Where does one go?


Dream Stealer
on the persons post, at the bottom right of it, theres an edit button, a quote button and then two others, the third one is the multiquote button, click that one, it'll highlight red, and when youre done clicking all the ones you want to reply to then click reply.

and i do know what u mean by that, lots of drugs and babies for all the young people. :yay:

:smack: thats not what i meant! :lol: Im a one woman, one man kinda sluu uhhh i mean woman!

oh man. Is it really that easy? I was trying to figure out if there was some secret code I was missing..:killingme thanks for telling me!


My first meeting with people from here was with Kelb and DN90210, and now Kelb is one of my best friends :yay: the second time we all met out at a bar for a band :yay:
Then you met me, we had a daughter and you married someone else :cds:


New Member
:howdy: I'm new to the area! I'd love to meet up for a gals outting! Sounds like alot of fun!!! Keep me updated!
I'll send you a pm if you would like to come out with me, the hubby and some friends for coffee night :yay: Its just a couple of us, but its a good time to come out and meet some people :buddies:


just a country girl
I'll send you a pm if you would like to come out with me, the hubby and some friends for coffee night :yay: Its just a couple of us, but its a good time to come out and meet some people :buddies:
That sounds like fun! It's kinda hard to get out there and meet new people around here :lol: I think maybe I'm just a little too southern for southern Md :lol: