Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


well since I don't care either way, I'll let you handle it.

No, no, no... it's you that said no one cares. I beg to differ. The ACLU cares a lot about this. That's why they are constantly suing over displays of Christmas, and the 10 Commandments, and the mention of God in schools. They care a lot to make sure no mention of God happens in our public square. So I thought it would be appropriate for YOU to inform them that they no longer care about this issue.


Witchy Woman
I have a question....

Sorry to resuscitate such a sad thread, but I was wondering....

Why do christians celebrate christmas with the ancient pagan traditions of gift giving, hanging mistletoe and decorating a tree? What do those things have to do with the birth of christ?


Sorry to resuscitate such a sad thread, but I was wondering....

Why do christians celebrate christmas with the ancient pagan traditions of gift giving, hanging mistletoe and decorating a tree? What do those things have to do with the birth of christ?

does it matter to you if they gave their church $20 :killingme


Soul Probe
Sorry to resuscitate such a sad thread, but I was wondering....

Why do christians celebrate christmas with the ancient pagan traditions of gift giving, hanging mistletoe and decorating a tree? What do those things have to do with the birth of christ?

Because those were the traditions of the subsequent peoples when Christmas was established and such traditions were not abolished because they are not antithetical to the Christian message. No harm no foul. Christianity didn't have the desire to wipe out all cultural traditions ya know, just enhance them with it's own Christian message. Granted, over the years such traditions got melded into one instead of localized (especially in America) but that's pretty much the deal.


professional daydreamer
Because those were the traditions of the subsequent peoples when Christmas was established and such traditions were not abolished because they are not antithetical to the Christian message. No harm no foul. Christianity didn't have the desire to wipe out all cultural traditions ya know, just enhance them with it's own Christian message. Granted, over the years such traditions got melded into one instead of localized (especially in America) but that's pretty much the deal.


But you keep drinkin' the kool aid.


New Member
Christianity didn't have the desire to wipe out all cultural traditions ya know

no, they pretty much tried exactly that ....

what with the whole 'believe the way we do or spend eternity in hell' thing.

edit: damn! called out on it twice in 5 seconds lol


I bowl overhand
Christianity didn't have the desire to wipe out all cultural traditions ya know, just enhance them with it's own Christian message.


MILLIONS have been killed/ murdered because they didn't believe. Christianity as a whole DID want to wipe out any and all beliefs that differed from their own.

Ever hear of the Inquistion? Not only did they murder Jews, and other non Christians, but even Christians that didn't believe the way they did.

How about the Crusades??

Since the beginning of Christianity they've sought to destroy and end any and all beliefs not like their own..


Witchy Woman
Because those were the traditions of the subsequent peoples when Christmas was established and such traditions were not abolished because they are not antithetical to the Christian message. No harm no foul. Christianity didn't have the desire to wipe out all cultural traditions ya know, just enhance them with it's own Christian message. Granted, over the years such traditions got melded into one instead of localized (especially in America) but that's pretty much the deal.

R1, Knowledgeable or not, I am a terrible debater, which is one of many reasons I usually stay out of the religious forums.

What I am trying to figure out here is why it's ok to the people here for christians to adopt others traditions, but obviously not ok for others to adopt Xtian traditions.

I understand the argument that they maybe don't know the significance and those symbols have no meaning to them, but neither did decorating trees or hanging mistletoe to the christians.


Well-Known Member

MILLIONS have been killed/ murdered because they didn't believe. Christianity as a whole DID want to wipe out any and all beliefs that differed from their own.

Ever hear of the Inquistion? Not only did they murder Jews, and other non Christians, but even Christians that didn't believe the way they did.

How about the Crusades??

Since the beginning of Christianity they've sought to destroy and end any and all beliefs not like their own..
Did all Christians (even the ones who were killed) support the crusades? Support the inquisition?

If not (and, obviously, they did not) then it's just as accurate to say "Christianity as a whole", or "since the beginning of Christianity" (unless you believe that Jesus wanted to destroy and end any and all beliefs not like his own) as it is to say all Islamists are bad, terrorists, etc., etc. This is just as bigotted a statement as that one is.


Well-Known Member
R1, Knowledgeable or not, I am a terrible debater, which is one of many reasons I usually stay out of the religious forums.

What I am trying to figure out here is why it's ok to the people here for christians to adopt others traditions, but obviously not ok for others to adopt Xtian traditions.

I understand the argument that they maybe don't know the significance and those symbols have no meaning to them, but neither did decorating trees or hanging mistletoe to the christians.
Here's a help for that....

When Christians adopted other beliefs, they didn't say they were acting in those other beliefs - they merely adopted their trappings.

If an atheist suggests they are celebrating Christmas, they are suggesting they are actually performing Christian acts. Christians didn't say they were pagans, or celebrating pagan gods, or celebrating pagan holy issues. Atheists are saying they're celebrating Christmas, not just family traditions.


Soul Probe
and others: numerous :bs:


Read for comprehension. I said CULTURAL TRADITIONS, not RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS. :rolleyes:

R1, Knowledgeable or not, I am a terrible debater, which is one of many reasons I usually stay out of the religious forums.

What I am trying to figure out here is why it's ok to the people here for christians to adopt others traditions, but obviously not ok for others to adopt Xtian traditions.

I understand the argument that they maybe don't know the significance and those symbols have no meaning to them, but neither did decorating trees or hanging mistletoe to the christians.

As far as I'm concerned it is ok. If you've read through this tread you'll know that I have no personal aversion to it. I just had to give some a hard time over it because they are so vehemently anti-Christian and it comes across as somewhat hypocritical. As for myself, I am not vehementaly anti-pagan. In fact, I agreed that Christmas has become an American cultural tradition, I've discussed how Christianity is a melding of Judaism and "paganism" and I've stated elsewhere in the forums that I'm not adverse to going under the oak tree in my front yard to pray to Jesus. :wink:

It's other Christians in this tread who have the issue. :shrug:


Witchy Woman
Here's a help for that....

When Christians adopted other beliefs, they didn't say they were acting in those other beliefs - they merely adopted their trappings.

If an atheist suggests they are celebrating Christmas, they are suggesting they are actually performing Christian acts. Christians didn't say they were pagans, or celebrating pagan gods, or celebrating pagan holy issues. Atheists are saying they're celebrating Christmas, not just family traditions.

I see your point and R1s too. Thank you for the rational response. I'm just going to chalk this all up to I think it's sad that anybody cares how anybody else celebrates. I'm glad my family, at least, christians/pagans/atheist alike, found a way to celebrate the holidays in love and tolerance.

I wish the same for all of you.


Sorry to resuscitate such a sad thread, but I was wondering....

Why do christians celebrate christmas with the ancient pagan traditions of gift giving, hanging mistletoe and decorating a tree? What do those things have to do with the birth of christ?

Might I recommend reading Matthew Chap 2:1-12, particularly verse 11.



MILLIONS have been killed/ murdered because they didn't believe. Christianity as a whole DID want to wipe out any and all beliefs that differed from their own.

Ever hear of the Inquistion? Not only did they murder Jews, and other non Christians, but even Christians that didn't believe the way they did.

How about the Crusades??

Since the beginning of Christianity they've sought to destroy and end any and all beliefs not like their own..

Yeah... even today we are still on the warpath. :rolleyes:


R1, Knowledgeable or not, I am a terrible debater, which is one of many reasons I usually stay out of the religious forums.

What I am trying to figure out here is why it's ok to the people here for christians to adopt others traditions, but obviously not ok for others to adopt Xtian traditions.

I understand the argument that they maybe don't know the significance and those symbols have no meaning to them, but neither did decorating trees or hanging mistletoe to the christians.

Merry Mid-Winter. Merry Solstice. I think you should be able to celebrate the holidays....just not the one we christians celebrate, you know CHRISTmas. If you don't believe but you are mystical, then I'm sure you are familiar with the solsctice thing and the Mid-winter holiday. It may be a little hard to find greetings cards, but that's what you should be celebrating.

Just my 2cents.