said the communists would hang us and we would sell them the rope to do it. He was saying they would use our political system to infiltrate and "sell" us communism little by little. They have been doing it since the 60's. Read the Communist Manifesto and the Democratic Party's platform and see if you see any similarities. Universal health care, classless society (tax the rich and give to the poor), state owned/run businesses like electric, oil, water; social security (Roosevelt got sold that one).


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Well I view far left liberals as the devil and wonder why in God's name they are in our country, and I have to wonder if I wouldn't turn them all over to the authorities for extermination if mandated to by law. :jet:

I'd like to see how the poll would be if I was allowed to round up and exterminate the following:

1. Those detracting rather than adding to our GDP ie. sucking the gov't teet.
2. Fools and morons.
3. Hypocrites, predjudice numbskulls that put too much faith in stereotypes, liars, cheats, psycho's, religious zealots, emotional nutcases, drug users and alcoholics....
4. Left wing nut jobs, hippies, greenies...
5. People too disabled to get a job or live off of income that they've earned, or a retirement check.

I'm sure I could continue, but we should start there. Prune the weak from the heard as nature intended to strength the whole. :patriot:

Did I make my point, yet? I could give valid, logical reasons for ending the lives of everyone on that list in order to serve the greater good. How many of you are on that list? How many have loved ones? How would you feel if you, or someone you loved was on the extermination list when your only crime was your bloodline? Would you change your tune then?


Obama destroyed America
Yes, they did.
They declared war on the United States before the United States declared war on them. Forget about the Zimmerman telegraph?
No they didn't. Declaring war and attacking someone are totally different things.

Is this an American muslim family?
Did I know this family before they asked for asylum?
I don't let the Avon lady in the house so I definitely wouldn't be hiding strangers. My work has taught me that you never really know someone. People are not always as they seem. Could seem like innocent store keepers but be deep cell. I wouldn't take them in but whether I turn them in...I'd probably have to go with gut instinct on a case by case basis.
Thank you!! :notworthy

To all you goobers who just take someone in willy nilly, please send me your address pronto. I'll distribute it to the jobsite and you should be receiving families of hispanic visitors very soon.

If this country issues that order in todays time, you can bet your ass they have good reason.

Also, when the sleeper cell you just welcomed in kills you, your kids & your dog, die knowing that some of us were smart and will fight them. Once we blow them away, we'll sell your house and bank the profits. RIP goobs. :killingme


Highlander's MPD
Well I view far left liberals as the devil and wonder why in God's name they are in our country, and I have to wonder if I wouldn't turn them all over to the authorities for extermination if mandated to by law. :jet:

I totally agree!