Where the anti smoke zealotry really...

Smokers, do you wish you did not smoke cigarettes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 36.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
...is the underlying problem. There were NONE. When I was a kid, airplanes, CLOTHING stores, all restaurants, GROCERY stores, anywhere and everywhere allowed smoking. McDonalds had little tin ashtrays.

There were non smoking areas in restaurants. My grandmother always asked strangers to not smoke near here.

So, the problem, motivation for there to be non smoking places; impose it or encourage it?

We've chosen imposition. We've used a chainsaw instead of a scalpel.
Thanks Larry. I come from a large family (6 siblings). All except for me and 1 sister smoked at one time or another. Both parents did.

95% of my friends do or did. I've been to forum gatherings where smokers are the majority. I won't stop associating with these good folks. I like them.

I wish there were good, nonsmoking restaurants around.

Lets have a hypothetical here. Lets say there was a GREAT place that EVERYONE loved and the owner made it nonsmoking.

Would smokers complain they can't go there because they can't smoke or would they wait the hour or so it takes them to enjoy their meal? Same scenario for a bar. Their right to smoke is infringed upon and they can't enjoy the nice place I can. I've been told go somewhere else, now they have to. Shoe on other foot.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Thanks Larry. I come from a large family (6 siblings). All except for me and 1 sister smoked at one time or another. Both parents did.

95% of my friends do or did. I've been to forum gatherings where smokers are the majority. I won't stop associating with these good folks. I like them.

I wish there were good, nonsmoking restaurants around.

Lets have a hypothetical here. Lets say there was a GREAT place that EVERYONE loved and the owner made it nonsmoking.

Would smokers complain they can't go there because they can't smoke or would they wait the hour or so it takes them to enjoy their meal? Same scenario for a bar. Their right to smoke is infringed upon and they can't enjoy the nice place I can. I've been told go somewhere else, now they have to. Shoe on other foot.

Disagreement here on the key point... The Smokers might complain about not being able to smoke there but they'd not be found passing legislation FORCING it to be a smoking establishment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, NOW I have entered the twilight zone.

You're right, Larry.

You're right, Mike.

There are NO non-smoking restaurants. Not a single one. And if there WERE non-smoking restaurants, they'd all suck. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE DECENT NON-SMOKING RESTAURANT. Not in St. Mary's, not in Frederick, not in all of Maryland. Possibly not in the whole world.

I stand completely and totally corrected and it's a good thing there's a smoking ban, or you all would have to smell secondhand smoke until you keeled over or starved to death, whichever came first.

I have been the unreasonable offensive one, and Mike has been completely mature and accommodating. Polite and sensitive, even, as he typically is.

And I'm out of this retarded "conversation".

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Okay, NOW I have entered the twilight zone.

You're right, Larry.

You're right, Mike.

There are NO non-smoking restaurants. Not a single one. And if there WERE non-smoking restaurants, they'd all suck. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE DECENT NON-SMOKING RESTAURANT. Not in St. Mary's, not in Frederick, not in all of Maryland. Possibly not in the whole world.

I stand completely and totally corrected and it's a good thing there's a smoking ban, or you all would have to smell secondhand smoke until you keeled over or starved to death, whichever came first.

I have been the unreasonable offensive one, and Mike has been completely mature and accommodating. Polite and sensitive, even, as he typically is.

And I'm out of this retarded "conversation".

...was that all about? He asked about non smoking restraunts back in the day. I don't remember any. There are more, way more places in Maryland now where you can at least smoke at the bar than totally smoke free and I don't know of one bar that won't allow smoking. Even stupid Bushwallers went back to smoking a few years ago.


Main Streeter
I enjoyed smoking too. I've started and stopped a few times over the years. The last time I quit was driven by the fact that I didn't want to set a bad example for my kids. I know that if I picked one cig and had a smoke, my next stop would be at the store to get more so I just stay away.


I stand completely and totally corrected and it's a good thing there's a smoking ban, or you all would have to smell secondhand smoke until you keeled over or starved to death, whichever came first.

I have been the unreasonable offensive one...

Well............... It's about time!

