I would not keep the money. I would turn it in.
That being said, I have had my purse stolen that contained my paycheck, credit cards, ID, checkbook, housekeys, and all the other items that are tossed inside. MAJOR PITA having to CX all of the above. This was also on a Friday afternoon.
I also left my wallet in a shopping cart at Harvest Market with $2,000.00 cash. Reason I had that kind of money was because my sister was about to go to Australia (sp?) for a long 6 week vacation and her bank screwed up and she couldn't get her cash. I had 4 neighbor kids with me and went to the bank and then store.
I didn't realize that it was missing until I got back to the Ranch Club where I lived at the time. I was EXTREMELY lucky that it was found by a bag boy collecting carts and he turned it into the store manager, EVERYTHING intact.
What comes around goes around.
Another lesson I learned as a young child... I picked flowers out of a neighbors yard for my Mom yard without asking permission. Upon presenting my mother with the flowers, she asked where I got them and I told her. She walked me back to said neighbor and made me go to the door by myself to return them and apologize.
A very big lesson indeed!

to my Mom. Some of you others should have had my mom to teach you a lesson in what is right and what is wrong.