Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
When did science prove God doesn't exist?

Back in the Roman times people believed that the Moon and the Sun were God. Science has proven this to be wrong.

Just like science will eventually prove that the current religious beliefs of man are wrong. As technology grows religion will change to claim God is responsible for whatever science has yet to explain.

Take scientolagy a lot of its beliefs are based on Aliens and how they planted life on earth. I think this will grow greatly as a religion. It will take a lot longer to disprove the beliefs of scientolagy than any other religion.

Granted scientolagy is just a made up religion that is relativly new. 500 years from now it may be looked at entirely differently.


Has confinement issues..
I just spoke to my very Catholic friend and we dicussed something called Vatican Law, from the Illuminata. She says that Wiccans go to Heaven because there are not X amount of slots in heaven and that as long as you are unaware of Jesus(meaning not Catholic) and that you have lived a good life, you're in.

This was directly from her Father down in the 7th.

I just thought that was worth tossing in there:lol: Basically, you are good for being good, but not nessecarliy Christian. Common sense indicates that if you do wrong, you go to Hell if you don't vindicate yourself before you die. Half the posts in this thread are hypocritical, hence you are a bad Catholics. Perhaps I'll see you when I get there.



I thought God's name was Jehovah, and his son's name was Jesus... and that in Christianity you're not supposed to worship or pray to Jesus, but to Jehovah; God. That's what I was taught as a child. Am I wrong?


I still believe, prior to the flood of DaVinci Code conspiracies, that the Bible is bollocks because it's derogatory to women in general and saying that Jesus was a white man(as portrayed by the church) is about as probable as saying that Eve was created from Adam's rib.

It's a nice story with some historical significance. The church is in the business of perpetuating itself, not your spirit. Period.

Why is it that people will so easily defend their faith in something that's just not possible? The Bible has some very good things in it. The Ten Commandments for instance, are a very simple set of rules that I believe everyone should try to live by. The rest, is misleading, convoluted crap. It's a book, with no awe inspiring power as far as I can tell. Wanna be awe-struck?? Bring a living thing in to this world by your own hand, look at the sky, admire the complexity of the human hand. That's powerful.




professional daydreamer
I thought God's name was Jehovah, and his son's name was Jesus... and that in Christianity you're not supposed to worship or pray to Jesus, but to Jehovah; God. That's what I was taught as a child. Am I wrong?

Jehovah is a modern version of the name of god. Same thing with Yahweh. It's a name, based on the four letters used in the bible. At some point, someone decided it wasn't proper to say his name, even though it had been spelled out in the bible. That's why when you read the bible it says "god" or "lord", instead of his name.

Some religions teach that you should pray "through" Mary or Jesus, others teach that you have a direct line of communication with god.

How to pray

How To Pray To God

god’s name

Jehovah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Names of God in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YHWH Tzevaot/Sabaoth
The name YHWH and the title Elohim frequently occur with the word tzevaot or sabaoth ("hosts" or "armies", Hebrew: צבאות) as YHWH Elohe Tzevaot ("YHWH God of Hosts"), Elohe Tzevaot ("God of Hosts"), Adonai YHWH Tzevaot ("Lord YHWH of Hosts") or, most frequently, YHWH Tzevaot ("YHWH of Hosts"). This name is traditionally transliterated in Latin as Sabaoth, a form that will be more familiar to many English readers, as it was used in the King James Version of the Bible.
This compound divine name occurs chiefly in the prophetic literature and does not appear at all in the Pentateuch, Joshua or Judges. The original meaning of tzevaot may be found in 1 Samuel 17:45, where it is interpreted as denoting "the God of the armies of Israel". The word, apart from this special use, always means armies or hosts of men, as, for example, in Exodus 6:26, 7:4, 12:41, while the singular is used to designate the heavenly host.
The Latin spelling Sabaoth combined with the large, golden vine motif over the door on the Herodian Temple (built by the Idumean Herod the Great) led to identification by Romans with the god Sabazius.

The name Sabaoth is also associated with a demi-god in the gnostic Nag Hammadi Text; he is the son of Yaltabaoth.
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New Member
Good because your ignorance is extraordinary. I don't recall a Catholic in this thread ever saying you were going to hell. Get the chip off your shoulder and go stand in the corner with itsbob. :buttkick:

They don't have to -say- it

they wrote it down in little pamphlets and one largish book.


It's really unfortunate to see you getting rude about this, but I'd like to explain my (Atheist) view of these things, since they seem to have gotten lost in the commotion a few times, understandably.

And yeah, let's talk about these people because they count!

Let's go back to cavemen.

Caveman Xaquin finds a woman and thinks she's beautiful, far more than that hag in the cave next door, ug ug this is beauty! From where this concept of beauty?

Caveman Xaquin finds that his beautiful woman gives him little peeps, ug ug peeps good! From where this concept of good?

Caveman Xaquin finds that he has these heart felt feelings for his woman and his peeps, ug ug this is love! From where this concept love?

Caveman Xaquin is sure that the sun is necessary for life, even though the retard in the cave next door says it's the moon, ug ug this is truth! From where this concept of truth?

Silly example I know but you get the point, yes? Truth, goodness, beauty, love - until someone can prove these things like this have evolved then mankind will continue to believe in a Higher Power.

Let's start with love: Oxytocin, plain and simple. Also known as the "Cuddle Hormone"

Beauty: Another part of evolution, from my perspective. Peacocks for example are attracted to the males with fuller plumes that have richer colors because it denotes health, strength, and therefore healthier children and hopefully the continuation of their species. This was actually an experiment followed out in a documentary recently aired on either the Discovery Channel or National Geographic, can't remember which. It was around the time they were doing studies on reverse evolution in chickens.

Good: A descriptor that the human race has established along with language. In the way you use it, it's good when children are born because it helps in the continuation of evolution.

Truth: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.* 1+1=2.

*truth definition | Dictionary.com


New Member
Can you ABSOLUTELY PROVE that EVERYthing in the Bible happened, without referring back to the bible? If not than by your logic you have no case, and the entire book is a sham, a fraud, and the biggest scam ever put upon humanity.

God forgive him..


New Member
God forgive him..


forgive him for disbelieving the flawed thing used by numerous people to persecute different people through the course of history because they don't adhere to rules doled out from an invisible god that won't talk to you or help you out in any way?




forgive him for disbelieving the flawed thing used by numerous people to persecute different people through the course of history because they don't adhere to rules doled out from an invisible god that won't talk to you or help you out in any way?



So few run-on sentences fail to irritate me. Thank you, Xaq.


Has confinement issues..
R, you're the second biggest phony on this forum... The first hasn't even shown her face in this thread.. Choke on a ball gag while fornicating you hypocrite. Quit hiding behind a religion to exonerate yourself for being a sleeze, a gossip, a liar, a fornicator an adulterer and a worshipper of false God's... According to Vatican Law, you're the one going to Hell because you are still shouting from the rooftops that you are golden and you are right. That's very un-Christian.

I don't even believe in YOUR Hell, and I'm not ignorant of the crap you're spewing. You sound to me like someone who has recently gone back to the church looking for something to hold on to. Knowing that you are happy to give yourself over to something and recieve nothing in return, it's not even surprising that you're here now, defending yourself.

At least one other person who knows you in this forum agrees with me that your posts here sound like Copy&Paste, because in person, you're a simpering idiot.

I'll happily stand in the opposite corner with Bob. He's a very smart man with a good heart.. I can only hope that he feels half as positively about me.


professional daydreamer
R, you're the second biggest phony on this forum... The first hasn't even shown her face in this thread.. Choke on a ball gag while fornicating you hypocrite. Quit hiding behind a religion to exonerate yourself for being a sleeze, a gossip, a liar, a fornicator an adulterer and a worshipper of false God's... According to Vatican Law, you're the one going to Hell because you are still shouting from the rooftops that you are golden and you are right. That's very un-Christian.

I don't even believe in YOUR Hell, and I'm not ignorant of the crap you're spewing. You sound to me like someone who has recently gone back to the church looking for something to hold on to. Knowing that you are happy to give yourself over to something and recieve nothing in return, it's not even surprising that you're here now, defending yourself.

At least one other person who knows you in this forum agrees with me that your posts here sound like Copy&Paste, because in person, you're a simpering idiot.

I'll happily stand in the opposite corner with Bob. He's a very smart man with a good heart.. I can only hope that he feels half as positively about me.

:lmao: Who are you berating?


New Member

If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off (1 Cor. 11:6)

As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches (1 Cor. 14:34)

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner (1 Peter 3:7)

etc. etc.