WHo died on the cross, God or Jesus? God or his son?
God's son, Jesus, who (upon his resurrection) became one with the Father, seated at his right hand
Ok, everyone talks with God, how many communicate with him? How many hear his voice and get replies?
For the vast majority, communication with God is not through a version of AT&T. You don't necessarily hear a "voice" and get verbal "replies". Remember, I'm not answering (any of) this based upon anyone else's view of God, just mine. I believe that God answers me via a feeling, knowledge, signs like opportunities making themselves available, angels talking to me as if they were normal people helping guide my thoughts, etc. Whenever I pray to God, I get an answer - every single time. But, not a talking bush nor any other Speilberg kind of way. My answers come in the form of realizations (revelations?) that I didn't have before I prayed.
How can you say I reject Jesus if I say he was a normal human being? That's not rejecting him, rejecting him would be me saying he was never on the face of this planet, he was not a good person, he never existed. He was here, he walked the earth, he had a family, and passed on in old age. He was a good person, he had compassion for his fellow man, he was humane.. all good qualities, and as I said before WWJD would be a good question to ask.. If I was a good a man as Jesus was, what should I do, what would he do? But you can also say, WWDLD? What Would the Dali Lama DO? Or thousands of other righteous men AND women that have walked the Earth over the time of man...
Perhaps you don't reject Jesus, you reject the Christ. The man was good (and then some), but the Christ was, well, a lot more.
I reject the fictional writings of his life. I can understand people that weren't as educated or as smart as we are that inhabited this Earth 1800 years ago believing it, but now? Talking bushes? People living until they were 400 500 or even 600 years old?? If someone walked into your place of work, and said.. "MAN, I just went out for a smoke break and had this kick azz conversation with this bush over the meaning of life." What would you think, what would you do? Would you ask him to introduce you to this bush so you can talk to it too? Would you call social services? If it's silly and unbelievable today, it hasn't changed, it was silly and unbelievable back 3000 years ago too.
This, of course, is where faith comes in. I, personally, believe it happened as written. Now, are there more details that may make it more palatable to our "modern" understanding? Probably. But, as I've said before, I don't think the Bible tells us the whole story, just what we NEED to know. If your spouse, whom you trust explicitly, told you a story you had a hard time believing, would you choose to believe regardless of picking apart the details, or would you believe because you trusted and had faith in her? I'd believe my wife, I believe my God. I hold churches in a much lower regard than I do in my faith (in part because I know people with similar, though not as dramatic, stories as yours), but I personally believe the stories.
And I aslo abhore the thought of how many MILLIONS of people have died, been murdered, or have willingfully given their lives over this book of fiction, and in the name of God. And many times over silliness like "Our God is better than your God".