Thanks for educating us about you. Almost everything you said in your incredibly stupid rant is untrue.
First, you need to educate yourself in the difference between racism and bigotry. You obviously don't have a clue that you're talking about each of them as if they're interchangeable. They aren't. They mean entirely different things.
When an ignorant racist such as you tries to justify your idiotic beliefs that racism is something good, all you do is show that you're truly an uneducated idiot.
You'd do yourself a favor by just keeping your PC off. It would make you seem so much more intelligent.
Other than that, thanks for the laugh. Now go back into your trailer, grab another beer and beat the wife and dog, you neanderthal. Quit trying to justify your racial prejudice and ethnic bigotry. Only other idiots like you will believe the horse pucky you're spreading.
Dear Booger eating moron..I never said racism is good. Why don't you try a reading comprehension program.
Racism is a normal human emotion that is felt by every living person in the world and there isn't anything you or any other bleeding heart retard can do or say to change it.
I clearly understand the meaning of bigotry. This thread nor my post was directed toward bigots.
But since you have a comprehension problem I shall post the meaning for you.
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
Even your retarded no comprehending ass can clearly see that my earlier post had nothing to do with hatred or to the intolerance of any ethnic or racial group.
The only intolerance in which I have spoke, has been directed toward people like you.
Humans have to much of a competitive nature not to be racists and only an educated idiot such as yourself would believe that they can change it.
Educated idiots such as yourself have tried over and over to change the natural order of wildlife, never succeeding and more often than not making the problem worst.
You idiots are never content and always want to fix the natural order of the world.
This isn't fair and that isn't fair..
I know you're an educated idiot so let me explain this to your booger eating dumb ass.
The bigger production people like you make over racism is not going to change it, it's going to make it worst.
Kind of like when you keep picking at a sore,

it won't heal.