Where does a man go to meet women


professional daydreamer
BuddyLee said:
We can improve?

No, you can't. You've been responding to women the same way for millions of years. Nothing we say will ever change that.


elaine said:
Ya' know, I have to ask myself....what kind of man can't find a decent woman to hang out with? Makes ya' wonder what's wrong with the man.
:duel: You act like there are alot of decent women..
And if you wonder what's wrong with the man.
It's he has faced the reality that most women are blood sucking,
Soul stealing, Money grubbing. Ho ho's.
At what age dose there MoMa's say marry a doctor or a lawyer.
Oh Honey he's not good enough for you..

Our Daddy's tell us to marry a woman like our Mother. :angel:

So what is wrong with this picture.

Flat out there are alot more decent guys than there are decent women.


professional daydreamer
gumbo said:
:duel: You act like there are alot of decent women..
And if you wonder what's wrong with the man.
It's he has faced the reality that most women are blood sucking,
Soul stealing, Money grubbing. Ho ho's.
At what age dose there MoMa's say marry a doctor or a lawyer.
Oh Honey he's not good enough for you..

Our Daddy's tell us to marry a woman like our Mother. :angel:

So what is wrong with this picture.

Flat out there are alot more decent guys than there are decent women.

Yes, dear.



I bowl overhand
BernieP said:
Fairly new to the area. A co-worked pointed out this site and thought I would put the quesiton here. Where does a man go to meet women in these parts?
Oh, and please don't say "Great Mills Road". I've read the local paper/
I've found ladies rooms are FULL of em.. if you can get past the screaming and hollerin.. how handy someone thought of putting them allin the same room for us!!


itsbob said:
I've found ladies rooms are FULL of em.. if you can get past the screaming and hollerin.. how handy someone thought of putting them allin the same room for us!!
:yeahthat: MAN YOU CRACK ME UP :notworthy


CageKicker Extraordinaire
gumbo said:
Flat out there are alot more decent guys than there are decent women.

I wouldn't say all that. I know just as many screwed up guys as I do women, they just tend to be screwed up in different ways.

Elaine, I never said I just stay at home. I spend a LOT of time working on projects, but I get off my butt and go out and have fun too.

I'm still with Pete on this one. There aren't a lot of decent women that aren't attached. And it doesn't make it any easier when most of your friends are married, in long term relationships or even more of a workaholic than you are.

I've never been good with people to begin with, and I honestly can't stand most people my age. They're dumb, immature kids that live at home with mommy and daddy with nothing to worry about. Having to work to pay pills while you're in high school because you got kicked out, makes you grow up pretty quick. The distance between me, and most of those in my age group gets farther by the day.

The above are just some of the reasons I find it hard. It doesn't mean I give up and stay home all the time, but I'm getting a bit frustrated.


New Member

I'm still with Pete on this one. There aren't a lot of decent women that aren't attached. And it doesn't make it any easier when most of your friends are married, in long term relationships or even more of a workaholic than you are.


:yeahthat: It goes both ways.
I have had some very bad relationships that started out being absolutly wonderful. I have tried dating, and staying single, i have been engaged three times and each one proved itself REALLY BAD. Now that I am nearing 30( in about 6 months or so) I find myself with only married friends, and not interested in meeting people the same old way, i.e. in bars. You would think that I would be more willing to settle, which I am not. So, the search goes on.........

I soooo understand how frustrating it is to go in to a bar and wait for this or that guy whom you know off the bat you will not find interesting in a day or a week to come hit on you. I have been single for about two months now, and I can't bring myself yet to go out and start over. I have made a conscientious decision to look for people who specifically share my interests or who are at least open to the possibility that there is more to life than getting drunk every night and occasionally screwing. blah :twitch: :duh:


Stubborn and opinionated
I see a lot of people that are married that are still hunting for something better, men and women alike. It's not hard to understand why so many people choose to stay single in light of this.

Marriage shouldn't be treated as something that will tide you over until the next best thing comes along. Commitment is not a hard thing to keep if you keep your mind on it and not let anyone else inside your head. Some people are way too quick to give in to temptation only to realize how badly they have screwed up after the fact.

There are plenty of good people out there in lots of different places. You'll never find them if you go looking for them,though. Let them find you.


Football season!
Wickedwrench said:
I see a lot of people that are married that are still hunting for something better, men and women alike. It's not hard to understand why so many people choose to stay single in light of this.

Marriage shouldn't be treated as something that will tide you over until the next best thing comes along. Commitment is not a hard thing to keep if you keep your mind on it and not let anyone else inside your head. Some people are way too quick to give in to temptation only to realize how badly they have screwed up after the fact.

There are plenty of good people out there in lots of different places. You'll never find them if you go looking for them,though. Let them find you.


Swinging on Vines
Where can I get a mail order husband...
Do they have those? I'd prefer an island man, with a BIG....
And Bernie- the Brass Rail is an extension of "Great Mills Rd" (that you read about.)

HollowSoul said:
you would be better getting a mail order bride then try to find something worth while here....at least there you get what you pay for


Go Braves!
Looky what is on the SOMD community event's calendar!

Event: SMD Singles Monthly Dinner
Location: Captain's Table in Solomons, MD
Time: 6 PM Duration: 02:00
Author: SMDSingles Social
Event Description:

Come join us for our monthly singles dinner at Captain's Table in Solomons. We are a group of southern md professionals that gets together for social gatherings. Our age range from mid 20's to late 40's. Please RSVP in advance via email at swalways@yahoo.com.

To learn more about the group, please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SMDSinglesSocial/


Cleopatra Jones
gumbo said:
:duel: You act like there are alot of decent women..
And if you wonder what's wrong with the man.
It's he has faced the reality that most women are blood sucking,
Soul stealing, Money grubbing. Ho ho's.
At what age dose there MoMa's say marry a doctor or a lawyer.
Oh Honey he's not good enough for you..

Our Daddy's tell us to marry a woman like our Mother. :angel:

So what is wrong with this picture.

Flat out there are alot more decent guys than there are decent women.

I'll have you know that my father was the one that told me to marry rich so that I could take care of him. When I settled down with a poor arse fire fighter he told me "Honey, you were my only hope for an early retirement. You have the brains and the looks and you blew it. You should have listened to me instead of your damn hormones." Of course it was a joke but my mom is the one with the soft spot and my daddy the one that still wants me to marry rich.