Why are you here?


Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by jazz lady
Glad SOMETHING does... :biggrin:
:biggrin: Geeez, jazz lady, that hurt all they way over here!! Do you not think BK is fit for woman or beast?

:razz2: penn


Attire Monitor
Re: OW!

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Geeez, jazz lady, that hurt all they way over here!! Do you not think BK is fit for woman or beast?

:razz2: penn

I wanna know how I made it from her grace list and official proofreader to the poop list all of a sudden!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bknarw
I'm now officially "chagrined".
Wow, I'm impressed. I'm going to have to look THAT up in the dictionary. :duh: Put it on your resume - employers will be SO impressed.

It's been fun but I gotta go. Can you send me some measurements on lilbooboo? Want to make sure he fits on the floor. :wink:

(And you love we all love you, BK. It's all in fun. :kiss: )


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: OW!

Originally posted by bknarw
I wanna know how I made it from her grace list and official proofreader to the poop list all of a sudden!
:biggrin: Well, BK, this condition may last overnight, so take two aspirins and call Lilbooboo in the morning. Other than that advice you're probably gonna have to grin and bear it!

:razz2: penn


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bknarw
Yes, but he LOVES me!!!
You know you could stop by and visit him before he forgets who you are. :bubble:

Don't forget the 5lb. rib-roast. :wink:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
You know you could stop by and visit him before he forgets who you are. :bubble:

Don't forget the 5lb. rib-roast. :wink:
Tied around his neck so Bear will play with him? :razz2:


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by jazz lady
Tied around his neck so Bear will play with him? :razz2:

Just some quick questions and corrections:

Jazz, didn't you leave??? Also, not EVERYONE...beleive me!!!

Sharon, What rib roast?
oh, and....


Originally posted by migtig
I joined the forum because it is for Southern Maryland. After all, how weird can people be if they live in Southern Maryland?! (Okay, don't answer that!) But, I lurked for a long time, glenning information about the area, places to go things to do stuff like that. Once I started posting, I felt like most people were my friends and I have enjoyed meeting my online friends in real time. That's not to say that there hasn't been a few weirdos and pervs who have approached me here, but the moderators were great when I complained. I felt comfortable enough to attend some group events, and am glad I did! Did I go to meet men and hook-up? No. I don't believe in fairy tales. :bawl: But I did hope to meet people who would and did turn out to be friends. Who else would help you plan to shoot and kill and destroy the remains of your stalker, unless it was good friends?! :biggrin: Does being in a forum encourage me to cheat? No. It does however give me an outlet to vent, cry and joke with other people when sometimes your not at the best place to explode (ie work). Forums and chat rooms can give you a connection with people that you might not have had otherwise. However, it does not make you predispossed to cheat and hook up or swing or anything. That stuff was already there in real life long before it made it online. JMO

hmmm...I never thought of it that way:shrug:


It always amazes me to read old Kain posts... She's such a crack head! :roflmao:


Football addict
I was drawn on here for something to do one day. I was attracted to the differing opinions and debates immediately. Sadly, I got hooked and never looked back.:bubble:


The Smart Hooker
I moved away from Maryland and left alot of my family and friends behind. I started posting here because it keeps me from being homesick so much. I feel like I don't miss out on much.

Like PFgal, I also met my husband online. I wasn't looking for a husband per say, it just happend. Glad it did too! :clap:


Skiing in the clouds
I started reading the fourms because of intresting stories and opionions. I have no intrest in meeting any of you. I log off when the thread subject changes and you just bash each other (CHILDISH).


Originally posted by happyazz
I started reading the fourms because of intresting stories and opionions. I have no intrest in meeting any of you. I log off when the thread subject changes and you just bash each other (CHILDISH).

who you calling childish poncho?


Originally posted by happyazz
Any guilty people. This is a fourm and I can have my opionions right??????


you must log out a lot then huh? I'm surprised you have a post count at all......with not being around when it gets childish.


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by happyazz
I started reading the fourms because of intresting stories and opionions. I have no intrest in meeting any of you. I log off when the thread subject changes and you just bash each other (CHILDISH).
