Why Do Women Divorce Their Husbands?


How you like me now?
Merlin99 said:
Is he going to start complaining about unjust child support laws too?

Not sure but to judge someone because they decided to get a divorce is wrong. People should just stay out of other people personal life unless they are invited in.

Just as many people on welfare, crime, and so on came from homes with two parents. Why stay with someone if it is not working out.

Some people should never have gotten married but we all make mistakes. We learn and move on.


The Pirate
Nicole_in_somd said:
Not sure but to judge someone because they decided to get a divorce is wrong. People should just stay out of other people personal life unless they are invited in.

Who were we judging? :shrug: ...I mean other than me. We were talking about divorce in general, the reasons for it, and it's affect on society, not anyone or any situation in particular. But that's the challenge of talking about hot potato topics like this - eventually someone will take it personally.


Patch said:
Not to be misunderstood, I don't mean to imply that women are the reason for the divorce rate, but I'm trying to understand from a woman's point of view. So I'm asking about situations when the divorce is initiated by the woman. That is, what are the reasons that bring a woman to the point of saying, it's time to stop the train and get off?

Because you never should have boarded that train with that person in the first place.
julz20684 said:
Because you never should have boarded that train with that person in the first place.
Aaaaa.... but one does not actually know the real destination of the matrimony train until one travels the rails and gets a feel for the true course. :coffee:


kwillia said:
Aaaaa.... but one does not actually know the real destination of the matrimony train until one travels the rails and gets a feel for the true course. :coffee:
True Dat! The train is always beautiful and shiny when it pulls up! :lol:


Nickel said:
Especially if it's only 16. :smile:
Good Point!

One more point of interest. Sometimes we see red flags hanging from the trian windows but in all of our stupidity we ignore them.

No one likes ugliness, so we pretend. :flowers:


Kain99 said:
Good Point!

One more point of interest. Sometimes we see red flags hanging from the trian windows but in all of our stupidity we ignore them or think that we can change them in time.

No one likes ugliness, so we pretend. :flowers:

Kain99 said:
Good Point!

One more point of interest. Sometimes we see red flags hanging from the trian windows but in all of our stupidity we ignore them.

No one likes ugliness, so we pretend. :flowers:
I don't know about red flags because I've been fortunate to not find one from my window yet... but I have learned that one never really knows what is truly around the bend and that sometimes when you are on what seems like a forever uphill, there can actually be smooth track around the bend.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I don't know about red flags because I've been fortunate to not find one from my window yet... but I have learned that one never really knows what is truly around the bend and that sometimes when you are on what seems like a forever uphill, there can actually be smooth track around the bend.
Can C_Jo come stay with you for a few days until he gets around the bend?


kwillia said:
I don't know about red flags because I've been fortunate to not find one from my window yet... but I have learned that one never really knows what is truly around the bend and that sometimes when you are on what seems like a forever uphill, there can actually be smooth track around the bend.
Very true but sometimes you are riding on straight track headed right for a cliff around the bend.

Sometimes, I think it is critical that we rely not only on ourselves but our friends to protect us from iminent heart break. :huggy:
Kain99 said:
Very true but sometimes you are riding on straight track headed right for a cliff around the bend.
Agreed, which brings us full circle to why some woman pull the emergency break and get off before it's too late. :huggy:

And the definition of "too late" has been in the national headlines too much of late. :ohwell:

Kain99 said:
Sometimes, I think it is critical that we rely not only on ourselves but our friends to protect us from iminent heart break. :huggy:

That's what true friends are for...:yay: