Who agrees



Until tonight I hadn't paid any attention to him. Is he always this way?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He's already gone.

So far he's contributed nothing except hate and discontent. He can do that somewhere else.


...not me. I am 100% free speech.

Although I agree with free speech; I also believe that posting and speaking are 2 different things. JMO

Anyone can post and have the security of their keyboard and screen name and throw ignorant insults to people they don't know. It takes a real man or woman to say/state the comments he's made face/face. The final straw with me was his ignorant rant/poll, ass-uming all Lesbians are ugly.

There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldnt' have the stones to repeat his uneducated ignorance in person and I believe and have always said on this forum that typing means nothing. His insults to EVERY race, creed, origin has hit everybody in some sort of way and just short of "showing my redneck side" it's best he's gone.

Thank you for banning him.

I don't understand what the big deal is when someone bugs you. You put them on ignore. Done. If he bugs enough people, and enough people put him on ignore, he will eventually stop posting. And if he does post, he's on ignore, right?



They're out to get us
I don't understand what the big deal is when someone bugs you. You put them on ignore. Done. If he bugs enough people, and enough people put him on ignore, he will eventually stop posting. And if he does post, he's on ignore, right?


He didn't really bother me at all, but he often posted some hateful stuff that was an eyesore and an embarassment. I'm ok with people saying stupid stuff on occasion, heck I know I do it too, but there's a big difference between people saying dumb things or being moderately offensive, versus someone who is intentionally being hateful and trying to insult people (based on race/religion/etc) just because they can. Nothing UncleRico posted ever targetted something about me, but that doesn't mean it wasn't disgusting.

This is supposed to be a website that welcomes everyone from SOMD (ok, laugh because I said it's supposed to be welcoming) and it doesn't get that done when you have people like him running around. He was far and beyond the worst offender, though. On top of all that, advertisers probably don't like their ads going up on top of a thread that says something derogatory like that. When all is said and done, they're the ones paying for this site (from what I hear) and I know as an advertiser I'd pull my ad if stuff like Uncle Rico's was actually tolerated around here.
I don't understand what the big deal is when someone bugs you. You put them on ignore. Done. If he bugs enough people, and enough people put him on ignore, he will eventually stop posting. And if he does post, he's on ignore, right?


I agree that from the perspective of an individual poster, it isn't necessarily that big of a deal. If they don't like someone or feel bullied by them, they can just ignore them. Unfortunately, not every one is wired to be able to do that, and some people have different sensibilities.

It is a different situation, however, from the perspective of a business owner. Vrai runs a business (I think), the success of which is predicated on the participation of the community. Some of those active participants, as well as perspective participants, may be discouraged from participating by certain behavior on the part of other participants. She just can't allow that phenomena to pervade.

I'm sure it is a difficult balancing act, and all things being equal, she'd prefer not to have to make decisions in this regard. I think that's the point of the other thread she started - she's asking people to avoid putting her in the position of having to make such decisions.


They're out to get us
I agree that from the perspective of an individual poster, it isn't necessarily that big of a deal. If they don't like someone or feel bullied by them, they can just ignore them. Unfortunately, not every one is wired to be able to do that, and some people have different sensibilities.

It is a different situation, however, from the perspective of a business owner. Vrai runs a business (I think), the success of which is predicated on the participation of the community. Some of those active participants, as well as perspective participants, may be discouraged from participating by certain behavior on the part of other participants. She just can't allow that phenomena to pervade.

I'm sure it is a difficult balancing act, and all things being equal, she'd prefer not to have to make decisions in this regard. I think that's the point of the other thread she started - she's asking people to avoid putting her in the position of having to make such decisions.

good post. and you're right, it's not fair of people to put her in that position. we should all be able to randomly chit chat and discuss without it getting to such dangerous territory.

In the past i've belonged to other forums that are setup like this with random chit-chat and everything else...yet this is the first one i've seen that has people going out of their way to be offensive and hateful. Those other websites didn't even have rules and allowed free reign, yet everyone was able to keep it relatively peaceful. And those were national (or international)...so i don't see why people can't keep it more friendly, especially when everyone is local and a good portion of you have met each other. I would have thought that'd encourage a better atmosphere since it's a community thing :shrug:


Cyber Bully Victim
Head Hypocrite

Can you make Boy Genius go away too? Pretty please with sugar in top?

You definitely have an inflated sense of self-worth within our little group:

You are a complete cun+ for posting this crap. Take your filthy lefty blog site and shove it up your disgusting ass you miserable mother####er.


Even more disturbing than the singing small kids are these brainwashed freaks. I'm waiting for the black equivalent of "Sieg Heil". I like how they have the fat f##k up front making this unintentionally comical.


Didn't read the article but it comes as no surprise since she is another animal nut.


Unfortunately most of your idiot dem lefties who are voting for Obama would agree with him on those statements. They wouldn't even care if he was jerking off the PLO spokesman right there in front of God and everyone while shreiking "death to Jews!" at the top of his lungs...


What a P.O.S you are ______________.
