Why can't We be friends????


New Member

The boarding facility is fully aware that they are venturing into territory they should not be in.
They have painted the the trees in the area with markers, and have begun to cut new trails to connect their property to the main trails in the park with their horses. What ever happened to "Tread Lightly"?

I would say they dont play well with others. Sorry, Not sure who this is. The few farm owners I know that are property owners near the park have a brain and use it and co-exist, with hunters, bike riders, hikers, fisherman and just plain folk walking the park for excersize. Hunting season is not that long to respect those rights for all of us to enjoy our hobbies and sports. I am sorry they are being foolish. If it is the hunting grounds they are entering they are doing so at a high risk. You do have the right to be there and SAFETY is a big issue. Perhaps making a call to ?Natural Resources? and reporting what you know, might help to get them involved and aware of the problem. I am not sure who would handle this but they are definitely being careless to travel in a marked hunting ground.


Tell her you're not hunting, just target shooting and bust a few caps. See how fast she (or should I say the horse) evacuates the area.

:lmao: My horse used to live next to gun freaks. He's good with just about anything except probably small artillery fire, but most "normal" horses would freak.

All that being said being able to coexsist is nice. But, as Devine said there have been incidents where riders/horses were mistaken for deer and shot. Now, I'm not sure how a hunter could mistake a horse and/or rider for a deer. :otter: I enjoy WATCHING the wildlife, so I wouldn't be whistling and trying to spook them. Most of us have seen deer on the trail, say deer or signal the other riders so they're prepared incase the horse DOES spook, but generally horses that are field kept are familiar with deer.

Quite often public riding areas and public hunting areas are the same place. If someone chooses to ride in PUBLIC areas where/when hunting is permitted they should 100% wear hunter's orange. I personally choose to stay off public hunting land during hunting season. I wouldn't want a hunter playing in the arena when I'm showing...why should I be running through their woods while they're hunting?



The equine industry has Sundays to ride hassle free without the fear of gun shots. So I would agree with you why be in the woods, those few weeks of firearm deer season? There are plenty of areas that are off limits to hunters that can be used during hunting season

Not that I disagree with your other statements, but something like the first sunday of the month of shotgun season it IS legal to hunt on Sundays. But, I quite often hear shots fired on Sundays during hunting season. Target practice? Or hunting?


Active Member
Perhaps you should educate her on the "Maryland Hunter Harassment Laws".

Give DNR a call.

She is free to ride......but not intentionally ruin your hunting.


When I did more trail riding we only rode on Sundays in the woods. If there was a special Sunday hunting day we didn't go in the woods.

Most hunters I know are smart enough to tell the difference between a horse and a deer however, there are exceptions to the rule who are a brain challenged, or had one to many 10 oz'ers before going in the woods.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
But why would you be riding in a public hunting area during hunting season? :confused:

:smack: OAE / fellow hunter or not Vinny...you still get the smack. Key words "Public Land". Not hunter only. I have been riding at Pretty Boy, and come across hunters...no problem at all. The only time I am extra cautious is during gun/muzzleloader seasons...but they are so short I usually refrain from riding, grab a gun, and go get bambi myself.

During bow season, hunters don't have but a 30 to 40 yard reasonable shot distance, (provided no obstructions) and most shots with a bow are taken at 10 yards or less. So during bow season, it would be highly unlikely and take a very unresponsible person to mistake a horse and rider for a deer...In over 20 years of Maryland research...it has not happened.

This horse lady is clearly :shortbus: and is not representative of the type of horse people that are posting here. Glad to read everyones comments...for once all us horsie peeps are logical and cohesive :yahoo: (at least until someone breaches that topic of certification!):lmao:
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New Member
Its stupid people like her that give us "horse people" a bad name. We can get a long. I am sure like myself most of us have hunters in our family. My hubby is a hunter and the farmers that farm some of my land hunt my property too. We have a agreement that I dont want them hunting close to my barn and I know when I see them parked along the driveway that they are in the woods and I will just ride in the ring! At my house the horses dont get scared of the deer and the deer think they are horses sometimes! They are in the field with the horses every day when I get home from work! They dont blink when I drive by. That lady is just silly!!!! Hopefully you can get it worked out so that you can enjoy your hunting like we enjoy our horses! Good Luck


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Its stupid people like her that give us "horse people" a bad name. We can get a long. I am sure like myself most of us have hunters in our family. My hubby is a hunter and the farmers that farm some of my land hunt my property too. We have a agreement that I dont want them hunting close to my barn and I know when I see them parked along the driveway that they are in the woods and I will just ride in the ring! At my house the horses dont get scared of the deer and the deer think they are horses sometimes! They are in the field with the horses every day when I get home from work! They dont blink when I drive by. That lady is just silly!!!! Hopefully you can get it worked out so that you can enjoy your hunting like we enjoy our horses! Good Luck

A buddy of ours told us to take a saddle blanket into the woods to hunt from. The deer are used to the horse smell and keep going ... interesting thoery! ...and it seems to work for the Amish!