White History Month

Should White History Month be celebrated?

  • Yes, allow White Americans the same opportunity

    Votes: 50 41.7%
  • No, we celebrate White History for 11 months already

    Votes: 18 15.0%
  • Do away with all ethnic holidays

    Votes: 52 43.3%

  • Total voters


In My Opinion
If black history month makes blacks feel better about themselves, fine. I think it's kind of cute. It would be nice if they could contribute enough to American history to at least fill the shortest month of the year, though.

Yeah, yeah, George Washington Carver.... What else ya got??

um, sorry
Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what EdsonBayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter. described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. "



In My Opinion
i did of course forget a few things that black people invented,

-the window air c. Who even uses those anymore i mean really
Air Conditioner
Frederick Jones in 1949? No!
Dr. Willis Carrier built the first machine to control both the temperature and humidity of indoor air. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the "Apparatus for Treating Air"). In 1911 he published the formulae that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.

-the lawn mower i think? sometimes those ovals on the commercial are ambiguous.
Lawn Mower
John Burr in 1899? No!
English engineer Edwin Budding invented the first reel-type lawn mower (with blades arranged in a cylindrical pattern) and had it patented in England in 1830. In 1868 the United States issued patent #73807 to Amariah M. Hills of Connecticut, who went on to establish the Archimedean Lawn Mower Co. in 1871. By 1888, the US Patent Office had granted 138 patents for lawn mowers (Butterworth, Growth of Industrial Art). Doubtlessly there were even more by the time Burr got his patent in 1899.

-the stoplight!? never mind the fact that a whitey invented the car, but we couldnt live without the stoplight. woo.
Traffic Signal

Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923? No!
The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals; nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed; nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. See Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.

- oh and the big central mail boxes for when the little ones just won't do!
Mailbox (letter drop box)
P. Downing invented the street letter drop box in 1891? No!
George Becket invented the private mailbox in 1892? No!
The US Postal Service says that "Street boxes for mail collection began to appear in large [US] cities by 1858." They appeared in Europe even earlier, according to historian Laurin Zilliacus:

Mail boxes as we understand them first appeared on the streets of Belgian towns in 1848. In Paris they came two years later, while the English received their 'pillar boxes' in 1855.

Laurin Zilliacus, Mail for the World, p. 178 (New York, J. Day Co., 1953)

From the same book (p.178), "Private mail boxes were invented in the United States in about 1860."

Eventually, letter drop boxes came equipped with inner lids to prevent miscreants from rummaging through the mail pile. The first of many US patents for such a purpose was granted in 1860 to John North of Middletown, Connecticut (US Pat. #27466).


New Member
Ridiculous that the White History thread in Life In Southern Maryland got deleted.

April 1 - 1976 - Apple Computers is founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak


New Member
Today in White American History

1980 - US President Jimmy Carter signs the Crude Oil Windfalls Profit Tax Act in an effort to help the US economy rebound.


Ridiculous that the White History thread in Life In Southern Maryland got deleted.

April 1 - 1976 - Apple Computers is founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
It wasn't deleted... just moved to "Chit Chat", presumably to save face on the front page of SOMD.com, where headlines pop up from every category except Chit Chat.


Well-Known Member
:shrug: Native Americans are from America. Indians are from India.
How far back does your ancestry have to go in America to be a "native American"?

I'm just curious, because I can go back many generations. Am I a native to America?