White People Should Be Exterminated?


Well-Known Member
Amen sister!

and this:

If you ask me, continuing to lay blame where there is none is what creates racism!

Exactly where I am at!

I had it pounded in me in school it was my fault! I'm Indian, what in the hell did I have to do with it? When I would stand up in school and say "no I did not have anything to do with it" I got the crap beat out of me!

The same is happening in schools today on every subject there is, lies, lies and more lies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Homesick said:
I'd give up all this crap invented to make you all go away.
Of course you wouldn't. Don't be silly.

I agree with Sinwagon - blacks are far better off in the US than they would be if they were stuck in some African hellhole. All of our ancestors - white, black, red, yellow, whatever - suffered so that we could enjoy our modern lives and freedoms.

Your Chinese great-great-grandmother was WORSE than a slave so you wouldn't be born and living in China today.

Your Irish great-great-grandfather escaped drought and famine and stood outside a US factory, hoping to get a job making pennies, so you could be free.

And your black great-great-grandmother was a slave on a plantation so you would never have to deal with famine and apartheid.

Granted, blacks didn't come to this country willingly, but so what? We should all say "thank you" to our ancestors instead of "gimme".


New Member
Homesick said:
Amen sister!

and this:

Exactly where I am at!

I had it pounded in me in school it was my fault! I'm Indian, what in the hell did I have to do with it? When I would stand up in school and say "no I did not have anything to do with it" I got the crap beat out of me!

The same is happening in schools today on every subject there is, lies, lies and more lies.

I went to predominately black schools, I didn't care but when Martin Luther King day neared and me being the only white student out of the 5 that were enrolled showed up (I was new, I didn't know) and was told when drinking from the water fountain that it was my turn to drink from the toilet because they owned the water fountains I was like WTF? Ofcourse I had some friends who were black, so that didn't happen. I fit in just fine with most of the people in school. That was at Potomac High School in Ft. Washington. I then went to Largo, where I was harrassed daily during the month of February about who I was going to do a report on for black history month. I finally got tired of it, stood up, flipped my desk over and went nose to nose with the bully. Did that make me hate black people? NO! I can not blame an entire nation for the ignorance of a few. I love to listen to MLK's speech. I think it is inspiring for all regardless of color! But just as I did not take out my frustration on a whole class of people, I don't believe that black people should either for slavery.

If they want to blame the public officials who allowed it to continue at that time, fine, I blame them to. If they want to blame the slave owners, thats fine, blame them but don't blame me and expect me to pay for something I did not do.

We deal with this same type of thing in court. So, if I was brought before a court and charged with slavery that was committed in the 1930's how would I plead? NOT GUILTY! And I bet even an all black jury would not convict me of being guilty of slavery so why should black people of this country act as if it is my fault or the fault of other white people who are here now? We NEVER want that to repeat, we never want anything like that to happen again. Before we are white or black or even indian, we are people, human beings and US Citizens. We all have the right to justice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not say "If you are black you have the right to be defended by various black organizations, you have thr right to pursue exclusive college scholarships simply because you are black, you have the right to a job simply because you are black" We all should have the same righs. We all have the right to assembly, it does not say "You only have to the right to assemble as an exclusive group if you are black" But if we even tried to assemble as white people we would be call racist or clan members.

Tell me you see the difference here because there clearly is one!


professional daydreamer
Homesick said:
:mad: Since all wants to keep kissing blackies behind, and be forever in their debt "I want back my land." Says an Indian. I know, I know, most don't want to hear that, but this Indian has had enough of all the crap. :mad: You don't hear us crying and moaning. We out of all here have something to moan about. Look what you have done (and continue to do) to this once beautiful land. I'd give up all this crap invented to make you all go away.

Take that.

One native american to another....that was stoopid.


New Member
Granted, blacks didn't come to this country willingly, but so what? We should all say "thank you" to our ancestors instead of "gimme".[/QUOTE]

I agree. And your right, they did not come here willingly, they were sold by black slave owners in Africa! There is still slavery in Africa so why are they not blaming the people that sold them in the first place? Their very acestors!


Well-Known Member
elaine said:
One native american to another....that was stoopid.

Thanks for your opinion. Maybe it was to one that has settled for all the brainwashing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Boy I wish...

...people would let you know why they gave you some red. You don't have to sign it but at least I'd know what you did or didn't agree with.


Well-Known Member
sinwagon said:
I went to predominately black schools, I didn't care but when Martin Luther King day neared and me being the only white student out of the 5 that were enrolled showed up (I was new, I didn't know) and was told when drinking from the water fountain that it was my turn to drink from the toilet because they owned the water fountains I was like WTF? Ofcourse I had some friends who were black, so that didn't happen. I fit in just fine with most of the people in school. That was at Potomac High School in Ft. Washington. I then went to Largo, where I was harrassed daily during the month of February about who I was going to do a report on for black history month. I finally got tired of it, stood up, flipped my desk over and went nose to nose with the bully. Did that make me hate black people? NO! I can not blame an entire nation for the ignorance of a few. I love to listen to MLK's speech. I think it is inspiring for all regardless of color! But just as I did not take out my frustration on a whole class of people, I don't believe that black people should either for slavery.

If they want to blame the public officials who allowed it to continue at that time, fine, I blame them to. If they want to blame the slave owners, thats fine, blame them but don't blame me and expect me to pay for something I did not do.

I hear ya. Also it was the back of the bus for me. I was never affraid to make a stand, to say my peace, but was out numbered of course in Maryland schools so would end up beaten and bruised and dragged myself away when the beating was through. Teachers I so disliked.

Anyway, truthfully I did not come away with hatred either, though I do get steamed about it when I think of it.

Good to read post from someone that went through the same, thought I was the only one.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...people would let you know why they gave you some red. You don't have to sign it but at least I'd know what you did or didn't agree with.

I feel the same, I don't mind getting the red, just would like to discuss with them what they are upset about. Express their feelings..it's all good, it's good to talk it out.

Oh, and it wasn't from me. If I have a problem with you, I'll let you know. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
at least I'd know what you did or didn't agree with.
Who cares? If they wanted to discuss something, they'd post it on the board, not give you red karma for it. I prefer they stick to karma and let the grown-ups talk.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...people would let you know why they gave you some red. You don't have to sign it but at least I'd know what you did or didn't agree with.

Are you referring to me typing my response to your post in red? I tried that and it wouldn't work and it all got screwy from there. I just usually post and don't know how to work all the features yet. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...if I may:

One word; slavery. Nobdoy BUT blacks were slaves in this nation. Not Italians. Not Jews or Poles.

All our sensitivity about blacks, all our acceptence of black this and black that stems from a desire to make up for our help make up for the sins of slavery and the 100 or so years after slavery to actually start treating blacks as fellow citizens instead of second or thrid class ones.

Why am I making up for the sins of slavery? My Irish and German ancestors arrived in this country in the 1860s and 1930s, respectively. They were also dirt poor farmers and blacksmiths. Even if they had arrived in this country at a time when slavery existed, they weren't the people who would have owned slaves.


Football addict
bohman said:
Why am I making up for the sins of slavery? My Irish and German ancestors arrived in this country in the 1860s and 1930s, respectively. They were also dirt poor farmers and blacksmiths. Even if they had arrived in this country at a time when slavery existed, they weren't the people who would have owned slaves.
"What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient." It is convenient for some to forget certain parts of a thing called 'History'.


I think that black people should spend more time being thankful for what they have, and less time trying to figure out what more they can get handed to them, by using slavery as reasoning. They are the ones who tell us to move past, the past, when they were opressed. Why cant they move past the past, of being slaves, none of them actually were slaves anyway.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kali said:
I think that black people should spend more time being thankful for what they have, and less time trying to figure out what more they can get handed to them, by using slavery as reasoning.
It isn't even normal black people doing this - it's the "leaders of the black community", as Revs. Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan like to call themselves.

I swear these peoples' goal is to create race riots and get whites and blacks to hate each other.


Not dead yet.
bohman said:
Why am I making up for the sins of slavery? My Irish and German ancestors arrived in this country in the 1860s and 1930s, respectively. They were also dirt poor farmers and blacksmiths. Even if they had arrived in this country at a time when slavery existed, they weren't the people who would have owned slaves.


Many of the families being saddled with the societal "bill" for slavery weren't even here. In my case, we were here and two of my ancestors died bringing about an end of slavery. I'm proud them, but don't expect any special treatment because of it.

A real shameful situation to my way of thinking is that after the great social awakening of the civil rights movement we have gone too far the other way. Now we are getting re-segregated along racial boundaries in a voluntary way. I think that this is a shame.

I'm sure that no one here would disagree that people taken one at a time almost always have some redeeming character trait. And most have enough that we're glad to know them. To segregate ourselves along racial lines is a hateful trend and a real shame.


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
When was the last time a white supremacist was invited to come share his views at a major university?

Let's don't walk down that path of saying that both sides do it. The big difference is that when blacks express racism and violence against whites, they're applauded and celebrated. Whites who express the same sentiments are excoriated.
Point taken, Vrai! :notworthy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

sinwagon said:
Are you referring to me typing my response to your post in red? I tried that and it wouldn't work and it all got screwy from there. I just usually post and don't know how to work all the features yet. Sorry!

...I got un signed red karma and as anyone around here will tell you, I am very sensitive.