Whopping $100.00 Gas Rebate


dems4me said:
:biteme: If there's market manipulation and issues that deal with unethical practice as suggested and as there is now a demand for a hearing on these issues, I think perhaps that is guilt enough, if found guilty than -- dammn'd straight, I'd like to see money back as a result :shrug: Nothing wrong with that.
You are correct no one is forcing me to spend over 100.00 a week for gas, but I feel I am being forced to pay more than I should at an average non-inflated rate, I'm not driving any more than I was last month. This all I guess is subject to debate, but that's my opinion, let the "a couple billion a quarter profit oil companies" pay me the rebate - not the government. :shrug:

I'm thinking more and more along the lines of having irresponsible sex, popping out about 8 kids and then just getting on welfare. :yay: :lol:
You huffing airplane glue again?

Just because congress calls for hearing doesn't mean anyone is guilty of jack shiat. It only means the goobers want people like you to THINK they care. they can have hearings all freaking day and all freaking night and they are going to find out the same thing; All the oil companies are within the law, obeying the law, making a small profit, and there is no graft, gouging, collusion, or anything else sinister like everyone likes to paint them.

I don't see you getting pizzed at Starbucks^1 for charging five dollars for a cup of coffee, their profit has to be around 400%. I also don't see you taking advantage of mass transit or taking your 15 MPG Chevy truck down and trading it for a Geo Metro or a Prius, especially with your commute.

You cannot wantonly waste and be inflexible and responsible for your own consumption and choices, blame someone else when it becomes costly, and expect to be boobed.

^1 FromTexas, 27April2006, YM


Super Genius
dems4me said:
Generally, I think its sad when the big gas/oil corporations made the big profits (billions gained mind you - not millions or thousands per quarter ) and their victory ends up DIRECTLY producing hardships on the American people. Its not like the American people are shopping in excess at Walmart and the Walmart Execs. are profitting. This is an issue that is based on a needed item that is needed for fuel and heat. Not inflated prices that people are having to face hardship due to their need for Martha Stewart bed linnens and how dare the bastages at Walmart profit. Gasoline is a need not a want for many people across America. A few nights ago on Fox news, they said that 2 out 10 people (1/5) are in pawn shops pawning their things in need of gas money.... alot of people cannot aford this and are really suffering as a result of this gas price increase. It really bothers me that it yet again this is a rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. If it was 100% legit that's fine, but if there's speculation that there is unfair trade practices going on behind the scenes (as there are MANY speculations) , that just angers me. :mad:
Ok, let's remove their 10% profit which works out to...$0.30/gal :yawn:


Pete said:
You huffing airplane glue again?

Just because congress calls for hearing doesn't mean anyone is guilty of jack shiat. It only means the goobers want people like you to THINK they care. they can have hearings all freaking day and all freaking night and they are going to find out the same thing; All the oil companies are within the law, obeying the law, making a small profit, and there is no graft, gouging, collusion, or anything else sinister like everyone likes to paint them.

I don't see you getting pizzed at Starbucks^1 for charging five dollars for a cup of coffee, their profit has to be around 400%. I also don't see you taking advantage of mass transit or taking your 15 MPG Chevy truck down and trading it for a Geo Metro or a Prius, especially with your commute.

You cannot wantonly waste and be inflexible and responsible for your own consumption and choices, blame someone else when it becomes costly, and expect to be boobed.

^1 FromTexas, 27April2006, YM


1) no glue huffing 2) no comment on it being legal or illegal 3) I don't drink coffee, have no idea what you are talking about Starbucks... I don't need Starbucks coffee in my tank to get to work or heat a house, its comparing apples to oranges 3) what kind of mass transit are you referring to? If its the commuter bus, the hours are pretty much geared for govn't workers... I have set hours and I'd be on the last bus that leaves, 9 times out of 10 I work late and will not be able to catch the bus, then I'm screwed or stuck throwing a massive cab fare bill at the Firm. Most people live closer by so I don't want this to be an issue at a NEW job and 4) WTF does being boobed have to do with anything? Most girls are :shrug:


New Member
dems4me said:
1) the bitme smilie had a smile on its red face (note its called a smilie:lol:)
2) I don't hold the oil companies guilty at all for not building enough refineries, I think they'd want more refineries built more than anyone else would. I think alot of refinery proposals get nixed in the approval process. Such as having to seek apprvoal and authority through DWPA, FERC and EPA alone. Not to mention you also get the community that rises up and doesn't want one anywhere near there home onshore or offshore, just the same as putting a new leg in a pipeline. :shrug:
3) Generally, I think its sad when the big gas/oil corporations made the big profits (billions gained mind you - not millions or thousands per quarter ) and their victory ends up DIRECTLY producing hardships on the American people. Its not like the American people are shopping in excess at Walmart and the Walmart Execs. are profitting. This is an issue that is based on a needed item that is needed for fuel and heat. Not inflated prices that people are having to face hardship due to their need for Martha Stewart bed linnens and how dare the bastages at Walmart profit. Gasoline is a need not a want for many people across America. A few nights ago on Fox news, they said that 2 out 10 people (1/5) are in pawn shops pawning their things in need of gas money.... alot of people cannot aford this and are really suffering as a result of this gas price increase. It really bothers me that it yet again this is a rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. If it was 100% legit that's fine, but if there's speculation that there is unfair trade practices going on behind the scenes (as there are MANY speculations) , that just angers me. :mad:

It is a needed item that is used inefficiently...Use what you need efficiently and then we'll talk.

I remind you that oil companies didn't always have it this good. When oil was cheap, they were taking out loans to pay for their expenses. Now that the money is rolling they are paying off that debt from those lean years and reinvesting a lot of money into new exploration, rigs, etc. Their shareholders are being rewarded for sticking with them through thick and thin.

We should think of the times when oil is/was cheap as a bonus. Now we are settling into reality.


dck4shrt said:
It is a needed item that is used inefficiently...Use what you need efficiently and then we'll talk.

I remind you that oil companies didn't always have it this good. When oil was cheap, they were taking out loans to pay for their expenses. Now that the money is rolling they are paying off that debt from those lean years and reinvesting a lot of money into new exploration, rigs, etc. Their shareholders are being rewarded for sticking with them through thick and thin.

We should think of the times when oil is/was cheap as a bonus. Now we are settling into reality.

How the frick do you know whether I use it efficiently or inefficienty dck4brainns?


New Member
dems4me said:
How the frick do you know whether I use it efficiently or inefficienty dck4brainns?

Maybe I should have referred to the 'you' as in people in general.

At any rate, if you are spending $100/week it is your choice, but I would conclude that you are on the right half of the bell curve in terms of gasoline consumption.


dck4shrt said:
Maybe I should have referred to the 'you' as in people in general.

At any rate, if you are spending $100/week it is your choice, but I would conclude that you are on the right half of the bell curve in terms of gasoline consumption.

Why is this conversation about curves and being boobed now? :lol:

Dck4shrt. It is a choice yes, but believe you me, if there's a cheaper way of doing things that I can do to save gas, I'd do it. All of course, short of having to finance a new car to better gas milage (would now cost me about 300 a month for new car and gas) quit my job and then work for less money closer to where I live (which would be less net than what I'm getting now even if gas was entirely free) or hijack a bus home. I could carpool, but again, I don't get off consistently at the same time everyday and can't just up and leave. The kind of work I do, is not the kind where I can just stop when the whistle blows, get up and leave and finish it the next day. The one girl here at work that lives remotely within the vicinity (25) miles of where I live and work with is not interested in carpooling because she too does not get off the same time I do and she too has inconsistent departure hours. I'm not complaining yet, as I'm not one of those folks going to the pawn shop hocking things for gas, but it just upsets me that folks (who yes Pete, I think there is some greed and corruptness in the business) are making money hand over fist and others are getting worse off economically. :shrug: Thats all :frown:
I really don't see many changes I can do.


Toxick said:
Wow - unsigned gray kr4ma for this.
Wonder where that come from? :rolleyes:

You should see my krama take a nose dive today, I've got all kinds of colors in there. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind the $100. It's not a LOT less than the DIFFERENCE between what gas DID cost vs. what it's gonna cost me for the next month or so. It's not buying my gas, but it is making up for about a month's difference.

That is, so long as it's not just "advancing" my refund. That's idiotic.


ylexot said:
Ok, let's remove their 10% profit which works out to...$0.30/gal :yawn:

That measly .30 cents per gallon only applies to the retail/backend side of the business. You don't think you're going to be pulling in close to $10,000,000,000.00 in profits making just .30 cents a gallon do you? The oil companies are making those profits from the front-end/production and delivery side of the business... they just like to keep the ignorant masses quiet by pointing out how little the retail outlets make on a gallon of gas.

If you're an outfit like Exxon, and you've got a fleet of a couple dozen super tankers, you're making somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,500,000 bucks in excess profits for every ship that's at sea with oil every time the futures price of oil goes up $1. So it's very desireable to keep ships at sea during times like these when oil prices are trending upwards. A few extra days at sea can make a lot of difference. This can lead to spot shotages as deliveries take longer to arrive than expected and production gets interupted. And who's pumping, selling, and loading the oil in most cases? The production companies. So they are making money when they pump it from the ground, when they transport it, when they refine it, and when they sell it to you... and make a LOT more than .30 a gallon doing it.


I think I find myself in agreement with Dems and Dick on this one. Yes the oil companies are gouging us for every dime they can get, but that's what for-profit companies do. The fact that they are doing it extremely well, which is extremely bad for us, is not a bad thing in our system. For profit companies should be able to make as much profit as they can, so they are just doing what they do.

But there are exceptions in out country for limiting profits for the public good, and this is done in most government contracting and public utilities. I think that the oil/gasoline industry falls into the later of those two. If we regulate how much natural gas can cost, and restrict profits on it, why can't the same be done with gasoline? If municipal governments can be responsible for delivering water and electricity to everyone at a low cost, why not gasoline? My water bill would be $250 a month, and my electric about $450 a month, if the electric co-op and Clay County Utility Commission were allowed to boost prices the way that oil companies have. After all... what choice would I have? I guess I could burn candles and carry water from a well, but I'm no sooner likely to do that as ride a bicycle to work each day.

I don't think the answer to the problem is rebates or windfall taxes. I think the fix is a fundamental change in policy that treats gasoline the same way we treat other consumables that 95% of the population needs.


Bruzilla said:
I think I find myself in agreement with Dems and Dick on this one. Yes the oil companies are gouging us for every dime they can get, but that's what for-profit companies do. The fact that they are doing it extremely well, which is extremely bad for us, is not a bad thing in our system. For profit companies should be able to make as much profit as they can, so they are just doing what they do.

But there are exceptions in out country for limiting profits for the public good, and this is done in most government contracting and public utilities. I think that the oil/gasoline industry falls into the later of those two. If we regulate how much natural gas can cost, and restrict profits on it, why can't the same be done with gasoline? If municipal governments can be responsible for delivering water and electricity to everyone at a low cost, why not gasoline? My water bill would be $250 a month, and my electric about $450 a month, if the electric co-op and Clay County Utility Commission were allowed to boost prices the way that oil companies have. After all... what choice would I have? I guess I could burn candles and carry water from a well, but I'm no sooner likely to do that as ride a bicycle to work each day.

I don't think the answer to the problem is rebates or windfall taxes. I think the fix is a fundamental change in policy that treats gasoline the same way we treat other consumables that 95% of the population needs.

I agree - but I think the gas/oil industry WAS regulated at one point in time and recently deregulated in 1990 or 1992 (early-mid 90s?) and then restructured. Electricity was also deregulated shortly after (I think around mid to late 90s) and that is what is getting the blame for the high electric prices that will be coming our way 19% now and then 27 percent rate hikes next year in 2007. Are you saying we should rereguate the entire gas/oil industry (producers, marketers, shippers) but structure it differently than what it was... what about electric? Do you feel that should be regulated again?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Which are based...

Toxick said:
Oil futures

...on supply and demand and a bet on what the supply and demand will be in the coming four months.

Build some nuke plants. Drill in ANWR. Get going on coal to gas converstion.

Then you can watch money flee oil futures.


Larry Gude said:
...on supply and demand and a bet on what the supply and demand will be in the coming four months.



Larry Gude said:
Build some nuke plants. Drill in ANWR. Get going on coal to gas converstion.

Great idea!
I'll do that.

Being that I'm a billionaire with tons of venture capital, and all.


Larry Gude said:

:lol: I do believe supply and demand are factors, but REALISTICALLY you are not going to stop the DEMAND quickly to put things in check - In the meantime you have folks that still need gas and oil :shrug: And alot of these fokls are folks that can't afford the rate hikes. Farmers need gas for their tractors, etc... :shrug: Do you have a line of solar powered tractors you can readily whip out and propose :shrug: :lol: