When did your little one


They call me ... Sarcasmo
How old is yours?
Ours is 3 1/2 mos and 5 hrs is his max right now. I can't remember how long it took with our first, but I want to say it was after we started giving him cereal in a bottle before bed. 4-5 months maybe?


Loving My Life...
First son was two weeks old, the second was 6 weeks.

For real... I mean sleep straight through, no bottle...

S will be a 1yr at the end of the month and she has Never slept through the night without waking up for a feeding


New Member
With 4 kids I can't even remember. :lol: I think J was the worst he had night terrors for a long time. But I think the others slept through the night early on.

*Plenty of play time during the day.
*Try to stick with the same routine.
*Warm bath before bed.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting myself :yawn: 1107 days and counting...............

I can't lie, there have been times when she slept all night. Few and far between. She's not a sleeper, apparently. The good news is, she's not cranky when she wakes up, she just wants to play.


New Member
5 months and still waiting. Most is 6 hours...10pm -4 am. Teething now too so he's slobbering more than the mastiff and wakes up trying stuff his blanket in his mouth.


pretty black roses
When the oldest was about 2 months is when she slept through the night. The youngest...I can't remember.