White People Should Be Exterminated?


Well-Known Member

A black activist from Raleigh, North Carolina has called for genocide against white people. Dr. Kamau Kambon (search) told a Howard University Law School panel that white people "have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks and they're monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem."

He went on to tell the audience "White people want to kill us... they want to kill you because that is part of their plan." By the way, Dr. Kambon is a self-proclaimed opponent of the death penalty.


Unreal. First I heard of this. Why is this not being splashed all over the news?

Oh, forgive me, had a brain cramp for a second. I know why, but do you?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Homesick said:
Why is this not being splashed all over the news?

Because he's a nut? :shrug:

Fox search

He has a website too...

Though I can't see it yet.

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Well-Known Member
Thank you, Sharon. I found a lot of comments on this site to be telling it like it is. Bottom of site:


This one response said:

I call on all White Citizens of the District of Columbia to print this story out and file a hate crime complaint against him, and Howard University for allowing to spew his hatred, with the DC Commission on Human Rights, and the Mayor’s Office.

He was calling for genocide, and actual physical violence against us. That is against DC Law. File Complaints with every agency you can find. Make it so if he shows his face in DC again he’ll be arrested.

Can that actually be done in DC? How about in other states?


Routinely Derailed
There are whites who feel the same about blacks. In both cases I just see hate mongering and pot stirring by idiots.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...link from Drudge:


Little darling white supremecists...

Now, I did some looking around, their home page:


I skimmed the lyrics and checked out their forums a bit and I'm sure there's some "Kill all the blacks" types in there. Thing is, where do you start?

Dr. Kamau Kambon says exterminate all the white people.
These kids don't mention, that I could find in their lyrics, anything about exterminating anyone else. Plenty of supremecist stuff to be sure, but hate speech?

This is one part of human nature, this purity illusion, that never ceases to amaze me. There was (is?) a lady, Dr. Francis Welsing, black lady, most racist person you'll ever find. She'd go on and on about how cigarette; white, small weenie. Cigar, brown, big weenie, baseball small white balls, football big brown balls and how whites know they're losers even if it's subconscious and stuff like that. She was all proud that whites are being eliminated, black superiority, stronger race et al, step by step, simpy by intermarriage.

And I'm like, dude, I hear you but if you take chocolate ice cream and mix it with vanilla, yes, you don't have vanilla any more but you don't have chocolate either.

Then histories examples of some of the biggest race freaks there ever were being people like Hitler, mixed race, even some Jew in him.

Like it or not, at the end of the day we're the human race.


Well-Known Member
Railroad said:
There are whites who feel the same about blacks. In both cases I just see hate mongering and pot stirring by idiots.

This is 100% true, however, the whites, in general, will put down that kind of crap while the general black population will remain silent.

Who is George Lincoln Rockwell? A lot of people never even heard of the leader of the American Nazi Party because he was white scum. The same goes for David Duke, his reputation prevented him from going anywhere with white support. How is Al, the slander and hate monger, Sharpton treated by his fellow blacks? Good enough to run for President. Jesse Jackson? Marion Barry, what a role model and fully supported by the black community.

I never would have expected Howard University to stoop to this level.


Thank you, come again.
Homesick said:
Thank you, Sharon. I found a lot of comments on this site to be telling it like it is. Bottom of site:


This one response said:

Can that actually be done in DC? How about in other states?

Yeah it could be done if it was a white person telling people to kill black people, but in this situation, HELL NO. nothing will be done of it, think about it now BET, come on do you think there could ever be a WET. :lmao:


Im On 1.
Railroad said:
There are whites who feel the same about blacks. In both cases I just see hate mongering and pot stirring by idiots.


This is no different than the comment made to abort all black babies to reduce crime. Idiots.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
I never would have expected Howard University to stoop to this level.
I'm not surprised in the least little bit. Our universities are filled with anti-white, anti-hetero, anti-male, anti-Christian and anti-American drones who receive a hefty paycheck to teach their views to the next generation.

Had Ward Churchill maligned Muslims, he'd have been fired. Since he maligned Americans (9-11 victims, no less), he's merely "enjoying his right to free speech".

David Horowitz takes out a paid ad (!) in a campus newspaper against reparations for slavery, and the kids go wild, burning the papers and protesting, shaving their heads and wailing. Yet this schmuck can actually call for the extermination of whites, and he is a hero.

See a pattern here?


Well-Known Member
Qurious said:

This is no different than the comment made to abort all black babies to reduce crime. Idiots.
Obviously, you did not hear that broadcast, you just heard ABOUT it. Be careful who you are calling an idiot on this particular subject.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rack'm said:
Extremist has no race, just as a mirror has no color.
Railroad said:
In both cases I just see hate mongering and pot stirring by idiots.
When was the last time a white supremacist was invited to come share his views at a major university?

Let's don't walk down that path of saying that both sides do it. The big difference is that when blacks express racism and violence against whites, they're applauded and celebrated. Whites who express the same sentiments are excoriated.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
When was the last time a white supremacist was invited to come share his views at a major university?

Let's don't walk down that path of saying that both sides do it. The big difference is that when blacks express racism and violence against whites, they're applauded and celebrated. Whites who express the same sentiments are excoriated.

OMG I so agree! I don't consider myself a racist against anyone however, I have often wondered why are there organizations to protect black people and no other race? Why are we allowed to have the United Negro College fund but if we had the United White College fund it would be considered racist or segregating? Why are we still being blamed for the crimes of our ancestors when we were not even born yet and most of our family members probably were not even wealthy enough to own slaves? I agree, that was a horrible time and it needs to be acknowledged in our schools so that it will not be repeated, however, I'm not to blame for it! Why don't we have a white history month? It does not seem right and maybe I am not politically correct in saying all this but I have wondered about it for some time. The million man march they had a few years ago was called the MILLION MAN MARCH so why weren't all men of all colors encouraged to participate? That would have been a real celebration and would have created unity amongst all. If we had a "Million man march" and only included white men, it would be considered racist or segretated. I dont understand it.

All I am saying is this......GET OVER IT! WE have all had hardships and just like we did not create or participate slavery, most of those who are alive today, were not victims of slavery. You have NOW the same opportunities as anyone else in this country sometimes more with the various scholarships and with companies being encouraged to hire minorities first even if they are underqualified.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...if I may:

I have often wondered why are there organizations to protect black people and no other race?

One word; slavery. Nobdoy BUT blacks were slaves in this nation. Not Italians. Not Jews or Poles.

Why are we allowed to have the United Negro College fund

All our sensitivity about blacks, all our acceptence of black this and black that stems from a desire to make up for our help make up for the sins of slavery and the 100 or so years after slavery to actually start treating blacks as fellow citizens instead of second or thrid class ones.

Why are we still being blamed for the crimes of our ancestors when we were not even born yet and most of our family members probably were not even wealthy enough to own slaves?

Because it works in terms of perpetuating preferential treatment and sustaining race based business's which is seen in turn as helping make up for slavery and the following 100 years.

WE have all had hardships

Not even remotely like being a slave. Try being born in, say, 1830, or try imagining, into a class of people, a race, who for generations have been seen and used as rather intelligent farm animals.


Well-Known Member
:mad: Since all wants to keep kissing blackies behind, and be forever in their debt "I want back my land." Says an Indian. I know, I know, most don't want to hear that, but this Indian has had enough of all the crap. :mad: You don't hear us crying and moaning. We out of all here have something to moan about. Look what you have done (and continue to do) to this once beautiful land. I'd give up all this crap invented to make you all go away.

Take that.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...if I may:

One word; slavery. Nobdoy BUT blacks were slaves in this nation. Not Italians. Not Jews or Poles.

All our sensitivity about blacks, all our acceptence of black this and black that stems from a desire to make up for our help make up for the sins of slavery and the 100 or so years after slavery to actually start treating blacks as fellow citizens instead of second or thrid class ones.

Because it works in terms of perpetuating preferential treatment and sustaining race based business's which is seen in turn as helping make up for slavery and the following 100 years.

Not even remotely like being a slave. Try being born in, say, 1830, or try imagining, into a class of people, a race, who for generations have been seen and used as rather intelligent farm animals.

I understand and sympathize with that, but did I do it? And....were any of the people who get these scholarships, protection etc. victims of slavery? No! most of the people crying about slavery and their rights don't know the first thing about what occured. They use it as an excuse to get attention and to make an excuse as to why they are not performing well in their own lives.

All our sensitivity about blacks, all our acceptence of black this and black that stems from a desire to make up for our help make up for the sins of slavery and the 100 or so years after slavery to actually start treating blacks as fellow citizens instead of second or thrid class ones.

Because it works in terms of perpetuating preferential treatment and sustaining race based business's which is seen in turn as helping make up for slavery and the following 100 years.

Not even remotely like being a slave. Try being born in, say, 1830, or try imagining, into a class of people, a race, who for generations have been seen and used as rather intelligent farm animals.[/QUOTE]

Who are we making it up to? As I stated, the people today were not even alive then and do not care to even sit down and talk to their family members who may have been alive or may have known of a family member who suffered. What are we making up for? When will enough be enough? How can we as a nation get past it if we have to continue to appologize for it and how can people begin to take responsibilty for their actions here, now today, if they are allowed to continue to blame things on the past?

Black, white, green or purple, I would not want something handed to me that I did not work for or deserve. I would rather be passed up by somebody more deserving than to be given something simply because of the color of my skin. Some people do not see it that way though. I don't believe that racism exists nearly as much as people think. I do not think that a black man would be passed over any more than a white if we were qualified. I think that racisim only exists today among ignorant people who fear the truth. Most white racist are that way simply because they can not stand the fact that another person of minority has surpassed them somehow in life and the same goes for playing the race card when it comes to black people.

But I wasn't born in 1830 and neither were most of the people crying about it. I would like to think that if I was born during that time, I would have done something great to help rid the country of slavery. I would like to think that I would have treated people of all colors as an equal. I do know this....my family was not rich enough to own a slave. Why should we who were not there be continuously held accountable for something we had nothing to do with? If you ask me, continuing to lay blame where there is none is what creates racism!