Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


New Member
I want to see how many time highlander can type the word 'liberal' into each post.

I bet he has a little hotkey that types it for him.

If he doesn't, he'd benefit =)


I've come to the conclusion that both sides feel they have a corner on Christmas market. It's quite obvious we are sharing this holiday regardless of your stance on who "owns" it.

The apparent intolerance on both sides only deepens the strife and ruins the intent of the holiday which is about peace, love and celebration. I do believe there is a smaller part of our society that aims to remove all mention of God and words like Christmas from the public and the only thing I would say to Christians is, they can't remove it from your heart. I intend to celebrate Christmas as a holiday that observes the birth of Christ. Even though I still participate in the "pagan" traditions of buying gifts and putting up a tree and lights it doesn't cause me to lose focus on what I believe is the centerpiece of this holiday.

However, I also get joy out of watching believers and non-believers - and their children - celebrate the joy of what this holiday brings. This is one of the rare times of year where we collectively wish each other things like happiness, peace, and blessings that so many others around the world don't enjoy.

This is slowly getting destroyed by our inability to just accept each other and our beliefs. I’m all for having this debate but I really prefer to leave Christmas alone and just try to enjoy it.


Methodically disorganized
The apparent intolerance on both sides only deepens the strife and ruins the intent of the holiday which is about peace, love and celebration.
I could only shake my head as I read some of the posts here. Both sides harbor jackasses and, unfortunately, they usually take center stage.

I do believe there is a smaller part of our society that aims to remove all mention of God and words like Christmas from the public...
As I said before, it irritates me to watch atheists attempt to change the common vernacular. Words are words; it's people who put meaning to them. One of the non-believers' biggest complaints is being force-fed religion, yet so many of them want others to conform to their perspective.

This is slowly getting destroyed by our inability to just accept each other and our beliefs. I’m all for having this debate but I really prefer to leave Christmas alone and just try to enjoy it.
Somewhat ironically, two of my best friends have been/are devout Christians. We view many things similarly - such as strong family values, only our backgrounds are different. If folks could realize how much alike they are instead of getting hung up on the differences, we would be so much better off. But isn't that the way with so many issues? :ohwell:


Witchy Woman
I've come to the conclusion that both sides feel they have a corner on Christmas market. It's quite obvious we are sharing this holiday regardless of your stance on who "owns" it.

The apparent intolerance on both sides only deepens the strife and ruins the intent of the holiday which is about peace, love and celebration. I do believe there is a smaller part of our society that aims to remove all mention of God and words like Christmas from the public and the only thing I would say to Christians is, they can't remove it from your heart. I intend to celebrate Christmas as a holiday that observes the birth of Christ. Even though I still participate in the "pagan" traditions of buying gifts and putting up a tree and lights it doesn't cause me to lose focus on what I believe is the centerpiece of this holiday.

However, I also get joy out of watching believers and non-believers - and their children - celebrate the joy of what this holiday brings. This is one of the rare times of year where we collectively wish each other things like happiness, peace, and blessings that so many others around the world don't enjoy.

This is slowly getting destroyed by our inability to just accept each other and our beliefs. I’m all for having this debate but I really prefer to leave Christmas alone and just try to enjoy it.



All of the holidays that we know of celebrate something. Whether you are celebrating Ground Hog day or Fourth of July, they all have a meaning. Christmas is a christian holiday to celebrate the birth or Christ.

Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu people do not celebrate Christmas. Why do non-believing Americans celebrate Christmas? Christians don't celebrate other religion's holidays.

What is it that Atheists celebrate at the end of December? It's certainly not Christmas.

Because giving gifts and wining and dining has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. It's a folktale, so I don't consider it a religious holiday.


I could only shake my head as I read some of the posts here. Both sides harbor jackasses and, unfortunately, they usually take center stage.

As I said before, it irritates me to watch atheists attempt to change the common vernacular. Words are words; it's people who put meaning to them. One of the non-believers' biggest complaints is being force-fed religion, yet so many of them want others to conform to their perspective.

Somewhat ironically, two of my best friends have been/are devout Christians. We view many things similarly - such as strong family values, only our backgrounds are different. If folks could realize how much alike they are instead of getting hung up on the differences, we would be so much better off. But isn't that the way with so many issues? :ohwell:

Admittedly I am guilty of being one of those jackasses. I don't want to use Christmas as a means to assert my Christian views. There are other venues for that sort of thing. I just want folks to enjoy the holiday. Too many distressing things going on than to have at each others' throats. Quite honestly it tires me.


95% of it has nothing to do with christ (trees, presents (they did those before gold, myrrh, frankenstein etc) feasts etc.)

I think the fact that you confused an aromatic substance with a fictional reanimated human nullifies any otherwise valid points you have made or ever might make in your speech and writings.


New Member
I think the fact that you confused an aromatic substance with a fictional reanimated human nullifies any otherwise valid points you have made or ever might make in your speech and writings.


You really shouldn't have to put sarcasm tags on everything =/


New Member

You really shouldn't have to put sarcasm tags on everything =/

95% of it has nothing to do with christ (trees, presents (they did those before gold, myrrh, frankenstein etc) feasts etc.)
I think the fact that you confused an aromatic substance with a fictional reanimated human nullifies any otherwise valid points you have made or ever might make in your speech and writings.

The 2 of you are funny!