Why are you here?


Be about it
Originally posted by Kain99
I guess what I'm really wondering is.... Do honest moral people risk ruining everything that they have simply by being on-line?

Can you get sucked into something without even realizeing it? Or is that just total BS?

I don't think that people with morals...strong-minded people, are going to get sucked into something as serious as an affair without realizing it. But, if people are already thinking about it and are approached, they may go ahead and take the bait. In that case, it's not like they 'looked' for it, they just didn't resist.

I mean, there is a load of harmless flirting that goes on within these forums. Harmless being the key word. I think I'd sure as heck realize if it became anymore than that.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by kwillia
And I was just gonna send him a PM letting him know what nights I was free... :frown:

Fine with me...let me know what he says. I need more leverage to get the pup and the car!!!:biggrin: It will be our secret.:cool:


I came on the boards becasue I moved down here and didn't know anyone at all. Except my mother. I have to gotten to know so many of you. The people here are getting me out of the shy shell that i had put around myself for no reason.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Kain99
Sleuth- The Firefighter guy and whoever the bald guy was at the first party I went to. :biggrin:

Thanks for bringing up fireman Kain. :bawl: Just when I was starting to get over him. :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:


Dancing Up A Storm
Oh, That one!

Originally posted by Sharon
It's the shirt you wore to Sierra's with the little logo on the neck. That was a classic Catt moment, I thought she was gonna rip it right off ya. :lol:
:razz2: Whatsamatta? You guys didn't care for my Giants shirt? Yes, I do remember the glare in the Catt's eye! Alright, I'll retire the shirt until next year,; but look, I could have worn a Dallas Cowboys shirt; would that have made things any better?

:wink: penn


A friend told me of this site. I read post for months before I started posting my sarcastic remarks.

All of us come to the net for a reason. From filling dead time :howdy: to looking to fill a void of companionship.


Re: Oh, That one!

Originally posted by penncam
I could have worn a Dallas Cowboys shirt; would that have made things any better?

:wink: penn



Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by kwillia
There there is Pixie looking to fill the voids in her backyard with companions.... :bubble:

Yeah, I haven't put anyone back there in a while. I did however put Jet back on lock-down. He was getting a little out of hand. :biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Oh, That one!

Originally posted by penncam
:razz2: Whatsamatta? You guys didn't care for my Giants shirt? Yes, I do remember the glare in the Catt's eye! Alright, I'll retire the shirt until next year,; but look, I could have worn a Dallas Cowboys shirt; would that have made things any better?

:wink: penn

Sure, THAT would have been better! I'd have kicked your butt for sure.

What was really irritating was your impression of Jeremy Shockey. You know, yap..yap..the Giants this and yap..yap.. the Giants that. :razz:


Football season!
Re: Re: Oh, That one!

Originally posted by cattitude
Sure, THAT would have been better! I'd have kicked your butt for sure.

What was really irritating was your impression of Jeremy Shockey. You know, yap..yap..the Giants this and yap..yap.. the Giants that. :razz:

When you are as pretty as shockey is, you have to talk a lot.. That way, he'll make friends in jail when he gets in trouble with the law..
"I use to see that pretty little mouth yapping all the time on TV, always wanted a way to shut it up.." :eek:


Dancing Up A Storm
Penn's shirt

Originally posted by cattitude
Well Shallow Penn, dang, guess our time together is not very memorable. I'm crushed!

You paid $4 for that rag?:eek: Dang, I'd have thought $2 tops!!
:rolleyes: But wait! There's more! You're lucky I didn't wear the slacks to match; I kinda thought that might have been going a little overboard, so I left them home and wore jeans instead.
Wait until you see my Phil Simms jersey!!
Now you see, this is why a lot of folks take part in these forums. I suppose if you're a shy type(do we have those here?),
and you have a fragile ego, it's maybe somewhat intimidating. I think it's fun meeting new folks, exchanging ideas, and seeing what other people feel about today's topics. We have a very good mix of intelligence(mostly Republicans), ages, wimps, know-it-alls, sports fans, and even some who like to discuss which facial creme they prefer.

:razz2: penn


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Oh, That one!

Originally posted by cattitude
Sure, THAT would have been better! I'd have kicked your butt for sure.

What was really irritating was your impression of Jeremy Shockey. You know, yap..yap..the Giants this and yap..yap.. the Giants that. :razz:

:rolleyes: Gee, I wonder if I was drinking Jose Cuervo that night;
justhangn, were we "bonding" again? That stuff tends to let my lighter side flow, and the Giants personna came out. I think I already caught the look in your eye, Catt, and was being a rascal!

:cheers: penn


Re: Re: Re: Oh, That one!

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: Gee, I wonder if I was drinking Jose Cuervo that night;
justhangn, were we "bonding" again? That stuff tends to let my lighter side flow, and the Giants personna came out. I think I already caught the look in your eye, Catt, and was being a rascal!

:cheers: penn

I don't remember being stuck to anything, but the booze went down too dang well I say.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by laureng
I don't think that people with morals...strong-minded people, are going to get sucked into something as serious as an affair without realizing it. But, if people are already thinking about it and are approached, they may go ahead and take the bait. In that case, it's not like they 'looked' for it, they just didn't resist.

I mean, there is a load of harmless flirting that goes on within these forums. Harmless being the key word. I think I'd sure as heck realize if it became anymore than that.

I was PMd several times a long time ago by someone who never, ever posted in the forums. He wanted to get to know me better, he said. When I asked why he never posted he said that he could, but he's rather talk to me offline, even after I said I was married. I then told him that I would have to "out" him and I never heard from him again. That leads me to belive the he was lookin for the nookie on the side.


Originally posted by RoseRed
I was PMd several times a long time ago by someone who never, ever posted in the forums. He wanted to get to know me better, he said. When I asked why he never posted he said that he could, but he's rather talk to me offline, even after I said I was married. I then told him that I would have to "out" him and I never heard from him again. That leads me to belive the he was lookin for the nookie on the side.

And guys wonder why they have such a bad reputation to overcome.

You should have "outed" his sorry POS butt anyway. I would venture to guess it was someone you knew and he was trying to see if you would come out and play.:boo: :boo:


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Penn's shirt

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: But wait! There's more! You're lucky I didn't wear the slacks to match;
:razz2: penn

Oh for crap sake Penn, men wear trousers...women wear slacks. Geeezz! My dad drilled that into me at a very early age.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by justhangn
And guys wonder why they have such a bad reputation to overcome.

You should have "outed" his sorry POS butt anyway. I would venture to guess it was someone you knew and he was trying to see if you would come out and play.:boo: :boo:
That thought crossed my mind too. I certainly didn't want to be a pawn in someones game to try and get me into trouble. I'm not interested in any "clandestine meetings". Since I never heard from him again, I didn't bother to post his messages.