White History Month

Should White History Month be celebrated?

  • Yes, allow White Americans the same opportunity

    Votes: 50 41.7%
  • No, we celebrate White History for 11 months already

    Votes: 18 15.0%
  • Do away with all ethnic holidays

    Votes: 52 43.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Do you genuinely feel as though the accomplishments of white people (in general) have gone unnoticed? Please explain your intentions. I'm currently having a hard time viewing this as nothing more than a mean-spirited and petty attempt, to further sully racial relations.

Alright, I'll bite.

I feel that the accomplishments of Whites cannot go unnoticed, but they have certainly been mitigated by those wanting to pacify minority groups. My intention with this survey and thread is to allow Whites the same opportunity as blacks and other minorities....to take a month to honor, celebrate, and highlight those White Americans before us who have made this country a better place to work, live, and raise a family.

Just as I have a very hard time justifying black history in February, you may have a hard time justifying White History in April. That's fine with me. You don't have to celebrate or acknowledge what White Americans have done for you in the past, or are doing for you in the present, but you certainly cannot ignore the contributions White Americans are giving you now whether it be an item of comfort, security, financial dependency, or any other item on an infinite list of things that White America contributes.

White History Month is a celebration. It is not designed or intended to provoke or inflame others. It is not designed to degrade or mitigate the accomplishments of others but to highlight what we've done to get us where we are today and what we've given to others.


Registered Devil Dog
I feel that the accomplishments of Whites cannot go unnoticed, but they have certainly been mitigated by those wanting to pacify minority groups.

Thank you for your insightful response, but how and where have white accomplishments been mitigated?

If other white people are responsible for this mitigation (as you have implied), do you believe the designation of a month will credibly resist this white oppression of other whites?

I see where the animosity is truly directed at now.


New Member
Thank you for your insightful response, but how and where have white accomplishments been mitigated?

If other white people are responsible for this mitigation (as you have implied), do you believe the designation of a month will credibly resist this white oppression of other whites?

I see where the animosity is truly directed at now.

Accomplishments of White Americans have been mitigated or completely unnoticed because of
White guilt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have felt the need to sweep nearly all of our accomplishments under the rug if we're going to "level the playing field" with other minorities. If we compare lists of what White Americans have done for this country with minority groups....well, I think most of us would know the results.

Where do you think "animosity" is directed? There is no animosity. I am celebrating everything my people (White Americans) have done in the past 232 years. There's nothing wrong with me being proud to be White. Accept that.


Registered Devil Dog
Accomplishments of White Americans have been mitigated or completely unnoticed because of
White guilt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have felt the need to sweep nearly all of our accomplishments under the rug if we're going to "level the playing field" with other minorities. If we compare lists of what White Americans have done for this country with minority groups....well, I think most of us would know the results.

Where do you think "animosity" is directed? There is no animosity. I am celebrating everything my people (White Americans) have done in the past 232 years. There's nothing wrong with me being proud to be White. Accept that.

"Swept nearly all of our accomplishments under the rug....." Saying that's a bit of a stretch, is putting it mildly. I ride past grandiose monuments to white achievement, on a daily basis.

Now to compare the accomplishments of whites and minorities throughout American history is actually laughable - but not for the reasons you might think. What kind of opportunities did minorities have, Pre-Civil Rights? Thanks to all of the blatant efforts to discriminate, no one will ever be able to fully realize what everyone COULD HAVE contributed to our country, had such mindnumbing ignorance not been so prevalent back then.

Consider this hypothetical example: If I kept you on the sidelines during the entire football season (a better approximation would be OUTSIDE THE STADIUM), how in the world could you have hoped to compare to me - let alone accomplish anything?

And let us not make the mistake of treating the Pre-Civil Rights era as though it were ancient history:

Brown V. Board of Education - May 17, 1954
Voting Rights Act - 1965

I hope you don't think the implementation of these reforms happened overnight. These two examples are still fresh enough in the American consciousness, to be physically remembered by many - perhaps even by some on this forum.

Months that celebrate the accomplishments of minorities, in no way shape or form diminish the accomplishments of whites. Nor does this attempt at fleshing out a more robust (and complete) version of the American story, "level the playing field". "Affirmative action" is the mechanism that attempts to do that.

But that's another topic, for another day.

Now about acceptance........ I believe everyone SHOULD be proud of who they are, but the rationale for your proposition remains disingenious.
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New Member
Accomplishments of White Americans have been mitigated or completely unnoticed because of
White guilt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have felt the need to sweep nearly all of our accomplishments under the rug if we're going to "level the playing field" with other minorities. If we compare lists of what White Americans have done for this country with minority groups....well, I think most of us would know the results.

Where do you think "animosity" is directed? There is no animosity. I am celebrating everything my people (White Americans) have done in the past 232 years. There's nothing wrong with me being proud to be White. Accept that.

YOu talk about minorities and I agree with you. But whites are minority now. If you look at it. There are so many blacks around that the police changed description from us being number one female or number one male to number two female or male. Not that i have any problem with those of any other race. It's just the point when they pull up to social services with hair done nails done driving a Cadillac they get 1000's of dollars in help. i pull up needing a hair cut, nails bit off driving a beater i get 20 dollars.

I do not celebrate black history month nor do i tell myself I'm taking off for Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Why is Robert Lee not honored there anywhere his birthday is the same day? Some one always talks about we were slaves and we had to accomplish more and become stronger. You all had everything handed to you. Well look at history whites were slaves also and we have overcome everything. Now we are back paying taxes so certain people can live on welfare their whole life and have 10 kids and sell dope for a living

i'm sorry if i offended anyone but it's the facts
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Lem Putt

None of that has anything to do with your stated "fact" that whites are a minority.

Here's a starting point: White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2006 Maryland: 58.4% US: 66.4%


Registered Devil Dog
YOu talk about minorities and I agree with you. But whites are minority now. If you look at it. There are so many blacks around that the police changed description from us being number one female or number one male to number two female or male. Not that i have any problem with those of any other race. It's just the point when they pull up to social services with hair done nails done driving a Cadillac they get 1000's of dollars in help. i pull up needing a hair cut, nails bit off driving a beater i get 20 dollars.

I do not celebrate black history month nor do i tell myself I'm taking off for Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Why is Robert Lee not honored there anywhere his birthday is the same day? Some one always talks about we were slaves and we had to accomplish more and become stronger. You all had everything handed to you. Well look at history whites were slaves also and we have overcome everything. Now we are back paying taxes so certain people can live on welfare their whole life and have 10 kids and sell dope for a living

i'm sorry if i offended anyone but it's the facts

It's simplistic thinking like this, that contributes to the problems of race relations in America.

Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that many white people are ALSO on welfare?

In regards to Robert Lee - why in the hell should America honor him? He fought to destroy our unity! Do you revere Benedict Arnold too?


New Member
firstroundko, thank you for being civil and sticking to the topic in our debate.

I do think that many programs and policies promote White guilt, put in place by White Americans. I think that while we've taken steps to "put you inside the stadium", that slavery and the civil rights era are too fresh in people's memory. In that process, and focusing more on minority accomplishments, we are intentionally ignoring ours to magnify the effect of theirs. I don't think that's right.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
In regards to Robert Lee - why in the hell should America honor him? He fought to destroy our unity!

Nooo, he fought to preserve the rights of his great state of Virginia from what he deemed a tyrannical federal government. Second amendment anyone?

I remember April of 1968 very well. We weren't allowed out of our yard to play because Washington was in chaos, and we lived in one of it's suburbs. Burn, baby, burn! How's that for black history?


New Member
Nooo, he fought to preserve the rights of his great state of Virginia from what he deemed a tyrannical federal government. Second amendment anyone?

I remember April of 1968 very well. We weren't allowed out of our yard to play because Washington was in chaos, and we lived in one of it's suburbs. Burn, baby, burn! How's that for black history?



New Member
None of that has anything to do with your stated "fact" that whites are a minority.

Here's a starting point: White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2006 Maryland: 58.4% US: 66.4%

You want proof that whites are the minority.

Lets start with the Negro college fund do we have a white college fund. Then you have the all Black colleges but they still go to our colleges. Then lets see Miss Black Universe and Miss Black America but they still participate in the other ones. The NAACP to we have a WAACP?

I never said white people weren't on welfare but they don't get all the breaks the others do. If a white person doesn't give a black person what they feel they deserve then your dealing with the NAACP. Yeah you can have your percentage up but I bet you the only way they tell that is by how many pay taxes then of course we would have more.