whats up with???


New Member
BS Gal said:
But why do you think the CCSD has not released a statement or at least backed this guy up?
Because the investigation is probably not complete. It would be irresponsible for them to release half information or partial information just to satisfy the public. This is a guys livelyhood. If he was wrong, he will be punished, if he was right, he has a right to a fair investigation!

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
Because the investigation is probably not complete. It would be irresponsible for them to release half information or partial information just to satisfy the public. This is a guys livelyhood. If he was wrong, he will be punished, if he was right, he has a right to a fair investigation!

You truly are a douche.


Look my ass glows!
smcop said:
Well I would like to wait to see the investigation complete like some other people have said here before I pass judgement! I want to have all the facts. Then if the officer did something wrong he should be punished. But people here want to punish him just because he shot a dog? Some people have suggested that he hit the dog to get him off of him. I read the post from the poor girl who said it so elegantly...I am glad that the officer wasn't disfigured by this dog. I feel HORRIBLE for the dog and it's owners, but the dog is an animal and the police officer is a person.
Okay now I'm really gettin confused :jameo: -you're telling me "some folks" say the officer hit the dog-then shot it (to put it out of it's misery?) or shot it because it attacked him after he hit it. And BTW what did the officer hit the dog with-his foot, his gun, a baton,???


Fubar said:
Okay now I'm really gettin confused :jameo: -you're telling me "some folks" say the officer hit the dog-then shot it (to put it out of it's misery?) or shot it because it attacked him after he hit it. And BTW what did the officer hit the dog with-his foot, his gun, a baton,???

Some people suggested that he could have hit the dog instead of shooting it and killing it.


New Member
Fubar said:
Okay now I'm really gettin confused :jameo: -you're telling me "some folks" say the officer hit the dog-then shot it (to put it out of it's misery?) or shot it because it attacked him after he hit it. And BTW what did the officer hit the dog with-his foot, his gun, a baton,???
I didn't say anything of the sort? Re-read my post.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Seems to me like that pig didn't use escalation of force properly. I hope the family sues the #### out of the department and the pig responsible.


Look my ass glows!
smcop said:
I didn't say anything of the sort? Re-read my post.
I never said you did-calm down......I was questioning what has been posted throughout this thread.

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
You hope that all the time! But you never have the ba!!s to do something yourself! Remeber crying about a girl being beaten up? You say that happened, but were you man enough to do something? NO. Sit down and shut up you sissy!

Take your walkie-talkie and call the janitor, there's a mess on the floor by Sarku.


Richard Cranium said:
Douches have scents?

Does that make sense?

Um...that's a whole 'nother thread, right? :woody:

Last I checked they do..:lol:


Well-Known Member
OK -- When the son arrived home and found the dog lying in his pool of blood still hanging on the a breath of life, the officer's blazer was still in the driveway, as the son rushed up to get the dog, the officer was no where to be found, when the son left to take the dog to the vet, the father arrived at the house roughly 15 minutes later and conveniently the officer had then called for an ambulance. when the father arrived, there was an ambulance and animal control there.

My speculation would be -- the officer did not expect anyone to arrive at the house at the time, when the son arrived the officer was like ut-o I need to do something now, and he did, he called in that the dog attacked him -- why didnt the officer walk up to the son when he arrived at the house? oh wait, maybe he was trying to cut himself!


Active Member
dawn said:
OK -- When the son arrived home and found the dog lying in his pool of blood still hanging on the a breath of life, the officer's blazer was still in the driveway, as the son rushed up to get the dog, the officer was no where to be found, when the son left to take the dog to the vet, the father arrived at the house roughly 15 minutes later and conveniently the officer had then called for an ambulance. when the father arrived, there was an ambulance and animal control there.

My speculation would be -- the officer did not expect anyone to arrive at the house at the time, when the son arrived the officer was like ut-o I need to do something now, and he did, he called in that the dog attacked him -- why didnt the officer walk up to the son when he arrived at the house? oh wait, maybe he was trying to cut himself!

That sounds like a good theory to me.

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
Can't you come up with something more original? You always resort to that? Even a person of your limited intellect should be able to come up with a better come back then that by now!

I think that's the first time I've pulled the walkie-talkie line and mallcop deal. How many times are you going to tell me that the fries and McChickens are done? I'm guessing you're not done insinuating that I work at McDonalds, but tell me....what's it feel like to know that you're the ##### of someone who works at McDonalds?