Do you know?
***CONVERT TO ISLAM! Today's Devotional deals with the Fox News
reporter and cameraman who were forced to "convert" to Islam at gunpoint,
and the week of 9/11 will be a special series of Devotionals on Islam,
Israel, and the Middle East. Over the weekend, a new video was released
where al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, called on Americans to
convert to Islam. He said, "To the American people and the people of the
West in general ... God sent his Prophet Muhammad with guidance and the
religion of truth ... and sent him as a herald." An American al-Qaida
activist who also appeared in the video stated, "Christianity as a hollow
shell of a religion, whose followers cling to an empty faith and a false
conviction in their own salvation." Lest you think the question I pose in
the Devotional today is unrealistic, the day may be coming sooner than
anyone thinks when it could become one YOU might have to answer for real.
Would you renounce Jesus to save your life? Last weekend came the wonderful
news and answer to many prayers that Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and
his cameraman Olaf Wiig were released after being abducted at gunpoint two
weeks earlier while reporting from the Gaza Strip. One element of their
release that has not even been mentioned in all of their many post-release
interviews was the fact that just prior to being set free, both Centanni and
Wiig were forced at gunpoint to be video taped in Muslim robes and
converting to Islam (Video: ).
My question to you today is if you were put in the same position Centanni
and Wiig were, told with a gun pointed to your head to convert to Islam or
be killed, what would you do?
For the record, I spoke with numerous people at Fox News last week trying to
find out what faith, if any, Centanni and Wiig claimed to have and nobody
could tell me. Their personal faith is not the issue, only the fact they
were forced under the threat of death to "convert" to Islam. In the one
brief comment about their "conversion" after being released, Centanni
states, ""We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint. Don't get me wrong
here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good
things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had
the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on." So they both
clearly felt they would be killed if they did not do exactly what their
captors demanded they do.
Let me say right up front, I know most who are reading this will answer that
you would gladly die for your faith in Jesus. The fact is, unless you are
actually in a situation where a gun is being pointed to your head with the
threat of being killed, you may know what you HOPE your answer is, but
really don't know until that moment if you would actually die for your
faith. There are many good reasons you can name to do whatever is necessary
to stay alive. Your family needs you, God will understand, all very valid.
It still goes back to the question, if you were forced to renounce Christ
and embrace a false god to stay alive, would you?