Who Pays?


professional daydreamer
If you ask a person on a date, you should foot the bill. I agree with the article. In this day and age, it's inappropriate to expect the man to pay for all the dates. If it's a man who wants to pay for everything, then the woman should be creative, maybe purchase tickets in advance for a concert or event, slip away from the table when you're out to dinner and pay the check before it's brought to the table...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
If you ask a person on a date, you should foot the bill. I agree with the article. In this day and age, it's inappropriate to expect the man to pay for all the dates. If it's a man who wants to pay for everything, then the woman should be creative, maybe purchase tickets in advance for a concert or event, slip away from the table when you're out to dinner and pay the check before it's brought to the table...

I agree with you, completely.


mv = margaritaville
I like to pay for every other date. If they ask me out, they pay then I pay the next time even if they asked me out for a second time. It tends to work out and a lot of pressure is taken off...

Now if I ask you out I will pay, unless you throw a fit about paying then its all you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was surprised at how many men don't like it when a woman offers to split the check. Maybe it's different with young guys, but men my age (or at least the ones I go out with) not only expect to pay for dinner, they insist.


Lawful neutral
I was surprised at how many men don't like it when a woman offers to split the check. Maybe it's different with young guys, but men my age (or at least the ones I go out with) not only expect to pay for dinner, they insist.

Not me! I'll let you pay for everything. I like to be pampered with nice things.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
I have offered, but am usually turned down. But I hardly ever date anyway. Although, I was tempted to pull a Jennifer yeterday evening at Outback. :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
I was surprised at how many men don't like it when a woman offers to split the check. Maybe it's different with young guys, but men my age (or at least the ones I go out with) not only expect to pay for dinner, they insist.


If I ask a woman out I will be the one that pays.
I hold doors open and I try to walk on the curb side when we're walking on the street.

Just how I was raised :shrug:

If she invites me out I don't have any obligation to pay but I will if necessary
If i ask someone out, I fully expect to take the bill. If they ask me out, I expect to pay my fair share unless they insist.

I'm prepared to take the check, but I have no issue splitting it if asked.


New Member
My husband and I were long distance before we decided to start dating. He expressed his interest by sending flowers. I expressed my acceptance by sending steaks (the man flower?).

We still split it pretty much according to whomever suggested to eat out. Sometimes one of us pays if we choose to indulge in something that's pricier than usual.

It still freaks him out when I hold the door open for him though.