When did your little one


My Sweetest Boy
Sometimes M wakes up in the middle of the night, but I ignore her and she talks herself to sleep eventually. When I was nursing her, she'd wake up starving between 4 and 5am (I miss that :frown:), but now she pretty much sleeps from 8pm until 7am. I don't even see her awake until I get home from work at night. :bawl:

I'm so relieved you didn't turn into a kook. :clap:


Sweet and Innocent
Sometimes M wakes up in the middle of the night, but I ignore her and she talks herself to sleep eventually. When I was nursing her, she'd wake up starving between 4 and 5am (I miss that :frown:), but now she pretty much sleeps from 8pm until 7am. I don't even see her awake until I get home from work at night. :bawl:


My kids sleep from 8 pm to 8 am. My oldest is 4 yrs old and he wakes me up by turning the vibration on the alarm clock that shakes the whole bed. Smart little guy! :killingme


I'm at a loss too. My son turned a year old 3 weeks ago. He has a night here & there where he'll sleep through but he's gotten used to us picking him up just to get some rest. He did sleep from 9pm to 3:45am last night though! Progress? I hope! He then ended up in bed with us since we're both exhausted. I know it's not the best thing to do & I do try to put him back in his bed. Sometimes I'm successful, other times he sits up crying & reaching for me when he was asleep on my shoulder seconds before. At first he was getting up to eat but I think we've gotten past that now that he's on regular foods. He is however cutting some molars so I guess we'll see how he does once they finally break through. I think his problem is he wakes up with belly pains, seems to be gassy when he wakes in the middle of the night. I'm trying milicon right before bed no matter what & then if that doesn't work we may try switching from regular milk to soy.


Well-Known Member

:yeahthat: I have friends (a few) with toddlers who do not sleep thru the night and sleep in bed with them. Nope. I have never let my kids sleep in my bed. I have a friend with a 6 year old who has never slept in her own bed. I also know a husband and wife who cannot sleep in the same bed because the wife lets their kids (2 or 3 of them) sleep in the bed. Nope. Not me.


:yeahthat: I have friends (a few) with toddlers who do not sleep thru the night and sleep in bed with them. Nope. I have never let my kids sleep in my bed. I have a friend with a 6 year old who has never slept in her own bed. I also know a husband and wife who cannot sleep in the same bed because the wife lets their kids (2 or 3 of them) sleep in the bed. Nope. Not me.

I don't agree with kids being in our bed either. & I don't want it to continue or get worse. He does start out in his own bed, only come to ours in the early morning, not for the whole night. I know that probably doesn't make much difference but sometimes I just need SLEEP!

Hi T:howdy:, long time no see.....


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with kids being in our bed either. & I don't want it to continue or get worse. He does start out in his own bed, only come to ours in the early morning, not for the whole night. I know that probably doesn't make much difference but sometimes I just need SLEEP!

Hi T:howdy:, long time no see.....

Hi whoever you are. There are nights when my kiddies ask to sleep in my bed. I scare they'll wake the other two up. But no, I do not let them in my bed. Eventually they'll stop whining and go to sleep.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
:yeahthat: I have friends (a few) with toddlers who do not sleep thru the night and sleep in bed with them. Nope. I have never let my kids sleep in my bed. I have a friend with a 6 year old who has never slept in her own bed. I also know a husband and wife who cannot sleep in the same bed because the wife lets their kids (2 or 3 of them) sleep in the bed. Nope. Not me.

Good friends of ours have that problem with their 4-year-old. The dad told us, "The only parenting advice I will ever give you is this: Do not ever let her sleep in your bed because she will never go back to her own." I know enough people with kid-in-parents'-bed syndrome to know that that is advice I will take to heart. And I know I'm just getting started and have been extremely lucky so far, but I hope we can always stick to that rule. Two fat cats and a big, furry C_Jo are enough bodies sharing my bed!


pretty black roses
:yeahthat: I have friends (a few) with toddlers who do not sleep thru the night and sleep in bed with them. Nope. I have never let my kids sleep in my bed. I have a friend with a 6 year old who has never slept in her own bed. I also know a husband and wife who cannot sleep in the same bed because the wife lets their kids (2 or 3 of them) sleep in the bed. Nope. Not me.

I am guilty of my two sleeping in bed with me but there are also two dogs and one cat that will sleep in bed with us too :lmao: I don't have anyone else sleeping in my bed so I don't see the harm.


Well-Known Member
I am guilty of my two sleeping in bed with me but there are also two dogs and one cat that will sleep in bed with us too :lmao: I don't have anyone else sleeping in my bed so I don't see the harm.

Do you always plan to stay celibate? Ever want to re-marry?


I am guilty of my two sleeping in bed with me but there are also two dogs and one cat that will sleep in bed with us too :lmao: I don't have anyone else sleeping in my bed so I don't see the harm.

2 cats sleep in the bed most of the time as well, but they stay for the most part at the foot of the bed. Like I said I know it's not a good thing to start & for the most part he's in his own bed but his room shares a wall with his sister's & I would hate to have her woken up too.