What would you do?

What would you do?

  • Turn them in ASAP

    Votes: 26 40.6%
  • Not turn them in but not take them in

    Votes: 24 37.5%
  • Take them in and hide them

    Votes: 14 21.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
You have entirely missed the point of the question I posed. It wasn't a question of "what is" it was a question of "what if". If you don't feel compelled to answer a hypothetical question, then don't. :shrug:

I did answer your question. I said it wouldn't happen. You gave responses only to make it seem as this government would do something corrupt or bad. You didn't give the option of the honorable out for a person to choose. Had you, your poll would be mute. If you don't like my answer, ignore it. :smack:


b*tch rocket
I did answer your question. I said it wouldn't happen. You gave responses only to make it seem as this government would do something corrupt or bad. You didn't give the option of the honorable out for a person to choose. Had you, your poll would be mute. If you don't like my answer, ignore it. :smack:

The question I posed had absolutely nothing to do with what the government would or wouldn't do, the intent of the question was to find out what you, as an individual, would do in that circumstance. If it makes it easier for you to swallow, you can pretend the country in question isn't the United States. Make up a country, it doesn't matter.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up

...sounds all deep and thoughtful and like this really cool battle cry especially when you don't put it in context.

Britain went to war twice to keep Germany from being dominant in Europe. In the process, they prevented Germany from being dominant...and made Russia dominant and lost their empire and Europe learned what suffering really was.

Britain made themselves a second class global citizen by being noble fools. This after spreading concepts of civilization through their empire that brought most of the world out of the dark and into the light of decent civilization. Britain stood by for 50 years and watched Poland suffer far more at the hands of the Soviet Union after having chosen to go to war in 1939 over a "Polish" city that WAS German for 100's of years before Versailles.

The US stayed out of both wars until it was advantageous to us, other than actually being attacked by Japan, and we became #1 in the world. When Berlin was blockaded, we did not go to war. When Czechoslovakia was taken, we did not go to war. When Hungary fell to the Bear, we did not go to war.

Instead, presidents from Truman to Eisenhower to Reagan kept us out of wars that were not in OUR national interests and succeed anyway by being Americans; minding our business, seeking advantage, growing our economy which grew our national prestige, influence and standing.

They made us greater by peace through strength. If we ran off to help every little nation picked on by some bully, we would suffer the same fate as Britain. We might feel like we're really noble as we sit around, as Britain does, toasting lost glory; winning the wars and losing everything else.

Is it a bad thing for Czechs and Hungarians and East Germany? Yeah. Tough world sometimes. It would be worse to lose ourselves AND those we meant to help by over extending ourselves, sticking our nose in places we may win the fight but have no idea how to conduct a peace afterwards. Like Afghanistan and Iraq.

We seem to think that everyone out there that suffers is, somehow, an American if only we run to their rescue and help them set up shop. You don't do that, help freedom take root, at the end of a gun barrel. There are some, mant fights, well worth not getting into that we may 'win' in the long run by sticking to our principles.

Why is it so easy to see evil in Hitler yet completely ignore the evil that replaced him and what was lost in the process? Is Communist China better than Imperial Japan?

I ask you do gooders and righters of wrongs to not question your impulses to do good, that is a good and noble thing, but I ask you to question the results, to coldly calculate the balance sheet. Is it better to try and do a good thing and risk losing all by getting into the wrong fight at the wrong time, or to perhaps it is better to win through our real strengths, freedom and liberty working their magic over time?

If we fall through folly and arrogance and foolish decisions, as Britain has done, who, indeed would be left to speak up?


No Longer the Kid
Sorry guys, it was wrong when we did it to the Japanese, and it would be wrong to do to Muslims. And there are millions upon millions of Muslims who have done no wrong, you cant categorize them on the actions of the evil ones.

You dont round up a religion, or an ethnicity.

Why not, we do it to dogs :shrug:

Rotts and Pitts mostly :mad:
1. Because the United States Government doesn't have the authority to make me do anything I choose not to do. They can't "make" me turn in any person.

2. There is a separation between church and state clearly in our constitution, so there would be no way for our government to order the "round up" of a particular religious sect.

3. The whole idea that "government" is this idiological being, rather than what it is, a group of diverse legislators, is idiotic.

Really? Maybe not, but they can sure put your butt in the slammer if you don't pay taxes, child support or turn in someone you know has commited a crime.