Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


Merry Mid-Winter. Merry Solstice. I think you should be able to celebrate the holidays....just not the one we christians celebrate, you know CHRISTmas. If you don't believe but you are mystical, then I'm sure you are familiar with the solsctice thing and the Mid-winter holiday. It may be a little hard to find greetings cards, but that's what you should be celebrating.

Just my 2cents.

I think it's kind of cool that EVERYONE gets to participate in the CHRISTmas holiday. It shows the Christian faith is more inclusive than most want to admit.

here it comes :popcorn:


New Member
I think it's kind of cool that EVERYONE gets to participate in the CHRISTmas holiday. It shows the Christian faith is more inclusive than most want to admit.

here it comes :popcorn:

well it's kind of a bastardized conglomeration of a bunch of celebrations lumped together with a heaping helping of commercialism (presumably the three wise men didn't advertise 'coming of christ' specials starting the first of november).

As such, I think everyone can celebrate it .... heck, between its origins and what its become, there's barely anything official left to celebrate anyway.

That said, I plan to celebrate anyway =)


well it's kind of a bastardized conglomeration of a bunch of celebrations lumped together with a heaping helping of commercialism (presumably the three wise men didn't advertise 'coming of christ' specials starting the first of november).

As such, I think everyone can celebrate it .... heck, between its origins and what its become, there's barely anything official left to celebrate anyway.

That said, I plan to celebrate anyway =)

We're talking about Christmas. What day will you be gathering with your family to open presents and such?


December 25th

I'm not sure that day has any significance.

Christmas is in january or something right?

The 25th has been deemed Christmas day. You can play these little semantical games if you want. But you are celebrating Christmas.


In My Opinion
No, thinking angels are pretty is not disrespectful.

Decorating one's home is not disrepectful.

Celebrating, with parties designated as CHRISTmas parties, with decorations designated as CHRISTmas/Christian symbols, etc., a religious holiday when one does not have any belief (in fact, they routinely belittle people who DO have the belief) in that religion is disrespectful.And, those freedoms are indeed great! :patriot:
I dont disagree with you much, but on this one I do.

for her to bring Christmas, and is decorations, symbols etc.. into her home is not disrespectful.
I have often complained that removing religion from public view is a "one brick at a time" breaking down of the wall of protection for the religious. (didnt mention Christian on purpose there)
I see things differently. By bringing Christ into the home, it could work as the "one brick at a time" building that bridge to Christ.
Christians cant exclude the non believers from their churches, their services or their lives, Our job as Christians is to bring Christ to those that may not know him.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:12-13)

maybe someone is calling?


I dont disagree with you much, but on this one I do.

for her to bring Christmas, and is decorations, symbols etc.. into her home is not disrespectful.
I have often complained that removing religion from public view is a "one brick at a time" breaking down of the wall of protection for the religious. (didnt mention Christian on purpose there)
I see things differently. By bringing Christ into the home, it could work as the "one brick at a time" building that bridge to Christ.
Christians cant exclude the non believers from their churches, their services or their lives, Our job as Christians is to bring Christ to those that may not know him.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:12-13)

maybe someone is calling?

I would like to know if there is a stat that shows how many non-believers become Christians during this time vs. any other time of the year.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know if there is a stat that shows how many non-believers become Christians during this time vs. any other time of the year.

I'm not sure that celebrating (without the religious aspect) makes on christian. I mean, unless the important christian part of Christmas is putting up a tree and handing out presents. :shrug:


I'm not sure that celebrating (without the religious aspect) makes on christian. I mean, unless the important christian part of Christmas is putting up a tree and handing out presents. :shrug:

I wasn't inferring that just because someone celebrates Christmas they suddenly are Christian. I was asking how many people actually become Christians as a result of how Christmas may have impacted their hearts to become one. But I'm quite certain there are many people that think they are just because they put their tree up and hand out presents or even go to church once a week. I suppose the question is moot since only God truly knows that answer. Someone can tell me they are Christian when they really aren't.


I'm not sure that celebrating (without the religious aspect) makes on christian. I mean, unless the important christian part of Christmas is putting up a tree and handing out presents. :shrug:

Again, I must ask.......What is it that you are celebrating on December 25th if you aren't celebrating the birth of Christ? OK, we all know that Chirst wasn't born on 12/25. We all know that trees and gifts aren't Christian stuff. Hundreds of posts later, no one has really been able to answer this. What are non Christians celebrating?

Everyone puts up trees, spends a lot of money, sings songs, gets together with family, eats a big meal, etc. but no one, except for Christians really seem to know what they are celebrating. Non Christians are just doing it out of habit, I guess. Most Americans used to be Christian but have given it up for one reason or another but don't want to give up the fun stuff we do at Christmas time.

It's all part of the liberal, brainwashed, lazy, twisted world we have become. Do what you want if it feels good. "I'm gonna celebrate Christmas as a feel good time with my family even though I really know that it has to do something with the birth of Christ which is something I don't believe in. After all, it make ME feel warm and fuzzy, so get over it."


Well-Known Member
It's all part of the liberal, brainwashed, lazy, twisted world we have become. Do what you want if it feels good. "I'm gonna celebrate Christmas as a feel good time with my family even though I really know that it has to do something with the birth of Christ which is something I don't believe in. After all, it make ME feel warm and fuzzy, so get over it."





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Witchy Woman
Merry Mid-Winter. Merry Solstice. I think you should be able to celebrate the holidays....just not the one we christians celebrate, you know CHRISTmas. If you don't believe but you are mystical, then I'm sure you are familiar with the solsctice thing and the Mid-winter holiday. It may be a little hard to find greetings cards, but that's what you should be celebrating.

Just my 2cents.

Did you read my previous post about how my family celebrates the holidays?


Methodically disorganized
It's all part of the liberal, brainwashed, lazy, twisted world we have become. Do what you want if it feels good. "I'm gonna celebrate Christmas as a feel good time with my family even though I really know that it has to do something with the birth of Christ which is something I don't believe in. After all, it make ME feel warm and fuzzy, so get over it."
Yes, having fun with my family and friends as well as enjoying the kindness of the season is all about ME. I guess that makes me twisted. :shrug: (And I am definitely not Liberal. :lol:)

What are non Christians celebrating?
I haven't followed this entire thread, so I don't know, but I can't believe someone has not already mentioned celebrating happiness, togetherness, and general peace.

I've 'adopted' the holiday to celebrate those things and spend time with those I care about because this is the time when most people are accustomed to doing so. It just makes sense; why create a new holiday when a perfectly good one already exists?

Maybe that does not make sense to a Christian - to remove the "Christ" - but by the very definition of my atheist worldview, Christ was just a man and the religion that surrounds him is myth, therefore, those aspects hold no weight and can be bypassed. (Similarly, this is why I think atheists who get riled up at seeing the words "God" or "Jesus" or seeing a nativity scene, etc. are idiots... those things are what they are: words and things. I don't get anymore upset seeing a nativity scene than I do, say, a car, a pair of scissors, or a backpack.)

Let me add... I do not agree with many atheists' actions, because I think they act foolish. Fox News has been showing some atheist protesters this morning. I think if atheists want respect they have to earn it and follow the tried-and-true tenet of treating others the way they want to be treated. If atheists do not want to be preached to or forced to believe something they have to stop attempting to pressure believers in those very same ways. Somebody has to set the example.

During Christmastime, atheists can set the example that humans can care about each other and be generous to one another because that is beneficial to us all - without a book or threat of damnation to coerce such behavior.


New Member
It's all part of the liberal, brainwashed, lazy, twisted world we have become. Do what you want if it feels good. "I'm gonna celebrate Christmas as a feel good time with my family even though I really know that it has to do something with the birth of Christ which is something I don't believe in. After all, it make ME feel warm and fuzzy, so get over it."


can you even make a post without using the word liberal?


Just because they day is called christmas doesn't mean it has jack to do with christ.

(well .... I guess it does, but it doesn't) (it's kind of weird)

95% of it has nothing to do with christ (trees, presents (they did those before gold, myrrh, frankenstein etc) feasts etc.)

the birth of christ wasn't on that day.

I think the real question should be what are christians celebrating?