Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
Never, but that's besides the point. I was asking because of the post:I've yet to see any proof from science that God does not exist, so I was asking (and never answered) when science proved God does not exist (that thing accepted "at face value" :rolleyes: what science "can prove otherwise")Can you show me a biblical reference for this, or a calculation that doesn't have "if we assume...." in it? If not, it's some person's personal belief, not that of any organized religion of which I'm aware.Well, we do today, so...... :shrug:Why is this an issue? If Adam's DNA was cloned, wouldn't he be the only one short a rib?I think it was a bit more than that for Adam through Noah, wasn't it?If one talked with you, wouldn't you listen?Except for fish on mountain tops, that kind of thing, you're rightNot what's written, what you interpretAgain, show me the evidence of animals, insects, birds, and banana trees all coming from the same single celled source (read: evolution)Sarcasm notwithstanding, you've got exactly zero more than religion does.



Chin Jiggla!
I tithed and got myself a "Premo"!!

I tithed and got myself a "Premo"!! This is WAYYYYY better than going to church and getting @#$%ed!!.


I bowl overhand
Except for fish on mountain tops, that kind of thing, you're right

A lot of :bs: in this post, but I think this is my favorite.

Fish on mountains?? This is proof of the great flood? Yet you can't find the bones of the BILLIONS of people that died in the same flood.. fish remains you can find, but not the BILLIONS of human skeletons? And this is your proof?? Brilliance..

Where, EXACTLLY did most mountains come from?

Not taking into account a few other ways fish could end up there, we'll just start there. What are mountains, exactly? How were they formed? Where did they come from?

Why do most mountains not stand alone but are apart of a 'line of mountains'?

What is that 'line' exactly?


Well-Known Member
A lot of :bs: in this post, but I think this is my favorite.

Fish on mountains?? This is proof of the great flood? Yet you can't find the bones of the BILLIONS of people that died in the same flood.. fish remains you can find, but not the BILLIONS of human skeletons? And this is your proof?? Brilliance..

Where, EXACTLLY did most mountains come from?

Not taking into account a few other ways fish could end up there, we'll just start there. What are mountains, exactly? How were they formed? Where did they come from?

Why do most mountains not stand alone but are apart of a 'line of mountains'?

What is that 'line' exactly?
Try looking here or here.

But, are you really suggesting that lack of fossil evidence is proof of people not existing? Because if you are, you've just PROVEN evolution a farce.

I noticed you missed a lot of other questions, though........


Well-Known Member
Try looking here or here.

But, are you really suggesting that lack of fossil evidence is proof of people not existing? Because if you are, you've just PROVEN evolution a farce.

I noticed you missed a lot of other questions, though........
I notice that whenever I post stuff like this it goes unanswered..... :lmao:


I bowl overhand
I notice that whenever I post stuff like this it goes unanswered..... :lmao:

The existence of a single village under the sea is the EVIDENCE of the flood that covered the ENTIRE world, and killed billions? You really believe this crap that you are providing as evidence? ONE village? Ok, you've accounted for the homes of a thousand people.. where's the evidence of the other 999,999,000??

And go to the museum every single one of them can provide proof of the existence of man and his ancestors back a few hundreds of thousands of years, but you hold up a single village under the sea as proof of the great flood?

Villages under the seas, fish atop mountains.. Study Geology.. I think you'll find your answers.


Well-Known Member
The existence of a single village under the sea is the EVIDENCE of the flood that covered the ENTIRE world, and killed billions? You really believe this crap that you are providing as evidence? ONE village? Ok, you've accounted for the homes of a thousand people.. where's the evidence of the other 999,999,000??

And go to the museum every single one of them can provide proof of the existence of man and his ancestors back a few hundreds of thousands of years, but you hold up a single village under the sea as proof of the great flood?

Villages under the seas, fish atop mountains.. Study Geology.. I think you'll find your answers.
Speaking of the evidence.... Where's the evidence of something pre-man that man came from, and the trail from that to man directly. Oh, and the trail from the sponge to the man, too.

After all, if all the evidence should be found by now for any thought/theory/belief, certainly that's all been found.

Speaking of geology, have you read this stuff about mega-floods? They tend to suggest a mega-flood occurring, with no evidence of the millions it must have killed still? How could science be so blind?

Here's another good discussion
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I bowl overhand
Speaking of the evidence.... Where's the evidence of something pre-man that man came from, and the trail from that to man directly. Oh, and the trail from the sponge to the man, too.

After all, if all the evidence should be found by now for any thought/theory/belief, certainly that's all been found.

Speaking of geology, have you read this stuff about mega-floods? They tend to suggest a mega-flood occurring, with no evidence of the millions it must have killed still? How could science be so blind?

Here's another good discussion

Now you are equating a megaflood in Idaho, where there is no evidence of man being there when it flooded 45,000 years, to a flood the covered the ENTIRE earth, where and when we know people existed "On the Earth!!"

So let me ask.. WHY should there be evidence of the death of a million people in a flood in Idaho 45,000 years ago, when we can't even prove the existence of TEN people in that area 45,000 years ago? (A Hint: I don't THINK Boise or Pocatello existed 45,000 years ago)


Well-Known Member
Now you are equating a megaflood in Idaho, where there is no evidence of man being there when it flooded 45,000 years, to a flood the covered the ENTIRE earth, where and when we know people existed "On the Earth!!"

So let me ask.. WHY should there be evidence of the death of a million people in a flood in Idaho 45,000 years ago, when we can't even prove the existence of TEN people in that area 45,000 years ago? (A Hint: I don't THINK Boise or Pocatello existed 45,000 years ago)
The point was the flood.

See, there's worldwide evidence of huge floods. Since biological material decomposes, there's rarely evidence of the animals (including humans) who've been killed there.

There's MORE than a little evidence of grand flooding in the middle east during "biblical times" of Noah's flooding. Did it cover the whole world, or the whole known world? My guess - at least the whole known world.

Or, are you denying ANY grand flood ever existed, even though virtually EVERY culture tells of the same story?

And, I'm still waiting on that fossil evidence of man from a sponge.


I bowl overhand
The point was the flood.

See, there's worldwide evidence of huge floods. Since biological material decomposes, there's rarely evidence of the animals (including humans) who've been killed there.

There's MORE than a little evidence of grand flooding in the middle east during "biblical times" of Noah's flooding. Did it cover the whole world, or the whole known world? My guess - at least the whole known world.

Or, are you denying ANY grand flood ever existed, even though virtually EVERY culture tells of the same story?

And, I'm still waiting on that fossil evidence of man from a sponge.

Ok. let me dumb this down for you..

Since the KNOWN world consisted of the tallest mountains IN the world, if the entire KNOWN world flooded, it would make sense the ENTIRE world flooded.. Unless you are admitting now that the Bible lies about the entire world flooding, that the writings didn't come from God, but stories told by man.

And what are the definitions of a GRAND flood. The one you provided a link too, no way now how encompassed an entire continent let alone what we know now as Idaho.. Of course the Ice Age could have been deemed a great flood. just with frozen water, not wet water, but then an ark wouldn't have done much good then would it?

Floods happen all the time, the surface of the earth changes all the time.. What was the bottom of an ocean a million years ago, is the top of a mountain today,.. A coastline a million years age maybe 100 miles inland, or 100 miles out in an ocean or a sea that didn't even exist a million years ago.. There is nothing static about the surface of the planet or any continent.


Well-Known Member
Ok. let me dumb this down for you..

Since the KNOWN world consisted of the tallest mountains IN the world, if the entire KNOWN world flooded, it would make sense the ENTIRE world flooded.. Unless you are admitting now that the Bible lies about the entire world flooding, that the writings didn't come from God, but stories told by man.

And what are the definitions of a GRAND flood. The one you provided a link too, no way now how encompassed an entire continent let alone what we know now as Idaho.. Of course the Ice Age could have been deemed a great flood. just with frozen water, not wet water, but then an ark wouldn't have done much good then would it?

Floods happen all the time, the surface of the earth changes all the time.. What was the bottom of an ocean a million years ago, is the top of a mountain today,.. A coastline a million years age maybe 100 miles inland, or 100 miles out in an ocean or a sea that didn't even exist a million years ago.. There is nothing static about the surface of the planet or any continent.
So, it is your contention the flood did not happen, is that correct? Not that Noah, specifically, is an untrue story, but that the flood story is untrue?

This was interesting reading on this subject.....

How are you coming on finding those fossils that prove man evolved (via several intermediary iterations) from a sponge?
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New Member
Now you are equating a megaflood in Idaho, where there is no evidence of man being there when it flooded 45,000 years, to a flood the covered the ENTIRE earth, where and when we know people existed "On the Earth!!"

So let me ask.. WHY should there be evidence of the death of a million people in a flood in Idaho 45,000 years ago, when we can't even prove the existence of TEN people in that area 45,000 years ago? (A Hint: I don't THINK Boise or Pocatello existed 45,000 years ago)

Who says it was a million people on earth at that time?:whistle:


New Member

It's funny when people make up 'facts' and then make up 'evidence' to back themselves up.

add a little bit (a TON) of hypothetical situations and some magic (god), and you've got yourself something (completely fabricated).


New Member

It's funny when people make up 'facts' and then make up 'evidence' to back themselves up.

add a little bit (a TON) of hypothetical situations and some magic (god), and you've got yourself something (completely fabricated).

God loves you anyway even if you don't believe in him or acknowledge him..
So I guess the answer to the poll question for you is...YOU have Christianity? That is the one that you seem to be harping on...
What about Buddha? Do you think it's dumb to rub a fat guy’s stomach for luck? Or to bring him food that sits there and rots? What about the temples all over Asia?


New Member
God loves you anyway even if you don't believe in him or acknowledge him..

oh .... I thought he was sending me to hell for not believing the same as some other people do.

maybe you should discuss that with IS

So I guess the answer to the poll question for you is...YOU have Christianity? That is the one that you seem to be harping on...

I'm not really harping on it .... it's just the topic ....

What about Buddha? Do you think it's dumb to rub a fat guy’s stomach for luck? Or to bring him food that sits there and rots? What about the temples all over Asia?

Yeah, I think that's kind of silly too.


oh .... I thought he was sending me to hell for not believing the same as some other people do.

maybe you should discuss that with IS

I'm not really harping on it .... it's just the topic ....

Yeah, I think that's kind of silly too.

Pancake Suppers, baby......:buddies:



New Member
oh .... I thought he was sending me to hell for not believing the same as some other people do.
maybe you should discuss that with IS.
NO YOU send yourself to hell for YOU not loving him, YOU not acknowledging him and YOU not living right.
Acts 2:38


New Member
NO YOU send yourself to hell for YOU not loving him, YOU not acknowledging him and YOU not living right.
Acts 2:38

but you just said he loved me.

p.s. I'm not sending myself to hell .... if god had something to say to me he can grow a pair, show himself, and say it. Cryptic 2,000 clues that have been used to inspire everything from charity to crusades mean jack to me.