Who agrees

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8330/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

Velocity26 said:
:yahoo: Yeah I like that name because it makes people weary of me and keeps them away. Kinda like not being friends with your neighbors so they don't ask favors of you.

Let me clarify the Defense attorney thing...After I re-read it, I can see how it could be mis-interpreted.

It was meant as a joke that if I got my hands on Rico...I'd need a defense attorney. That was it...

But yup...I'm a headcase! Watch out...hahahha
The defense attorney comment had little to do with it.

My decision was primarily based on the fact that anyone who lets an anonymous, made up name on the internetz, bother them so much that they freak out like you did.

No one knows you or your daughter. I didn't even know your daughter was a lesbo until YOU revealed that fact.

Hey V26... How does a Lesbo hold her Liquor???
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8330/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

BoyGenius said:
But when you've got several racist (baja, bcp, t_p, highlander, lenny, etc) morons (aps, larry, boy_genius, xai, etc.) who outpost the sane rational folks, it's hard to say it's one person. :shrug:

Let's see, I joined in Nov of 08 and I have a little over 400 posts.

You joined in Nov 08 and you have well over 1,000 posts.

Who's sane, who's rational, and who's just plain stupid in math and other topics?

Answer below:



But Andy had well over 15K posts before he got :booted: - you forgot those. :killingme


Well-Known Member
I could care less the ethinicity of the president elect. His claiming to be black has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to have basic questions answered about his past.

So, none of the above would be my answer. I'm a conscientous voter, and expect the presidential candidate who discusses the need for transparency to actually live up to his rhetoric.

I wanted to know McCain's education, his voting record, his class standing, his executive experience, his foreign policy experience, his military record, etc. The difference is, that was all more than readily available to find out, and I did and read and evaluated it.

Why is it wrong to want the same information available from the presidential candidate who stressed transparency? Unless he has information he doesn't want people to know for some reason, why is his information somehow reasonable to shelter?

His race has nothing to do with anything, still.

And, as far as being hypocritical - I wanted the same information from both candidates, so that's not true.

As far as religion goes, I've repeatedly suggested that I do not believe him to be Muslim, but that he does have more Muslim education/social interaction than the average American, so his background in that would be a great selling point for his ability to work with our fanatical enemies and soothe relations with our Muslim friends. Unfortunately, he chooses to deny the obvious Muslim influences he's had in his life. Why would that be? I still don't think he's a Muslim, nor would I care if he was (I would not see that as a disqualifying factor any more than being a Mormon, a Catholic, or an atheist); but his renouncement of his step-father's influence is telling to me about him.

As far as being partisan - well, you've got me there. I belong to a political party, and generally vote for the person who's beliefs are closer to mine than the other person on the ticket. Since the party I belong to generally is closer to my beliefs than the other party, I guess you could foolishly call my a partisan. However, as I stated before, I do expect the same information from both candidates.

Don't you?
Andy? Do you have any answers to my questions?


Andy? Do you have any answers to my questions?

I didn't say it was wrong to want to know.

Maybe you should ask him that question. :shrug:

I said you guys are whackjobs because you hop on board every conservative conspiracy theory that exists. :shrug:

Me, I'm gonna be concerned with the bigger issues: The economy, the wars, education, healthcare. You guys keep worrying about what scholarships Obama applied for if it floats your boat. :yay:


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was wrong to want to know.

Maybe you should ask him that question. :shrug:

I said you guys are whackjobs because you hop on board every conservative conspiracy theory that exists. :shrug:

Me, I'm gonna be concerned with the bigger issues: The economy, the wars, education, healthcare. You guys keep worrying about what scholarships Obama applied for if it floats your boat. :yay:
Actually, he gave a list of things that weren't answered (a pretty long one), and some idiot suggested that it was answered, then gave the education one as a suggestion that was answered.

I pointed out that one wasn't answered. You argued it was, I proved you wrong.

We can go line for line on the rest of the list if you like. :lol: But, I'm sure you wouldn't like that.

But, you did suggest it was wrong - racist even - for wanting to know. You said it was racist because I didn't ask about Palin (why you have such a limp-on for her I have no idea). The real fact is that I was able to find out about her because she was investigated. McCain was investigated. Some Ohio plumber's assistant was investigated more thoroughly than Obama, and thus the answers weren't there for Obama.

That was Coulter's point. That was my point, Aps' point, etc.

But, we can move forward. You say it's okay to want to know - and that's a good start for you. Don't YOU want to know? (that was the question)