Why are you here?


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
[Giving all the guys high-5s] Way to go, we have them fooled! Move in for the kill!

I think Pixie just broke a lot of hearts:wink:

Don't worry ST, everyone knows I'm really in love with you! :biggrin:


"Fill your hands you SOB!
I'm here just to put my 2 cents worth on different topics, see how/what other people are thinking, and to throw an occasional jab at the dim-witted and narrow-minded!:cheers:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Kain99
So, you've never dated anyone on the forums? :confused:

I've gone out with people here and there but I've only really "dated" two people in the past year. Neither of which are on here.


Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by laureng
We know a guy like this who is married and partially unhappy. He wants his wife to be certain ways - and she's not open to his ideas. Therefore, he uses chatting as an outlet to talk with other women that are more open. BAD MOVE for him. What started out as just chatting, I fear, is shortly going to turn into reality. AS things progress in what I say is the wrong direction, they may even end up meeting...and you know what'll happen then!!

:smile: Laureng, I read your whole post before I cut it a little; and I agree with the possible results you fear.
However, in the end, this gent still has a choice to make. It's hard to tell what a person will do when, as in this case, he's faced with the proverbial "fork in the road" Perhaps it will dawn on him that this is not the direction to take.
A matter of consciousness maybe, and maybe I'm being too optimistic.

:smile: penn


Football season!
Process of elimination.. Raise your hand if you haven't dated pixie


Sorry, closest thing I could find :smile:


Originally posted by pixiegirl
BTW Kain, Who did you think I had dated from here?:confused:

Sleuth- The Firefighter guy and whoever the bald guy was at the first party I went to. :biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
Sleuth and I went out a couple times while I was dating Marty (the bald guy, who wasn't on here) and Fireman and I have always just been friends; we live too far away to date each other (me - Waldorf, him - Valley Lee).

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Welp there's no denying that 18 out of 34 of us admit to being "tempted" to cheat. If statistics prove to be true half ofthe 16 who denied ever being tempted were lying. So that means that at least some of the people on the forums are taking a risk by posting here!

Where are you guys?
I am one that said I have never been tempted to cheat. I still say that and I won't cheat because of my character. I have been posting here for quite a while and I am doing nothing but conversing on the internet. I might flirt with one or two of you from time to time but that isn't being tempted to cheat.

There were cheaters before the internet and there will be cheaters from now until eternity. The only difference is that they can now find like minded individuals via this medium to take their desires further should they choose.

Cheaters cheat, lovers love and I would never contemplate "stepping out" on my wife.


Asperger's Poster Child
When I was growing up, I was shy around people I didn't know. But once I got to know them, I would babble endlessly. I still have that problem today.

That's why I like written communication better than oral communication. Stick me in front of an audience, and I'll just fumfuh and stutter, and eventually dissolve in a pool of my own sweat. (Not a pleasant image.)

I was originally attracted to the Forum because I could post my opinions without having my name appear in the newspaper's letters column. But I found the Forum to be so much more than a glorified editorial page. The debates here can be very lively, especially when the debaters keep their minds open to new ideas.
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My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Ken King

Cheaters cheat, lovers love and I would never contemplate "stepping out" on my wife.

So, Kenny baby, are you saying you're a lover???? :biggrin:

Disclaimer: I am not nor have I ever flirted with or dated Ken King.


Originally posted by Ken King
I am one that said I have never been tempted to cheat. I still say that and I won't cheat because of my character.

My post certainly wasn't directed at anyone in particular, I'm just curous. :smile:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, I'm here because I have to be :lol: Just kidding - I like talking politics and none of my dirt-world friends are into it. Larry satisfies my need for political raving but I like to get different takes on things and people on this forum provide that. Plus they know a lot of stuff that I don't so I get an education to boot.

I've never been remotely interested romantically in anyone I've ever met online (except my husband, who I met through an online personal). But I also find I'm not attracted to any dirt-world guys, either - I'm happily married and too busy to think about cheating.

I've never been interested in chatrooms and don't frequent any other forums but this one. And I have to say, after doing this site for over 6 years, if I knew then what I know now, I'd have never trolled the Internet for a guy - that's for sure. It's not you all so much as some of the emails we receive from somd.com visitors - makes you realize that there are some real nutjobs out there.

But there are people that I really think a lot of in these forums - several of the posters have been with us since the very beginning of Somd.com, which I think is cool.


Dancing Up A Storm
Who me?

Originally posted by Kain99
Welp there's no denying that 18 out of 34 of us admit to being "tempted" to cheat. If statistics prove to be true half ofthe 16 who denied ever being tempted were lying. So that means that at least some of the people on the forums are taking a risk by posting here!

Where are you guys?
:biggrin: Me? I'm single; so I don't have to worry about the temptations being looked at here(for the most part!) And I don't like to fool around with married women; they're more trouble then they're worth! I absolutely hate having to jump out of second-story windows in order to avoid irate husbands!! Geez!
But I joined here after looking around a bit, mostly the forums, seeing/hearing what people had to say. I kinda like the idea that everyone dosen't necessarily agree with what's being discussed at any given moment. Sometimes the "sandbox"
gets a little turbulent, but by and by, I think we all understand it's
just the passionate side of our basic moral beliefs. Hey, if we ALL agreed, it would be pretty boring, eh?

:cheers: penn


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Sleuth and I went out a couple times while I was dating Marty (the bald guy, who wasn't on here) and Fireman and I have always just been friends; we live too far away to date each other (me - Waldorf, him - Valley Lee).

W-what? *humphf* :stupid: