Whopping $100.00 Gas Rebate


huntr1 said:

I don't care what it's for, I'll take a hundred bucks.

I earned it - they stole it - now they're they're giving it back. So what - I was going to get it back next Febrary anyway.

If you don't like the reasoning behind it, just call it an ass hole rebate - you get it back because you have to deal with *******s all day.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Rebate, an advance on one's tax refund that will be deducted from any refund due next year. In other words we get nothing more then what we would have received anyway. Feel good politics to make the people think that Congress understands and feels our pain. :killingme
Ken King said:
Rebate, an advance on one's tax refund that will be deducted from any refund due next year. In other words we get nothing more then what we would have received anyway. Feel good politics to make the people think that Congress understands and feels our pain. :killingme
And don't forget the astronomical costs associated with generating and mailing said rebates that will add even more to our evergrowing deficit...:howdy:


Lem Putt
A huge republican blunder like this, and Kerad is nowhere to be found. Could that be why nobody takes him seriously?

It's amazing the crap politicians come up with in an election year. Just wait to see what we hear in ads "Senator Joe Blow refused to help Americans afford gas! He voted against our energy package because he hates people!"


New Member
Extra, extra. Read all about it!

Gas prices have dropped 2 freaking cents at the Lex. Pk. Wawa. Better go fill up now!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll have to add this...

MMDad said:
A huge republican blunder like this, and Kerad is nowhere to be found. Could that be why nobody takes him seriously?

It's amazing the crap politicians come up with in an election year. Just wait to see what we hear in ads "Senator Joe Blow refused to help Americans afford gas! He voted against our energy package because he hates people!"

..to the list.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why wouldn't the intelligent thing be...

huntr1 said:

...to propose eliminating, cutting or at least suspending, the federal gas tax?

It's $.18 a gallon. Figure at least 1,000 gallons per head per year and, viola, that's $180 a year.

That sounds a hell of alot better to stop taking it than to take it and then give it back.

If gas is such a necessity, pressure states to treat it like food; no tax at all.


huntr1 said:

I would like to see the big oil and gas corporations give the people a rebate and be the one's that fund any rebate to the people. They are the one's profiting from this hand over fist in this gas crisis, it would be nice if they just did a good will gesture... but I guess that's not going to happen now will it :lol: Also, if it was a good faith gesture, why the string of ANWR even being mentinoed? If its a good will gesture, it should just simply be that... of good will, no conditions. As far as I'm concerned and my research on the issue, there has been NO conclusive studies on ANWR to proove that there actually is loads of oil there for drilling. Save your time on doing your homework and research though... I've already had this debate with y'all before... y'all post studies from Republican sources and all about Prudhoe Bay, etc... and I then post one's from Democratic sources - I'm not budging on this issue. We will have to agree to disgree on this :shrug: But I do think we are in agreement that this rebate plan by OUR governement to pay us sucks and that with a good will gesture, there should be no strings :shrug: Not to mention $100.00 for gas won't even begin to recoup all the money that American's have had to shell (pardon the pun) out for the extra gas prices. I spend a little over 100.00 a week in gas... what about the other 51 weeks of the year? Do I get a little help, just a little help with that???? :mad:
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New Member
dems4me said:
I would like to see the big oil and gas corporations give the people a rebate and be the one's that fund any rebate to the people. They are the one's profiting from this hand over fist in this gas crisis, it would be nice if they just did a good will gesture... but I guess that's not going to happen now will it :lol: Also, if it was a good faith gesture, why the string of ANWR even being mentinoed? If its a good will gesture, it should just simply be that... of good will, no conditions. As far as I'm concerned and my research on the issue, there has been NO conclusive studies on ANWR to proove that there actually is loads of oil there for drilling. Save your time on doing your homework and research though... I've already had this debate with y'all before... y'all post studies from Republican sources and all about Prudhoe Bay, etc... and I then post one's from Democratic sources - I'm not budging on this issue. We will have to agree to disgree on this :shrug: But I do think we are in agreement that this rebate plan by OUR governement to pay us sucks and that with a good will gesture, there should be no strings :shrug: Not to mention $100.00 for gas won't even begin to recoup all the money that American's have had to shell (pardon the pun) out for the extra gas prices. I spend a little over 100.00 a week in gas... what about the other 51 weeks of the year? Do I get a little help, just a little help with that???? :mad:

Why should big oil companies give money back to you? You are willingly giving them your money. It's not as if they stole it from you. You drove your car to the gas station, swiped your card, and pumped their gas. Now you want them to give you the money back? Maybe you should give them the gas back.

Also, it's no gas crisis. People are still happily driving large SUV's, RV's, and taking pleasure trips. Demand has not slowed down yet.

If you are tired of spending $100/week on gas, stop! It's your free choice to spend your money as you wish. No one is forcing you.


dck4shrt said:
Why should big oil companies give money back to you? You are willingly giving them your money. It's not as if they stole it from you. You drove your car to the gas station, swiped your card, and pumped their gas. Now you want them to give you the money back? Maybe you should give them the gas back.

Also, it's no gas crisis. People are still happily driving large SUV's, RV's, and taking pleasure trips. Demand has not slowed down yet.

If you are tired of spending $100/week on gas, stop! It's your free choice to spend your money as you wish. No one is forcing you.

:biteme: If there's market manipulation and issues that deal with unethical practice as suggested and as there is now a demand for a hearing on these issues, I think perhaps that is guilt enough, if found guilty than -- dammn'd straight, I'd like to see money back as a result :shrug: Nothing wrong with that.
You are correct no one is forcing me to spend over 100.00 a week for gas, but I feel I am being forced to pay more than I should at an average non-inflated rate, I'm not driving any more than I was last month. This all I guess is subject to debate, but that's my opinion, let the "a couple billion a quarter profit oil companies" pay me the rebate - not the government. :shrug:

I'm thinking more and more along the lines of having irresponsible sex, popping out about 8 kids and then just getting on welfare. :yay: :lol:
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New Member
dems4me said:
:biteme: If there's market manipulation and issues that deal with unethical practice as suggested and as there is now a demand for a hearing on these issues, I think perhaps that is guilt enough, if found guilty than -- dammn'd straight, I'd like to see money back as a result :shrug: Nothing wrong with that.
You are correct no one is forcing me to spend over 100.00 a week for gas, but I feel I am being forced to pay more than I should at an average non-inflated rate, I'm not driving any more than I was last month. This all I guess is subject to debate, but that's my opinion, let the "a couple billion a quarter profit oil companies" pay me the rebate - not the government. :shrug:

I'm thinking more and more along the lines of having irresponsible sex, popping out about 8 kids and then just getting on welfare. :yay: :lol:

Bite me, huh? The maturity level is high this morning. The NYMEX market for crude oil would be pretty difficult to manipulate, probably impossible. High gasoline prices are a global issue. Bigger than the big oil companies. Recently there are issues with the cross-over to ethanol mixes and perhaps some companies perparedness will be questioned. At any rate, it's not any individual company's responsibility to ensure a steady supply to the marketplace. If they have a problem getting product to market, someone else will step up and sell it in their place.

If oil companies are 'guilty' of something its not building enough refineries, and thats because they are really expensive to build, and the environmental regulations to build one are really stringent. If you want to acquire a refinery, it is much cheaper (although still pricey) to buy an existing one than to build a new one. Still its not their responsibility to ensure that there is enough gasoline on the market for me and you. Their responsibility is to their shareholders in order to legally maximize profit in their chosen business. They bare no responsibility to national security, to your wallet, to our government, or to anyone but the people who own shares in that company.

If you want to recoup your gasoline expenses, perhaps you should buy some stock in exxon-mobil, conoco-philips, halliburton, etc, etc.


dck4shrt said:
High gasoline prices are a global issue. Bigger than the big oil companies.

This is why I think that the US, Western Europe, China and the Former Soviet Union should form an alliance, and wipe out all OPEC nations.

I think we should Invade Iraq again - this time for cheap oil.
They're a weak and easy target right now anyway.


New Member
Toxick said:
This is why I think that the US, Western Europe, China and the Former Soviet Union should form an alliance, and wipe out all OPEC nations.

I think we should Invade Iraq again - this time for cheap oil.
They're a weak and easy target right now anyway.

Duly noted.


dck4shrt said:
Bite me, huh? The maturity level is high this morning. The NYMEX market for crude oil would be pretty difficult to manipulate, probably impossible. High gasoline prices are a global issue. Bigger than the big oil companies. Recently there are issues with the cross-over to ethanol mixes and perhaps some companies perparedness will be questioned. At any rate, it's not any individual company's responsibility to ensure a steady supply to the marketplace. If they have a problem getting product to market, someone else will step up and sell it in their place.

If oil companies are 'guilty' of something its not building enough refineries, and thats because they are really expensive to build, and the environmental regulations to build one are really stringent. If you want to acquire a refinery, it is much cheaper (although still pricey) to buy an existing one than to build a new one. Still its not their responsibility to ensure that there is enough gasoline on the market for me and you. Their responsibility is to their shareholders in order to legally maximize profit in their chosen business. They bare no responsibility to national security, to your wallet, to our government, or to anyone but the people who own shares in that company.

If you want to recoup your gasoline expenses, perhaps you should buy some stock in exxon-mobil, conoco-philips, halliburton, etc, etc.

1) the bitme smilie had a smile on its red face (note its called a smilie:lol:)
2) I don't hold the oil companies guilty at all for not building enough refineries, I think they'd want more refineries built more than anyone else would. I think alot of refinery proposals get nixed in the approval process. Such as having to seek apprvoal and authority through DWPA, FERC and EPA alone. Not to mention you also get the community that rises up and doesn't want one anywhere near there home onshore or offshore, just the same as putting a new leg in a pipeline. :shrug:
3) Generally, I think its sad when the big gas/oil corporations made the big profits (billions gained mind you - not millions or thousands per quarter ) and their victory ends up DIRECTLY producing hardships on the American people. Its not like the American people are shopping in excess at Walmart and the Walmart Execs. are profitting. This is an issue that is based on a needed item that is needed for fuel and heat. Not inflated prices that people are having to face hardship due to their need for Martha Stewart bed linnens and how dare the bastages at Walmart profit. Gasoline is a need not a want for many people across America. A few nights ago on Fox news, they said that 2 out 10 people (1/5) are in pawn shops pawning their things in need of gas money.... alot of people cannot aford this and are really suffering as a result of this gas price increase. It really bothers me that it yet again this is a rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. If it was 100% legit that's fine, but if there's speculation that there is unfair trade practices going on behind the scenes (as there are MANY speculations) , that just angers me. :mad: