An Obama supporter pointed out to me that at the election party for Obama, there were just as many white people as black people in attendance.
I had to question how many black people voted for him based solely on his race. I also had to remind him of the "Harlem interviews." How many black people even bothered to learn about the candidates before they made up their minds?
With this said, which race do you think tends to be more racists? Blacks or Whites.
I'm sure that you have noticed that the majority of "white" voters were under the age of 45. There were ALOT of college aged voters. As far as the black voters, I can tell you that my husband and I went to an eating establishment and a black woman was wearing an Obama sticker. My husband asked her why she was voting for Obama. She said it was because that was her right. He said yes, but "why" are you voting for him? She hesitated, and then she couldn't even give him a logical reason. Hmmmm! Could it be because she was black and wanted to see a black (althouh bi racial) president? I think in this case it was just that. There were many black voters who have never even bothered to vote before, who finally came out and voted for Obama. That tells me that either they actually believed what Obama was telling them to get them to vote for him, or they voted for him based on the color of his skin. Skin color really shouldn't matter as long as the president delivers what he says that he will. But when year after year our presidents have made promises then broken them to us, how can we believe anything that our new president elect has to say? I guess that the next 4 years will tell us.
I would have told your husband to mind his own damn business. That was rude to make her show her ignorance.
I'm thinking there are a lot of white people on this forum.
Honestly, I am white, I wouldn't mind my daughter or son marrying someone who is a little different. They can marry jews, asians, some hispanics and it wouldn't bother me a bit. It would bother me if they wanted to marry black or muslim. There are many good black people in this country but they are generally genetical inferior. It's more complex than the color of their skin. There are many black people who have acheived far more than some of the white people in our society so I don't want anyone to think I am a complete racist. I am willing to say that I think most asians are much smarter and civilized than white people but I can also say that most black people are at the bottom of the social spectrum and are generally not very smart.
Any comments??????
Good points. You are smart (for a black person (lol)). You be alright. I forgot about the small penis stereotype. I wonder if I have an asian ancestor. lol.
I would have told your husband to mind his own damn business. That was rude.
Me 2 I would have told my husband to shut up.
No lie, I would have just kept quiet.
I bet that would get you all riled up, wouldn't it?
I still doubt that you could restrain yourself to silence.
Riled up..Me?
Your crusade to stick up for Negroes is very amiable, but you should change to tree hugging and go try to save a stump. It suits your mental capacity.
sunmoonstars, I doubt very much if this youngster is more than 15. His immature arrogance is that of a very young, undisciplined kid. His baiting shows his level of intelligence and his responses to reason show his unwillingness to learn the easy way. Like most that are similar to him, he'll learn the hard way. He might even live through it. If so, he'll stop most of his bull.
I'm not sure if you are over 60 or not, however they are called African Americans, (not Negros)in 10 years it would be something else...However, for now the word is African American. Black is also out dated that was mid 90s...
I'm just glad that no one uses the old words for white people (because their are a few)....this forum would be on serious fire.....
When you get older, wiser, more mature, and lose your smart ass mouth, you'll understand how someone can restrain themselves from responding to someone such as yourself.
"Negoes" indeed.
It's time to grow up, youngster.
I'm not sure if you are over 60 or not, however they are called African Americans, (not Negros)in 10 years it would be something else...However, for now the word is African American. Black is also out dated that was mid 90s...
I'm just glad that no one uses the old words for white people (because their are a few)....this forum would be on serious fire.....
Hell no! I refuse to help them separate themselves from the rest of Americans.
Thats why I voted that the majority of blacks are more racist than whites.
Negro is Latin for black. WTF did they want to be Spanish or something?
It seems they want to be anything but American.
Hell they can't even speak African. They don't go to Africa on vacations.
They don't write or call anyone in Africa and they don't know anyone in Africa.
And while I'm at it, they ain't even black. They've been mixed with whites so much they look more like south Americans.
Obama's mother was American and his father was African, so that makes him the only damn African American here in the USA.
After his generation, the rest of the Obama's are Heinz 57 like the rest of us.
This hyphenated BS is racism at its finest.
If your parents and your grand parents were born here and your great great great great grand parents were born here, and mixed with Lord knows what. How in the hell does the make you anything, slash American?
But we were mistreated::cry: It wasn't by my generation or any generation after.
Think about this..
At what point and time would have Africans started sailing the seven seas?
And at what point in history would Americans welcomed a ship full of Africans?