When Did Bush...


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by darkriver4362
Trust me, I am not THAT bad.

That was only one of the things he screwed up....Nuceeler is not a word.

No "Nuceeler" is a vernacular. Standing before a bunch of people with no script and answering questions is not an easy thing. He should have stucked with the more staged press conference since he does obviously get rattled a lot (which makes him look ignorant and confused), but he is trying to show he has nothing to hide, I believe, and coming out straight (much to the disgrunt of those of us who wish he would try and protect his image a little better, so we don't have Kerry in office).

You? Not that bad? You crumble under meager attacks from a dejected sternite. Try stepping up to a platform in front of cameras, your peers, and the world and not feel uneasy dealing with hard subjects. This is no way to belittle you, Darky, but please sniff a bit of reality. I know 18 year olds have solved all the worlds problems and understand the motivations of people much better than their elders, but please try and understand us tiny, un-experienced, elders' sides a bit. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Can someone coherent PLEASE tell me what Bush said? Or do I have to wait to read it on Drudge tomorrow?
Wait..... Read it on Drudge.. Then come back and apologize to Kain. It really was that bad. :frown:


Football addict
Originally posted by vraiblonde
After some of the dorky things you've said, I don't know as I'd be busting on Bush if I were you.

Remember that he is the President of the United States. The leader of the free world. Darky just works at Wendy's. He does'nt have to look or sound or even be intelligent if he does'nt want to.

We should hold the President of the United States to a high level of intelligence. Now dont you all go and get ####y about this because im bashing your man. Everyone fails at one time or another.:wink:
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This Space for Rent
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Can someone coherent PLEASE tell me what Bush said? Or do I have to wait to read it on Drudge tomorrow?

1) We must stay the road in Iraq or our soldiers died for naught.
2) He will provide whatever resources the General there wants.
3) He will not apologize for any responsibility in preventing 9/11 despite reporters trying to pressure him to admit fault. I want to choke Steffanopolis on ABC for saying after that he needs to admit his fault. How can you admit fault when you have none? A lot of other reporters were taking this angle good old Steffafrigginnopolis did.
4) He pointed to several places we have made great strides on the war in terror.
5) He talked a lot about the handover to Iraq's own government and that we would stay as long as necessary to provide equipment to, train, and make secure the Iraqi's new military to protect themselves.

Those are some of the highlights.


Originally posted by FromTexas
5) He talked a lot about the handover to Iraq's own government and that we would stay as long as necessary to provide equipment to, train, and make secure the Iraqi's new military to protect themselves.

Those are some of the highlights.
Yep, but he said June 30 Was the drop dead cut off date.

We suck.... Everyone knows it but us. :frown:


Standing before a bunch of people with no script and answering questions is not an easy thing.

Clinton did it.

but he is trying to show he has nothing to hide, I believe, and coming out straight

I don't think he has anything to hide, either.

You? Not that bad? You crumble under meager attacks from a dejected sternite.

I have to do paperwork at home, 4 hours, every night, for my job, I do not have the time or energy, after 8 hours on a construction site, to argue with a sternite over something retarded. That is also why most of my posts are short. I have 45 pages of blueprints on my desk RIGHT NOW memorizing *or attempting to* details so I won't be slowed down tommorow...thanks.

This is no way to belittle you, Darky, but please sniff a bit of reality.

Are you sure?

I know 18 year olds have solved all the worlds problems and understand the motivations of people much better than their elders, but please try and understand us tiny, un-experienced, elders' sides a bit.

I have listened to and respected everyone's opinion on here, and I do not claim to solve the worlds problems, nor do I care to attempt.

I just found it funny to mis-name and then not correct one of the highest ranking officials in the administration.



Originally posted by BuddyLee
Remember that he is the President of the United States. The leader of the free world. Darky just works at Wendy's. He does'nt have to look or sound or even be intelligent if he does'nt want to.

We should hold the President of the United States to a high level of intelligence. Now dont you all go and get ####y about this because im bashing your man. Everyone fails at one time or another.:wink:

:clap: :clap:

P.S.....I USED to work at Wendys.......:wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by FromTexas
1) We must stay the road in Iraq or our soldiers died for naught.
2) He will provide whatever resources the General there wants.
3) He will not apologize for any responsibility in preventing 9/11 despite reporters trying to pressure him to admit fault. I want to choke Steffanopolis on ABC for saying after that he needs to admit his fault. How can you admit fault when you have none? A lot of other reporters were taking this angle good old Steffafrigginnopolis did.
4) He pointed to several places we have made great strides on the war in terror.
5) He talked a lot about the handover to Iraq's own government and that we would stay as long as necessary to provide equipment to, train, and make secure the Iraqi's new military to protect themselves.

Those are some of the highlights.
Help me. What part of that am I supposed to be upset about?


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by darkriver4362
Clinton did it.

Are you sure?

First the are you sure part -- Of course not. Baiting you means I will get much lovin's in chit chat later tonight. :wink:

Clinton did it is an excellent point. Clinton was the master of image. He wasn't called Slick Willy by even his own party for nothing. Which brings a question -- would you rather have a president who can charm everyone into believing he has all the answers but sways in the wind without any real substance, or would you have a president who is uncomfortable in the medias glare when winging it but is solidly based in his beliefs, has a definite direction (whether you agree with it or not), and has substance to his vision?


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Help me. What part of that am I supposed to be upset about?

I think Kain is mostly disturbed by his obvious discomfort up there. A lot of interjections, pauses, stuttering, and such. It makes him look like an idiot to a lot of people who think politicians should be as good at making a speech as Hollywood actors do it on film.


Originally posted by FromTexas
First the are you sure part -- Of course not. Baiting you means I will get much lovin's in chit chat later tonight. :wink:

Clinton did it is an excellent point. Clinton was the master of image. He wasn't called Slick Willy by even his own party for nothing. Which brings a question -- would you rather have a president who can charm everyone into believing he has all the answers but sways in the wind without any real substance, or would you have a president who is uncomfortable in the medias glare when winging it but is solidly based in his beliefs, has a definite direction (whether you agree with it or not), and has substance to his vision?

I just think that if Bush would calm himself down, he would be able to talk to these people. I truely believe he is not lying, but when he studders around like that...and trips over words trying to answer...it would make the doubters even more sure that he is lying about something.

Do you think he has to be calmed down before these Q&A things?:confused:

Clinton did seem like he enjoyed being on camera and answering questions.....I don't know about the first Bush because I really wasn't interested in that stuff when I was 10:wink:


This Space for Rent
Probably. Actually, quite a few presidents have spent their time avoiding the spotlight more. It just happens that with the internet and media age, its become more of a focus for people.

I actually show a wonderful show on liars the other day. Liars actually tend to be more direct, look you in the eye, and put on a big positive front. They looked back at various public speeches, as part of it. One of the things was Nixon's speech -- he was very upset about having fingers pointed at him. It was direct and to the point while staring down the people as if to defy him. The whole time, the clue was his white knuckling of the podium (according to the experts on body language).

Clinton did the same, as we all saw. Very direct and to the point. Staring you down as if to defy you questioning him.

Liars tend to try and overcome lieing by doing the opposite completely of what people expect. They do it to an excessive fault -- such as never breaking eye contact at all (which is normal), hollywooding (using excessive gesture), and such.

Now, its completely possible Bush could be lieing (if you believe that sort of thing), but if he was, I would expect it to be more staged, less on the cuff, and very direct. I think his nervousness increases because he knows it looks bad, but I admire him for not hiding and coming out and giving it the best he can. It may cost him political points and I do not think its the smartest move of his staff allowing it. His advisers should protect the image better. Yet, I think he full well knows the cost and just wants people to see it for what it is.

Years from now, history could prove I am completely duped. If so, I will accept that. However, I really do not think I will be proved wrong in my belief of his sincerity.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by darkriver4362
Clinton did seem like he enjoyed being on camera and answering questions.....
That's because he was a first-class liar and could do it in his sleep.

Bush IS hit-or-miss on the public speaking thing. But he's going out there, being fed to the partisan wolves, lied about, slandered, his cabinet is harrassed and targeted with death threats - I'd have gone out there are told them all to eff themselves. Bush deserves credit for not losing his temper with these freaks.


I bet if this wasn't an election year, he would have been a lot tougher with the reporters. "Sir, could you sit the F down with that stupid ass question" :lol:

But anyways......I think that was one of his better press conferences....Come on, I know a few of ya'll chuckled.

I still can picture Howard Dean choking someone until they die then be like YEAAARGGH:cool:


Football addict
I still remember one of his very first speeches as president. He did a few studders but was mostly good about it. The funny thing was that he was down at his ranch and they had a window in the background and a fly seemed to always hover around his head. :roflmao:


Football season!
Originally posted by FromTexas
Which brings a question -- would you rather have a president who can charm everyone into believing he has all the answers but sways in the wind without any real substance, or would you have a president who is uncomfortable in the medias glare when winging it but is solidly based in his beliefs, has a definite direction (whether you agree with it or not), and has substance to his vision?

Is it such a stretch to ask for BOTH from the leader of the most powerful country in the world?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Is it such a stretch to ask for BOTH from the leader of the most powerful country in the world?

Sure, why not? By the way, I like my ice boiling hot.

You can't, because being ungrounded in your beliefs and being sure of yourself are opposites. Unless you meant the 'charming' part to be all by itself, along with the self-assured part. We HAD that, in Reagan, but people hated him anyway.

I don't know what everyone else saw. I for one was damned proud of him. I've seen him be unimpressive on "Meet the Press" where he was just facing Tim Russert, where he seemed to just repeat the same tired phrases.

This time, he had a few moments where I said "amen!" to the screen. When he mentioned that our credibility rests on keeping our word to the Iraqis, you bet I said amen. When he answered those reporters determined to get him to admit failure and mistakes, I was glad he didn't wring his hands and tell them what they wanted to hang him with. When he said that the world knows now, when he says something, he means it - I said "you better believe it" - UNlike Kerry, for whom even his supporters admit says what he thinks people want to hear.

He touched upon his philosophy - that America carries a burden to support freedom everywhere. And it's clear for once, he believes it. See, talking about freedom is bullsh*t to people who don't REALLY believe in the United States, to people who honestly do NOT feel terribly patriotic. When you're a cynic, the world is a farce, and true believers are really just liars.

And he has a good point - that the best way to end terrorism is to spread freedom. The Middle East holds vast wealth in the hands of a very few, while the mass of the population live in squalor. A Middle East that is free and democratic and educated and well-fed has no need to create terrorists - developed nations don't breed terrorism, as a general rule. I'd never heard him talk much about it before.

And one other thing - I do believe he believes in what he is doing strongly enough to risk losing his job over it. He does believe that when he presents his case to the American people, they'll vote for him. But if they don't, he'll still keep at what he's doing.


Football season!
Originally posted by SamSpade
Sure, why not? By the way, I like my ice boiling hot.

Amazing how low we set the standards for our president.

Especially after all the ridicule clinton received, you would think the republicans would try to do a little better.