Where are all the young professionals?

tiny tim

New Member
I've lived in St. Mary's County for a year now and I can't figure out where all of the other young professionals are. Does everyone move up to DC on the weekends? I'm a mid 20s engineer and I've found it's very hard to make friends down here. Anyone else in the same boat?

did you never hear the engineering joke what explains it? haha!?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I'm with Catt, except I don't act in a professional manner. I don't want to have to live up to expectations.


New Member
Welcome, I used to be of the engineering type around that area but I moved due to the development of technology in another area. Now, I drink beer and fart all day. But get paid for it.
There really are only about a handful of intellectuals on the boards that you would want to meet for some sort of discussion. Most of the women are somewhat loose... So, you'll probably get lucky if nothing else.
Remaining in D.C is probably your best bet and if nothing else moving to another area may work out for you as well.
Your Pal

Wow Fishn That was lovely! Do you get lucky when you are farting?


lol @ Waldorf comment

Go to DC or Bmore. I used to get out alot when I was in my younger 20's. I'm 27 I can't deal with cocky people at bars. It's amazing how people ramble on about nothing because they "know" something.


I'm a young pro. This site is actually a good way to meet people.