White People Should Be Exterminated?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bohman said:
Why am I making up for the sins of slavery? My Irish and German ancestors arrived in this country in the 1860s and 1930s, respectively. They were also dirt poor farmers and blacksmiths. Even if they had arrived in this country at a time when slavery existed, they weren't the people who would have owned slaves.

...the question I was responding to was 'why are there these seemingly racist organizations'.

If you ask me 'are we right to do so?' I say absolutely NOT. Someone else pointed out that in and of themselves race based organizations and policies are just that, racist.

There is nothing worse, notthing so insidious as all these programs and policies and groups that specifically say, when they're not implying it, that blacks ARE inferior, that blacks must be tended to and cared for. It's the social crime of low expectations.

To me, many blacks just don't buy it. Everywhere in society blacks can and do excell by doing the same things successful people of any race do; work hard, sacrifice, network, get in and stay in the game, work harder and so forth.

But then there's that 90% support for a party that feeds them scraps and lip service...

Frederick Douglas said it best back in 1864 or so in response to a growing public interest in 'what to do to help the negro assimilate' to freedom;

Just leave us alone.

No one then, now or ever wants to be treated like there's something wrong with them...especially when there's not.


I'm hungry....
Kali said:
I think that black people should spend more time being thankful for what they have, and less time trying to figure out what more they can get handed to them, by using slavery as reasoning. They are the ones who tell us to move past, the past, when they were opressed. Why cant they move past the past, of being slaves, none of them actually were slaves anyway.

That sounds about right in this man's case...I have many black friends and I am not racist but that was a good way of commenting on this one man's webpage and the way it SEEMS he feels. Not sure why people like him are so angry and hateful. Well I guess I know some, but I don't know why it makes them want to start webpages like that. How long has it been since slavery now???????? :confused:


New Member
I think I should be compensated for alcohol being sold to all my Irish ancestors and all of us being labeled as drunks :cheers:


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
OMG I so agree! I don't consider myself a racist against anyone however, I have often wondered why are there organizations to protect black people and no other race? Why are we allowed to have the United Negro College fund but if we had the United White College fund it would be considered racist or segregating? Why are we still being blamed for the crimes of our ancestors when we were not even born yet and most of our family members probably were not even wealthy enough to own slaves? I agree, that was a horrible time and it needs to be acknowledged in our schools so that it will not be repeated, however, I'm not to blame for it! Why don't we have a white history month? It does not seem right and maybe I am not politically correct in saying all this but I have wondered about it for some time. The million man march they had a few years ago was called the MILLION MAN MARCH so why weren't all men of all colors encouraged to participate? That would have been a real celebration and would have created unity amongst all. If we had a "Million man march" and only included white men, it would be considered racist or segretated. I dont understand it.

All I am saying is this......GET OVER IT! WE have all had hardships and just like we did not create or participate slavery, most of those who are alive today, were not victims of slavery. You have NOW the same opportunities as anyone else in this country sometimes more with the various scholarships and with companies being encouraged to hire minorities first even if they are underqualified.

Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.

As far as BET, black tv was created so that we can watch what we can relate to, ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us. For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. I mean do you watch BET or ABC/CBS/NBC more?

Secondly, no one is blaming white people living today for slavery, though there has been a time or two when I see co-workers 50+ and wonder what were their beliefs and their parents teachings during these times. Racism is taught, the little prussian girls, taught to be that way. As far as people wanting reparations and affirmative action, I dont agree with that personally. I have always enjoyed getting things based on my own merit and not my skin color. So don't think all black people feel that way either.

As far as Black History month, I see and probably most people, see American History as white people's history, as Vrai said about us not being happy living in the conditions of Africa, who is to say, we stayed here in America after slavery, black people are adjusters. but the fact that we were brought over against our will and stripped of our culture means we have to have something for ourselves, that is why we celebrate our history, and never forget it. If we forget it, then what. If we don't do what is necessary to look out for black people, who will, what will happen if we stopped? Black people did not make it a black white thing, white people did, maybe not you or your family, but they did, just like Arabs made it a terrorist thing. Try changing the blame game there.

Anyway, somebody explain to me while there are no sales on Martin Luther King Day. Sheehy Ford, Hechts, Mattress Discounters, Marlo. None of them acknowledge his birthday. Is it because blacks have enough already? I mean seriously, Protection is a necessity, keeps us from being pushed further down the pole, I mean nothing is equal in this country, and foreigners (yes I used that word) get more benefits that were sincerely unearned than a American born white or black person. Stuff is prepared for them, I mean what's next, you will speak about the Latino Celebrations, I mean blacks have always been looked down upon for lifting ourselves up, let the Chinese, Latino, Native Americans or the Jews from Germany do something, It's Awwwwwwwwwwww.... they were so misfortunate.

Oh by the way, I love reading the opinions of everyone on here, Glad that we can have an outlet and understand each other's side. Hopefully.


100% Goapele Head!
Oh and I want to make it known, I don't agree with any kind of hatred on any one or anything from anybody. Shoot, I hate to see the car in front of me emit smoke onto my car. Violence is just wrong whether verbal, written or physical, black, white, whoever. It's wrong!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lexi, I have to ask:

ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us.
What does that mean? :confused:

Are you saying that blacks can't get into national news? Sitcoms? Crime dramas? What, exactly, is a show that a black person can get into? Because all I ever see on BET are rap videos with half-naked black chicks fawning on some pimp-looking guy who sings about using them for sex.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.

Lots of poor whites can't afford college. It's been a problem also. Maybe it's time to disband those organizations that promote only black education.

As far as BET, black tv was created so that we can watch what we can relate to, ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us. For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. I mean do you watch BET or ABC/CBS/NBC more?

Don't you live in the U.S.A.? So what exactly is your culture and why do you need seperate television channels? You speak english, don't you? I watch alot of different cable channels and don't see the need for seperate culture stations.

Secondly, no one is blaming white people living today for slavery, though there has been a time or two when I see co-workers 50+ and wonder what were their beliefs and their parents teachings during these times. Racism is taught, the little prussian girls, taught to be that way. As far as people wanting reparations and affirmative action, I dont agree with that personally. I have always enjoyed getting things based on my own merit and not my skin color. So don't think all black people feel that way either.

If whites weren't getting blamed then no one would be asking for reparation.
And if you enjoy attaining things by your merit and not skin color, why come here and announce you are a black lady looking for a white man?

As far as Black History month, I see and probably most people, see American History as white people's history, as Vrai said about us not being happy living in the conditions of Africa, who is to say, we stayed here in America after slavery, black people are adjusters. but the fact that we were brought over against our will and stripped of our culture means we have to have something for ourselves, that is why we celebrate our history, and never forget it. If we forget it, then what. If we don't do what is necessary to look out for black people, who will, what will happen if we stopped? Black people did not make it a black white thing, white people did, maybe not you or your family, but they did, just like Arabs made it a terrorist thing. Try changing the blame game there.

Black people made Kwanzaa. Isn't it time to look forward and be happy your relatives were brought here and you get to live in the U.S.A.? Yes it was against their will, not your will.

Anyway, somebody explain to me while there are no sales on Martin Luther King Day. Sheehy Ford, Hechts, Mattress Discounters, Marlo. None of them acknowledge his birthday. Is it because blacks have enough already? I mean seriously, Protection is a necessity, keeps us from being pushed further down the pole, I mean nothing is equal in this country, and foreigners (yes I used that word) get more benefits that were sincerely unearned than a American born white or black person. Stuff is prepared for them, I mean what's next, you will speak about the Latino Celebrations, I mean blacks have always been looked down upon for lifting ourselves up, let the Chinese, Latino, Native Americans or the Jews from Germany do something, It's Awwwwwwwwwwww.... they were so misfortunate.

Why do you need a sale on MLK Day? What's the point of it? If you feel you are being pushed down the pole, go back to Africa and celebrate your culture there.

Oh by the way, I love reading the opinions of everyone on here, Glad that we can have an outlet and understand each other's side. Hopefully.


LexiGirl75 said:
For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. .

so if for instance, me being white, and some gangsta pulls up along side me blaring his music so loud that I can hear every "'busta cap" and "go 'head girl get down" and I roll up my window because 1) I can't hear myself think 2) I can't hear my kids screaming at eachother clear enough 3.) I can't hear my hubby biatching about the vent I keep moving 4.) I don't want my 4 year old repeating something about "the freak" ....(the list could go on with many reasons why I should roll up my window and not have to listen to your choice of music)...but if I do roll up my window and because I am white it is in your eyes because of my "culture difference"?

p.s. I listen to all kinds of music :yay:


Salt Life
nomoney said:
so if for instance, me being white, and some gangsta pulls up along side me blaring his music so loud that I can hear every "'busta cap" and "go 'head girl get down" and I roll up my window because 1) I can't hear myself think 2) I can't hear my kids screaming at eachother clear enough 3.) I can't hear my hubby biatching about the vent I keep moving 4.) I don't want my 4 year old repeating something about "the freak" ....(the list could go on with many reasons why I should roll up my window and not have to listen to your choice of music)...but if I do roll up my window and because I am white it is in your eyes because of my "culture difference"?

p.s. I listen to all kinds of music :yay:
Why not just blast some Bluegrass music? That's what I always do. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
LexiGirl75 said:
Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time(being the key phrase) (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.

It's now easier for blacks in the same income category to get college assistance than whites.

As far as BET, black tv was created so that we can watch what we can relate to, ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us. For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. I mean do you watch BET or ABC/CBS/NBC more?

Secondly, no one is blaming white people living today for slavery, though there has been a time or two when I see co-workers 50+ and wonder what were their beliefs and their parents teachings during these times. Racism is taught, the little prussian girls, taught to be that way. As far as people wanting reparations and affirmative action, I dont agree with that personally. I have always enjoyed getting things based on my own merit and not my skin color. So don't think all black people feel that way either.

As far as Black History month, I see and probably most people, see American History as white people's history, as Vrai said about us not being happy living in the conditions of Africa, who is to say, we stayed here in America after slavery, black people are adjusters. but the fact that we were brought over against our will and stripped of our culture means we have to have something for ourselves, that is why we celebrate our history, and never forget it. If we forget it, then what. If we don't do what is necessary to look out for black people, who will, what will happen if we stopped? Black people did not make it a black white thing, white people did, maybe not you or your family, but they did, just like Arabs made it a terrorist thing. Try changing the blame game there.

Anyway, somebody explain to me while there are no sales on Martin Luther King Day. Sheehy Ford, Hechts, Mattress Discounters, Marlo. None of them acknowledge his birthday. Is it because blacks have enough already? I mean seriously, Protection is a necessity, keeps us from being pushed further down the pole, I mean nothing is equal in this country, and foreigners (yes I used that word) get more benefits that were sincerely unearned than a American born white or black person. Stuff is prepared for them, I mean what's next, you will speak about the Latino Celebrations, I mean blacks have always been looked down upon for lifting ourselves up, let the Chinese, Latino, Native Americans or the Jews from Germany do something, It's Awwwwwwwwwwww.... they were so misfortunate.

I don't care what kind of music you're listening to. If I can't hear mine, or if I can feel the base vibrating my car from two cars behind me, you're just a rude #######.

Oh by the way, I love reading the opinions of everyone on here, Glad that we can have an outlet and understand each other's side. Hopefully.

I wish I could say the same about your opinions, but personally, I think you should pull your head outta' your ass.

I also don't think that ANYONE needs a whole freakin' month of celebration.


New Member
nomoney said:
so if for instance, me being white, and some gangsta pulls up along side me blaring his music so loud that I can hear every "'busta cap" and "go 'head girl get down" and I roll up my window because 1) I can't hear myself think 2) I can't hear my kids screaming at eachother clear enough 3.) I can't hear my hubby biatching about the vent I keep moving 4.) I don't want my 4 year old repeating something about "the freak" ....(the list could go on with many reasons why I should roll up my window and not have to listen to your choice of music)...but if I do roll up my window and because I am white it is in your eyes because of my "culture difference"?

p.s. I listen to all kinds of music :yay:

You should absolutely be able to roll up your window whether you are black or white for the mere sake that you don't appreciate the loud music. AND don't turn your blue grass or whatever music you want as loud as possible to drown out the other person. Thats immature and two wrongs don't make a right. Just roll up your window and move on.