Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


So you agree that people lived into their 600's?? I don't care what you say about environment, living conditions.. NOT a chance. Your skin, let alone the rest of your organs, would not survive that long..

That's because we are borne from a different genetic pool, one more dilute than that which existed years and years ago. I already said that. It's entirely possible that the cells in a person's body of that era were more aptly equipped to regenerate. I'm not saying I absolutely believe it but I wouldn't doubt it.

That seems to be a rather essential component you are missing in this entire debate - moderation. One's beliefs are not binary values - they can be more than two polar opposites.

Noah fit two of EVERY animal on the Earth into a single ship? With food and fresh water, and an automated waste disposal system?

Who is to say that there were fewer species of animals back in that time period and that newer ones were not created by genetic mutation, cross-breeding, and so forth?

The earth is only 6000 years old?

Depending upon which translation you use, from my understanding, this can change. Some more modern translations indicate that the "seven days" spoken of in Genesis is not necessarily meant to be taken literally; it is an ambiguous unit of time. What if humans have only existed for 6000 years? It is widely accepted by scientists that humanity has only been in existence for a comparatively short time as opposed to the rest of the world.

And if both those are true, where are the bones of the BILLIONS of people that died in the flood? Where's the 'flood sedimentary level' at?

Dinosaurs and man walked the earth together?

I'll have to research those - I'll get back to you (no sarcasm).

And many MEN wrote the bible?? How many? Where's the list of names?

Does many = 1, >1.. >10?

More than ten. Although authorship is vague for about forty of the books the other ones scholars are fairly certain of, and some of the others they have definite implications as to who wrote what... Who were the authors of the books of the Bible?

And how many years AFTER most of the "facts" was it written? it definitely wasn't a diary or a journal. ANd what difference does it make if it was ONE person or 100 people that wrote a piece of fiction?

Since you mentioned Stephen King earlier, I take it you're a fan of fiction in general. I'm sure you're familiar with the fact taht continuity becomes harder and harder to maintain the more people are involved with a project... It's become easier thanks to better record keeping, but back in those days it was still fairly difficult, and the fact that multiple authors corroborated each other in addition to archeological finds is proof enough for me that there is at least something true in the Bible.

So you agree with me, we just have to determine where the line is between fact and fiction within the Bible.

If there is one. Like I keep saying there's no real way to prove many things either way so it's a personal decision. I might also add that Stephen King expressly states that his works are fictional, so the "line" is far easier to arrive at, making for a rather poor comparison between the Bible and a modern thriller novel.
Can you ABSOLUTELY PROVE that EVERYthing in the Bible happened, without referring back to the bible? If not than by your logic you have no case, and the entire book is a sham, a fraud, and the biggest scam ever put upon humanity.

No, I cannot. See above for my argument that refutes this - just because not EVERYTHING is one hundred percent verifiably true does not mean that everything contained therein is false, and yet you continue to shamelessly parade around proclaiming superiority as such. Assuming that somehow everybody thought in extreme terms such as you do, and you basically won this argument, I would still have zero respect for you because we live in polite society, the fabric of which is manners.

Anybody that calls somebody's deep personal beliefs a fairy tale and equates it to children's stories has no manners, period. I'm being kind of presumptuous here, but I'd like to see how many friends you'd have if you ran into a crowded church and told each and every person there that they are living a lie because you said so. How do you think that'd go over? I'm sure your atheist buddies would find it laughable, but that doesn't change the fact that it's downright wrong.

**EDIT: I need to re-address one of your points citing your use of 'my' logic. What you are stipulating is not my logic at all. My logic is that you cannot prove something unless you can provide sufficient evidence that beyond a doubt other possibilities are false. If you can tell me precisely where the Earth came from, then God doesn't exist. Unfortunately, we don't really know, so at this point anything's up in the air. You cannot prove that everything in the Bible is false, therefore the Bible itself is not fictional. You also cannot prove that everything in the Bible is true, so it's not infallibly true either. It's anybody's best guess. Once again, I implore you to stop contorting what others say to further your own sad point.
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Obama destroyed America

forgive him for disbelieving the flawed thing used by numerous people to persecute different people through the course of history because they don't adhere to rules doled out from an invisible god that won't talk to you or help you out in any way?

Holy crap (pardon the pun) I think this is the 2nd thing we agree on. :lmao:


Has confinement issues..

Are women so lacking in value that they are reduced to cattle and viewed as immoral, ignorant possessions?

Where's the equality of the sexes in the Bible? I'm not saying that men and women are exactly equal, but two equal parts of a whole. That is something absent from the Bible as far as I can tell.


New Member
I just spoke to my very Catholic friend and we dicussed something called Vatican Law, from the Illuminata. She says that Wiccans go to Heaven because there are not X amount of slots in heaven and that as long as you are unaware of Jesus(meaning not Catholic) and that you have lived a good life, you're in.

This was directly from her Father down in the 7th.

I just thought that was worth tossing in there:lol: Basically, you are good for being good, but not nessecarliy Christian. Common sense indicates that if you do wrong, you go to Hell if you don't vindicate yourself before you die. Half the posts in this thread are hypocritical, hence you are a bad Catholics. Perhaps I'll see you when I get there.


NOT DONE (sorry but not even close).
The bible doesn't say that at all.
John Chapter 3. Jesus says "....you MUST be born of the water and of the spirit to see the kingdom of God...."
Act 2:38 is the plan of salvation...(read it) as a matter of fact read the entire chapter...Check out who was there....(even Mary)
People don't want to believe that a loving God will send folks to HELL even if they are 'good' people. When you are a sinner (a person that falls short) short of what? His plan/his idea for our salvation...
Don't rely on what 'others' tell you, read it for yourself.
When God judges on judgment day he is going to judge us ALL by what is in the bible and if we followed the works of the Bible, NOT by what someone else told us what we need to do.
WE read ANY AND EVERYTHING else, take time out to read that.


New Member
I thought God's name was Jehovah, and his son's name was Jesus... and that in Christianity you're not supposed to worship or pray to Jesus, but to Jehovah; God. That's what I was taught as a child. Am I wrong?

Blue Letter Bible - Study Tools ...the meaning of Jehovah.
1 Timothy 3:16: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


so god created different types of human?

If you had read my earlier post, you would know what I'm talking about.

In the reproductive process, genetic mutations may occur. If the person who has those genetic mutations has offspring, who in turn mingle with the 'normal' population, the prevalence of the mutation will become more common in the general population and alter the status quo.

Example: let's say that humans lived 600 years, and then one person was born with some type of immunodeficiency. If they reproduced before they died, then their child or children would be affected as well. Over generations, it would be possible for this mutation to spread to the entire population, renducing the entire human population to having a comparatively short life span of 'just' 80 years or so.


New Member
If you had read my earlier post, you would know what I'm talking about.

In the reproductive process, genetic mutations may occur. If the person who has those genetic mutations has offspring, who in turn mingle with the 'normal' population, the prevalence of the mutation will become more common in the general population and alter the status quo.

Example: let's say that humans lived 600 years, and then one person was born with some type of immunodeficiency. If they reproduced before they died, then their child or children would be affected as well. Over generations, it would be possible for this mutation to spread to the entire population, renducing the entire human population to having a comparatively short life span of 'just' 80 years or so.

oh .... so humans evolved into humans that die quicker?

despite the fact that history shows us that human lifespan has been generally increasing?

edit: also, deficiencies tend not to get passed on as often ....
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I bowl overhand
Who is to say that there were fewer species of animals back in that time period and that newer ones were not created by genetic mutation, cross-breeding, and so forth?

Most people call that EVOLUTION.. don't be afraid to use a word just because your church frowns on it.

Although evolving MILLIONS of different animals over a 6000 year period, we should be able to sit at an aquarium and watch evolution in action over llunch. My Dempsey should be able to grow feet, lungs, walk out of the aquarium and kick my ass for not feeding him this morning if what you say is true. I mean you are suggesting a MUCH accelerated evolution than man has ever thought possible.

And BETTER genetics? Do you mean the ONLY genetics.. we all, after all come from the same parents, Adam and Eve, the same reproduction stock.

It's a wonder we're not all blithering idiots.


Obama destroyed America
If you had read my earlier post, you would know what I'm talking about.

In the reproductive process, genetic mutations may occur. If the person who has those genetic mutations has offspring, who in turn mingle with the 'normal' population, the prevalence of the mutation will become more common in the general population and alter the status quo.

Example: let's say that humans lived 600 years, and then one person was born with some type of immunodeficiency. If they reproduced before they died, then their child or children would be affected as well. Over generations, it would be possible for this mutation to spread to the entire population, renducing the entire human population to having a comparatively short life span of 'just' 80 years or so.
So every time we boink and reproduce, we knock some time off future generations lives and in some determinate amount of time, we will reproduce ourselves right out of existence. Gotcha! :yay:

Damn, religion is some deep chit!! :crazy:


professional daydreamer
oh .... so humans evolved into humans that die quicker?

despite the fact that history shows us that human lifespan has been generally increasing?

edit: also, deficiencies tend not to get passed on as often ....
Actually, I somewhat agree with Snake. Back in the day, when I wanted to believe what I read in the bible, I thought along the same lines.

Man was perfect when he was created, and the further removed from creation, the less perfect man became, losing longevity. Only with modern medicine has man been able to increase that longevity.


oh .... so humans evolved into humans that die quicker?

despite the fact that history shows us that human lifespan has been generally increasing?

*Recent history shows that human lifespan has been increasing, thanks very much.

And yes, that's entirely plausible. Extinction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote directly:
Indeed, virtually all animal and plant species that have lived on earth are now extinct,and extinction appears to be the ultimate fate of all species.

There are references to scientific journals there too if you don't believe me. Even if you believe in evolution it's widely acknowledged that our evolutionary ancestors were far more physically powerful than we are. "Oh, so humans evolved into weaker creatures?" It happens, good sir.


New Member
Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner (1 Peter 3:7)

etc. etc.
For you not believing in the bible you sure do know a lot. Good for you...:yay:
Ok back to by point...(i'm proud of you..seriously)
because of this..(after eating the fruit)
Genesis 3:16-Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.