Where the anti smoke zealotry really...

Smokers, do you wish you did not smoke cigarettes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 36.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...comes from; Smokers.

Time to stand and be counted, smokers. Would you prefer that you did not smoke, but make one excuse after another to not quit? I'm trying to boil this all down, cut through all the issues, all the pro's and con's, the laws, the cost, the pesonal rights, and get down to bedrock, yes or no on smoking if you could snap your fingers. That means no urge, no missing of the habit, no more of the habitual ritual, nothing, just straightforward yes or no;

My point, my theory, is that this is not an issue people are going to march on, not going to man the barricades. Secretly or not, most smokers are glad they are slowly being forced to quit.


New Member
...comes from; Smokers.

Time to stand and be counted, smokers. Would you prefer that you did not smoke, but make one excuse after another to not quit? I'm trying to boil this all down, cut through all the issues, all the pro's and con's, the laws, the cost, the pesonal rights, and get down to bedrock, yes or no on smoking if you could snap your fingers. That means no urge, no missing of the habit, no more of the habitual ritual, nothing, just straightforward yes or no;

My point, my theory, is that this is not an issue people are going to march on, not going to man the barricades. Secretly or not, most smokers are glad they are slowly being forced to quit.

I don't know about you guys but I enjoyed smoking. I quit because I don't want my kids inhaling that stuff. Have no regrets, I can still light one with friends on certain occasions but never really crave for it except for the two first weeks of quitting.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I quit...

I don't know about you guys but I enjoyed smoking. I quit because I don't want my kids inhaling that stuff. Have no regrets, I can still light one with friends on certain occasions but never really crave for it except for the two first weeks of quitting.

...because I stopped enjoying it. I remember the pleasures readily but the trade off between how it made me feel was no longer worth it.

I'm all for bars and restaurants allowing smoking as they see fit. I get totally bent when they won't allow cigars.

Point is that smokers themselves, besides you and I and one other I know for sure, want to quit but keep finding reasons not to.

My poll is scientific PROOF of my theory. :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I don't want to quit, I enjoy the relaxing effect it has upon me and those around me appreciate the fact that I haven't quit. I tried to quit before for reasons not my own and ended up being asked to start again. :biggrin:


Lem Putt
You know - I have noticed that the most aggresively vocal anti-smoking fascists are ex-smokers.

I went through that for the first few years after I quit. I believe it is because seeing or smelling smokers reminds us of our own addiction to nicotine and the weakness that made it difficult to stop. It also reminds us of the ugliness like stained fingers and teeth and the smell.

Now I can just ignore smoking. If I don't want to smell it, I don't go to places that allow it. Easy.


Watch it
You know - I have noticed that the most aggresively vocal anti-smoking fascists are ex-smokers.

My cousin was a hard core smoker for years. Had a kid, quit, and now she acts like she never was one and gets all angry at smokers. I don't get it.


I wish I had never started, but I'm not going to quit. I enjoy it and I'm addicted (hardcore)

O'Malley pisses me off. I hate him.


Lobster Land
I voted no because I still enjoy it; however, with all the negativity associated with it nowadays I'm being forced to only partake within the confines of my home, auto and in outside spaces not occupied by others. I repect the wishes of others and the laws, for the most part, so there are times when quitting would be a choice. My landlord told me no smoking in here when I moved in and I tried to abide to his wishes, but in actual fact I've been smoking in here for 8 years now and he is very much aware of it. I guess he is willing to put up with me having 1 fault (in his eyes) while otherwise I'm the best renter he could possibly have. Should I quit, probably, will I, nope, unless of course I have to spend the rest of my life in a hospital where I can't purchase them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
...take it up with your fellow filter breathers. Polls don't lie. Ever.

They don't, maybe if you made it a public poll so the numbers couldn't be salted in one way or another by knowing who cast the votes.


New Member
Yeah, I'm sure that's it - we secretly support having our rights taken away because it's for our own good.

Vrai, most all your posts refer to "your" rights. What about "my" right not to have to smell/breathe it? It isn't banned. You have plenty of places to smoke.

Ok, this post belonged in the other thread but I'm as sick of hearing about her rights as she is hearing about my rights.

Smokers are the minority and they're losing. :yahoo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

They don't, maybe if you made it a public poll so the numbers couldn't be salted in one way or another by knowing who cast the votes.

...a total cop out. Then the argument would be people shaded their vote BECAUSE it was public.

Fact is, we vote in private in this country because that is the ONLY way the voter is alone with their conscience.

Anecdotally, we all know that most smokers complain about smoking because they intuitively and by experience know that smoking is bad for their health. There are very few of you who say "I like smoking and don't wanna stop".

If anything, I am surprised that there aren't more saying they want to quit but I am willing to accept the votes as they are. One thing for sure, there ain't a whole lot of people saying 'I gotta start smoking some day..."


Larry Gude

Strung Out
It should NOT...

Vrai, most all your posts refer to "your" rights. What about "my" right not to have to smell/breathe it? It isn't banned. You have plenty of places to smoke.

Ok, this post belonged in the other thread but I'm as sick of hearing about her rights as she is hearing about my rights.

Smokers are the minority and they're losing. :yahoo:

...be banned in bars, for crying out loud.

What next? No swimming in pools???


your opinion.

Again, why can't I go have a drink without breathing it and coming home smelling like a chimney?

Why can't smokers have their own bar? If it's owned by a smoker and publicizes that it caters to smokers, that should be allowed, and people offended/bothered by smoke will steer clear.

O'Malley (####faced turd) won't even let the private clubs allow smoking.


New Member
Why can't smokers have their own bar? If it's owned by a smoker and publicizes that it caters to smokers, that should be allowed, and people offended/bothered by smoke will steer clear.

O'Malley (####faced turd) won't even let the private clubs allow smoking.

thats becasue it would be unfair to the bar accross the street, AND all the bars would turn into clubs to allow smoking just to avoid the law.

I will be happy when noone can smoke in the bars. It will be nice to not have to leave with a headache everytime i go out.