What would you do?

What would you do?

  • Turn them in ASAP

    Votes: 26 40.6%
  • Not turn them in but not take them in

    Votes: 24 37.5%
  • Take them in and hide them

    Votes: 14 21.9%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?

...let 'em in in a heart beat. Anyone has the balls to walk up to my door and yell over the Slayer, ask for help, not trip on the beer bottles and knows how to load a shotgun is an American and is my friend.

There was a Muslim kid on TV right after 9/11 on PBS in a round table and the other kids were typical American idiots, totally substituting feelings for thought and this Muslim kid was like "Look, freedom isn't free. We have responsibilities, all of us, to see to our rights, all of our rights, and we Muslims have a special obligation to speak up against Islamic fundamentalism and let our fellow Americans know that this is BS, just like whites speak out against the Klan and just like blacks speak out against race hustlers."

There are plenty of Muslim Americans who are just that; Americans.



...let 'em in in a heart beat. Anyone has the balls to walk up to my door and yell over the Slayer, ask for help, not trip on the beer bottles and knows how to load a shotgun is an American and is my friend.

There was a Muslim kid on TV right after 9/11 on PBS in a round table and the other kids were typical American idiots, totally substituting feelings for thought and this Muslim kid was like "Look, freedom isn't free. We have responsibilities, all of us, to see to our rights, all of our rights, and we Muslims have a special obligation to speak up against Islamic fundamentalism and let our fellow Americans know that this is BS, just like whites speak out against the Klan and just like blacks speak out against race hustlers."

There are plenty of Muslim Americans who are just that; Americans.


Unfortunately.. many here and in american society are too stupid
to know what " America, Americans" means not to mention
what it stands for.


Who would run the 7-11s and be accountable for da spoon straws? Didn't our country do that with the Japanese back in WWII? Our Goverment would never do anything like that in this day and age. Too many liberals and lawyers. As I saw on a bumper sticker "Only a Liberal can turn a Terrorist into a Victim." How true that is. I say keep all those bastares in Guantanamo Bay for eternity.

I do not hate all Muslims but I am not afraid to say I will be looking at each of them a little carefully for a while until they are no longer a threat. If you don't, you may be ignoring something that can potentionally save other American lives.

You are as dumb as you sound, aren't you.

dont be jealous that 7/11 employees or owners make more than you
and actually pay taxs



if something like this was to happen. the Muslims WIN.

the irony..

after we take out the muslims.

i say we take out all the white trash that makes less than 20K a year.
then we take out the negros
then the jews


Unfortunately.. many here and in american society are too stupid
to know what " America, Americans" means not to mention
what it stands for.

I know what it means to be American, I know that it means to fight for MY country. I know that it means to not let terrorists take it over, and if we get soft and lazy it will happen. I am American, and had I not had so many medical issues I would have been in the Air Force and I would have been fighting for YOUR freedom! Now to stand there and tell me I'm wrong in believing these people would take over our country if given half the chance I think is UN-American of YOU!


WDF. So worth the wait.

if something like this was to happen. the Muslims WIN.

the irony..

after we take out the muslims.

i say we take out all the white trash that makes less than 20K a year.
then we take out the negros
then the jews
You have convinced me to change my mind. I now believe that anyone who cannot compose a complete sentence should be rounded up and imprisoned for life.

Punctuate or pay the price!!!!


I know what it means to be American, I know that it means to fight for MY country. I know that it means to not let terrorists take it over, and if we get soft and lazy it will happen. I am American, and had I not had so many medical issues I would have been in the Air Force and I would have been fighting for YOUR freedom! Now to stand there and tell me I'm wrong in believing these people would take over our country if given half the chance I think is UN-American of YOU!

what kind of BS are you spewing?? whats with all this
should of would of could ofbull?? Please save your sorry excuses for
someone that cares.

All these medical issues.. who paid for them?? im sure MY taxs did.

I say we round out all the LEECHS that sucks up disability and social
security before retirement age.

if YOU are a REAL AMERICAN really LOVE your country. You wouldn't
let things like THIS Happen.
**** im sorry.. you are more american than George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson and all the founding fathers..***

pardon me.

People like you are the ones the Constitution is protecting MY America



You have convinced me to change my mind. I now believe that anyone who cannot compose a complete sentence should be rounded up and imprisoned for life.

Punctuate or pay the price!!!!

Another internet spell checker/grammar police.

Want some cheese with that whine??

Take the chicken wings out your mouth, and we'll talk.


what kind of BS are you spewing?? whats with all this
should of would of could ofbull?? Please save your sorry excuses for
someone that cares.

All these medical issues.. who paid for them?? im sure MY taxs did.

I say we round out all the LEECHS that sucks up disability and social
security before retirement age.

if YOU are a REAL AMERICAN really LOVE your country. You wouldn't
let things like THIS Happen.
**** im sorry.. you are more american than George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson and all the founding fathers..***

pardon me.

People like you are the ones the Constitution is protecting MY America


You bite my ass! My husband works a very good job and YES maybe your taxes did pay for all my medical expenses since HE works for the government!!!! He earned every penny of it. So you quit spewing you're bullshiat! You're nothing but a peeon!!


PREMO Member
Say if the United States Government decided to start rounding up Muslims in this country and it was mandatory to turn them over. What would you do if you were approached by a Muslim family and asked if they could hole up in your house and hide?

Do they do yard work like the Mexican"s


WDF. So worth the wait.
Another internet spell checker/grammar police.

Want some cheese with that whine??

Take the chicken wings out your mouth, and we'll talk.
You did a much better job on that, but next time no comma after the word mouth.


Obama destroyed America
Not when they were already in bed with the Japanese.:otter:
Tell me Buddy, when did the Germans attack us?? :tap:

Tell me Buddy, when did the Italians attack us?? :tap:

C'mon CG. I almost added to my last post that stool or anhoyingboy would chime in with links to obscure blogs about pro-American muslims. I'm a lil surprised it was you. Muslim sites built by muslims for muslims??? How long was the Google search? 30k+ sites in .002 seconds?? You're smarter than that aren't you??? Ever read the koran?? What's it going to take? Do they have to blow you up? Your family? Your nieces, nephews? Jebus effing christ, they're blowing each other up!!

The Japenese are smart. Look how they prospered over the last 60 years. Same goes for the Germans.

What do the muslims have to offer??? :hint: NOTHING!!!!

Well maybe how to blow up a disco with a child, or how to saw off the head of a live conscience human in under 30 seconds. They certainly have excelled at that huh? :ohwell:
Last edited:


Highlander's MPD
You are as dumb as you sound, aren't you.

dont be jealous that 7/11 employees or owners make more than you
and actually pay taxs

No, I just have an opinion and I'm not afraid to tell you what it is. Here's another one. You're an azz and I think you need to STFU! Oh, and I definitely make quite a bit more than 7-11 employees. I don't know what store owners make. If they are in the six figures, you may be right.

Oh, I thought I'd correct your grammar and spelling.

You are as dumb as you sound, aren't you?

Don't be jealous that 7/11 employees or owners make more than you
and actually pay taxes.

Just curious, are you as dumb as you sound, SoulFood?
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Highlander's MPD
I know what it means to be American, I know that it means to fight for MY country. I know that it means to not let terrorists take it over, and if we get soft and lazy it will happen. I am American, and had I not had so many medical issues I would have been in the Air Force and I would have been fighting for YOUR freedom! Now to stand there and tell me I'm wrong in believing these people would take over our country if given half the chance I think is UN-American of YOU!

I'm with you on this one Mouse. SoleFood is nuts. Ignore this loser.


I bowl overhand
Yes. Well, sort of.

My kid is reading the Diary of Ann Frank and she made the comment that she was glad she lived in a day and age where what happened to her and her family could never happen. It just made me think, are we really at that point in our evolution?

This was my mini survey on human instinct and behavior. We really aren't above eliminating an entire segment of our society if given enough power to do so.

So my answer to her is that we do not live in a society where we've moved beyond killing people en masse for their religious affiliations, race, or gender vs their individual actions.

The next question I would pose, is that necessarily a bad thing? Is it ever something that will ever be overcome, and should it be overcome, or is it a necessary part of our DNA and human survival?

There's a flaw in your research.. What did the Jewish do to GErmany? there were a LOT of bad perceptions spread by Hitler and his minions.. blaming them for the bad economy, calling them money changers.. etc.. etc..

BUT in the end they never attacked Germany, they never caused the death of 3000 innocent Germans that were minding their own business. What the Germans did was pure hatred, and purely genocidal. This is Racism.

In the case of the Japanese in WWII and Muslims today, they have attacked us, they have killed many of us. To put it into perspective, how many died on 09/11 and how many on 12/7?

Now we can't say all Muslims are evil, but unlike Germany we CAN say all the people that have attacked us, and killed our citizens WERE Muslim. This is NOT racism, and we can't be blamed for how we look at Muslims. Muslims need to blame their own for any extra vigilance we have towards them.. but they don't.

BIG difference.


Well-Known Member
C'mon Cowgirl. I almost added to my last post that stool or anhoyingboy would chime in with links to obscure blogs about pro-American muslims. I'm a lil surprised it was you. Muslim sites built by muslims for muslims??? How long was the Google search? 30k+ sites in .002 seconds?? You're smarter than that aren't you??? Ever read the koran?? What's it going to take? Do they have to blow you up? Your family? Your nieces, nephews? Jebus effing christ, they're blowing each other up!!

The Japenese are smart. Look how they prospered over the last 60 years. Same goes for the Germans.

What do the muslims have to offer??? :hint: NOTHING!!!!

Well maybe how to blow up a disco with a child, or how to saw off the head of a live conscience human in under 30 seconds. They certainly have excelled at that huh? :ohwell:

You know what? My 5 second Google search proved you wrong. There ARE muslims who don't agree with terrorism, but you don't want to hear it. Sites built by muslims for muslims? They were speaking out against terrorism. What, did you want the sites to be built by Americans for muslims? :rolleyes:

You just refuse to believe that not all muslims agree with terrorism. :hardheaded: I've met muslims, and guess what? They weren't terrorists. Christ, I even dated one, and he was far from a terrorist. But it's ok. Just continue to blindly hate.


Go back to Korea kim sung ping pong. Life is wonderful there. :yay:

Sure, after you fix your teeth and you take the dicq out your azz.
(feel free to spell check)

You are just another jealous, blame everyone else for your misery, loser.