Where the anti smoke zealotry really...

Smokers, do you wish you did not smoke cigarettes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 36.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Why can't smokers have their own bar? If it's owned by a smoker and publicizes that it caters to smokers, that should be allowed, and people offended/bothered by smoke will steer clear.

O'Malley (####faced turd) won't even let the private clubs allow smoking.
I agree with you on this one. :yay:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
thats becasue it would be unfair to the bar accross the street, AND all the bars would turn into clubs to allow smoking just to avoid the law.

I will be happy when noone can smoke in the bars. It will be nice to not have to leave with a headache everytime i go out.

How is it UNFAIR to allow a choice?

Explain the logic in that.


thats becasue it would be unfair to the bar accross the street, AND all the bars would turn into clubs to allow smoking just to avoid the law.

I will be happy when noone can smoke in the bars. It will be nice to not have to leave with a headache everytime i go out.

SO, you are saying that bars would lose business because people enjoy smoking/drinking?

Other people are saying business will increase when we smokers no longer frequent bars/restaurants.

I believe in segregation. The non-smokers want a place to party/relax, and so do the smokers.

What's so difficult about that?

Birds of a feather flock together.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
... Birds of a feather flock together.

Anti-Smokers aren't regular birds, they're Seagulls.

They're entire existence is defined by constant sqauking and ####ing all over anything others enjoy.
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Lem Putt
Non-Smokers aren't regular birds, they're Seagulls.

They're entire existence is defined by constant sqauking and ####ing all over anything others enjoy.

Don't go lumping the anti-smokers in with the non-smokers. Most of us are realistic about the issue and don't like the nanny state dictating this crap. It's a vocal few who get all whiney over it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Don't go lumping the anti-smokers in with the non-smokers. Most of us are realistic about the issue and don't like the nanny state dictating this crap. It's a vocal few who get all whiney over it.

You are correct. :fixed:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
...a total cop out. Then the argument would be people shaded their vote BECAUSE it was public.

Fact is, we vote in private in this country because that is the ONLY way the voter is alone with their conscience.

Anecdotally, we all know that most smokers complain about smoking because they intuitively and by experience know that smoking is bad for their health. There are very few of you who say "I like smoking and don't wanna stop".

If anything, I am surprised that there aren't more saying they want to quit but I am willing to accept the votes as they are. One thing for sure, there ain't a whole lot of people saying 'I gotta start smoking some day..."

But how do you know only smokers voted? You do have to show a voter registration card to vote don't you?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How is it UNFAIR to allow a choice?

Explain the logic in that.

Zealots are completely self-absorbed and cannot see another side to the argument. They think they are being reasonable, when in fact they are being cranks.

Arguing with them is pointless. We might as well try to convince Mohammad Suicide Bomber that Allah really doesn't have 72 virgins waiting for them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The unadulterated fact is that any restaurant in the US can go non-smoking anytime they want.

And the other unadulterated fact is that many of them DON'T go non-smoking without government intrusion.

So, if non-smokers were such an economic boon, wouldn't more bars and restaurants go non-smoking to pick up that clientele?

Of course they would.


New Member
I think that smoking in public should be the restaurants choice..I have alot of friends that bartend in the Waldorf/La Plata area at places like Bennigans(which used to be standing room only in the bar until they passed the non smoking law) and Green Turtle, they said their tips have dropped significantly because smokers do not go to those places anymore. Also, the bartenders that are working at places like Gilligans and Goodtimes where you can smoke, have gotten an increase in tips due to the fact you can smoke there. I don't know if that is 100% true but, that is what they claim.

I am a smoker, have been smoking since 13 and am now 23. I feel like shiat in the mornings and have the bronchitis smokers cough during the winter/spring months, but really I enjoy smoking. I just hate those mornings when you are at a bar and get in the shower and the stinch of nasty stale cigs come off of my body and hair. I don't like the smell of smoke on clothes, but I love the smell when someone lights up in front of me! I don't know, I have no desire to quit, if I wanted to quit, I would have already.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Zealots are completely self-absorbed and cannot see another side to the argument. They think they are being reasonable, when in fact they are being cranks.

Arguing with them is pointless. We might as well try to convince Mohammad Suicide Bomber that Allah really doesn't have 72 virgins waiting for them.

I wonder if any of the Anti's know they have 72 cartons of non-filtered Camels waiting on them?
Anti-Smokers aren't regular birds, they're Seagulls.

They're entire existence is defined by constant sqauking and ####ing all over anything others enjoy.


I used to smoke a pack or so a day. Then I quit. Then I decided I would have one a day. Then I decided to smoke whenever I felt like it. It started to become more like whenever the urge became too strong so I cut back to 2-3 per day. I wish I didn't smoke, but not bad enough to actually quit.


SO, you are saying that bars would lose business because people enjoy smoking/drinking?

Other people are saying business will increase when we smokers no longer frequent bars/restaurants.

I believe in segregation. The non-smokers want a place to party/relax, and so do the smokers.

What's so difficult about that?

Birds of a feather flock together.
Segregation? What an originial idea. Both races greatly benefited from this idea, and were better off for it. As you said, Birds of a feather ,flock together.


New Member
Good post!

Everyone here who voted that they enjoy smoking should just keep lighting up. Heck, I think you should smoke twice as much just to prove to all those who don't like smelling you that you are living the dream and enjoying your freedom. America needs people like you.. There just aren't enough jobs available at NASA for everyone......

I mean who's dumb enough to believe the warnings ont he side of cigarette packages anyways right? I'm sure cancer and all the other deadly diseases attributed to smoking only happen to people no one actually knows....


New Member
Segregation? What an originial idea. Both races greatly benefited from this idea, and were better off for it. As you said, Birds of a feather ,flock together.

Segregation's an excellent idea. Perhaps we can ship off all our smokers to countries like China or France...... Great idea!


Everyone here who voted that they enjoy smoking should just keep lighting up. Heck, I think you should smoke twice as much just to prove to all those who don't like smelling you that you are living the dream and enjoying your freedom. America needs people like you.. There just aren't enough jobs available at NASA for everyone......

What a charming person.

I'll bet that you're incredible fun at parties.

In person, when someone tries to engage you in conversation, do you normally just sneer at them until they leave, or do you verbally tell them to #### off?


In My Opinion
What a charming person.

I'll bet that you're incredible fun at parties.

In person, when someone tries to engage you in conversation, do you normally just sneer at them until they leave, or do you verbally tell them to #### off?
I bet he has onion pits and is just upset because everybody shuns his stinky butt.
this is only his way of retaliating against others.