What's a 'hen' in here?


wandering aimlessly
Kain99 said:
FYI: One of the StarTrek movies mentions the KobayashiMaru, a training scenario for hopeful captains. There's no way to succeed; no matter what you do, you're destined to lose. Starfleet used it as a test of character, to see how people handle no-win situations. :lmao:
Captain Kirk succeeded. He reprogrammed the test so he could win.
vraiblonde said:
You MADE it into an issue with other people. You MADE this.

Kizzy: You all hate me don't you? You talk about me behind my back, don't you? Don't you???

Hens: No. Nobody hates you and nobody is talking about you.

Kizzy: YES YOU ARE!! I know you are!! You're saying all kinds of things about me! Admit it! ADMIT IT!!!

Hens: :confused:

Kizzy: Don't give me that! You're ALL talking about me!!! You ALL have a problem with me!!! Admit it, damn it! ADMIT that you've been talking about me!!!

Hens: Ummm...

Kizzy: My sources say you are talking about me and you all have a problem with me! My SOURCES say that! NOW! Why can't you just ADMIT it??? ADMIT that I'm living rent free in your heads!!! ADMIT it, damn it!

Hens: Well, if it makes you feel better, we're talking about you now.

Kizzy: I KNEW IT!! Let me in your forum so I can defend myself! I KNEW you were talking about me behind my back!!! YOU'RE ALL PARANOID!!!

:killingme :twitch:

Having been exactly where Kizzy's shoes now rest, there's a good reason for that kind of mentality.
I know it's hard to relate to how she feels, Vrai, because you've probably not been in that position before. I'm sure that a lot of people have trouble understanding when they haven't been there.
When you meet forum members IRL and you develop a certain fondness for them, it's tough to suddenly find yourself on the "outs" with people you care about. Minor misunderstandings develop into bad feelings, grudges, etc. You try to communicate with them, but it's difficult because people aren't always candid about their feelings. They either say that there are no issues with you, or they simply say they don't care about the problem, or you for that matter.
From there, you want desperately to reestablish those friendships, but the more you try, the more you come off as seeming desperate, clingy, or paranoid. Then, when many others join in, you feel backed into a corner. I've said it before; there are few emotions worse than finding yourself on the outside looking in at a group of people you genuinely like. You try harder, they back away further, and it only makes you feel worse.
Like I said, I've been there and I know how it feels. It's hard to describe or understand unless you've been there yourself. People who genuinely CARE are a breed unique unto themselves. They (like I) are told they're "too sensitive" or "paranoid".
However, there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. This world needs all kinds. Highly sensitive people tend to be more observant, more attuned to their surroundings, and more in touch with their feelings and those of others.
But when you ARE a bit sensitive, and you find yourself backed into a corner with a lot of people criticizing you, it really sucks.
And, I may be wrong, but that's just my take on the whole thing. I think the other "goofies" concur.

The above statements aren't intended to defend or offend, and they're not aimed at anyone in particular. I just wanna make sure that no feels as though I'm "taking sides" in any way, and especially because I have friends on both sides of this fence. I'm only relating what I've gone through from my own personal experiences.
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