When did your little one


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I guess I should clarify. It's not that horrible in pain cry every night. But it seems he's waking up because he has a gas pain & the only thing to calm him down until he passes gas is to be held & sometimes that (being held) doesn't really help much. He's been on whole milk for a few weeks now & I'm thinking maybe he needs soy for his tummy. He was on the gentlease formula before but that was milk based. I also am attributing some of the fussiness to him cutting teeth, you just don't know until they get old enough so they can tell you!

Go to the natural food store in L'town (old post office next to the new hotel) and get some "Gripe Water" you can also get "Little Tummies Gripe Water" from CVS, Rite Aid etc., follow the directions on the bottle.


Go to the natural food store in L'town (old post office next to the new hotel) and get some "Gripe Water" you can also get "Little Tummies Gripe Water" from CVS, Rite Aid etc., follow the directions on the bottle.

hmmm, never heard of that.


Back in the saddle

With my oldest he didn't sleep though the night until he was almost a year. Doc told us to let him cry. He did not need to get up and eat in the middle of the night any more. He was getting enough druing the day. It was just routine for him to get up. After 3 days we were all sleeping through the night. But this does not work for every child. Some children don't give up as easy and end up making themselves sick in the process of crying. You will have to figure out what works best for you.

Youngest has been sleeping though the night since she was 9 weeks. When she does wake at night I do not go to her, I listen, most times she is playing but will put herself back to sleep. This too has come to a stop the older she has gotten. Sometimes she wakes up in a cry I still just listen, if she continues I will go to her but I do not pick her up. I do the shhh shhh thing and rub her back.

It will be trial and error for you but with everyone offering different ideas, hopefully you'll find something that works.