Why Do Women Divorce Their Husbands?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Railroad said:
I forgot to mention the time we went camping and he filled up my air mattres using the exhaust from his tailpipe on the truck. Late that night, when it was partially deflated, I put my lips around it to blow it up. I was only sick for a day.

He loves me a lot. I can tell.
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
VelasM said:
bc of infedelity
Sorry to hear that. If my husband EVER cheated on me and I found out, his a*s would be on the curb in a moment. I would expect him to do the same to me.


off the shelf
BS Gal said:
Sorry to hear that. If my husband EVER cheated on me and I found out, his a*s would be on the curb in a moment. I would expect him to do the same to me.

Since you are not somewhere in my house....I am assuming he hasn't found out about us, yet :love:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Bronwyn said:
It didn't take me long to realize the criminal, and abusive boyfriend I dated in high school wasn't going to change because he got me pregnant and we got married. In fact it got WORSE. It takes a lot of courage to get out of this situation, but I do accept that I got myself into the mess in the first place. Thank Gd we are divorced!

Great, someone smarter as a result of mistakes MILLIONs have made and posted before. It's great you take ownership after the fact, what the **** where you thinking in the first place... :buttkick:


The Pirate
When you think about it, the most important things that we have in life are our relationships. Everything else can be replaced, but relationships are one of a kind. One problem is that men don't understand this until it's too late, and women are so excited about it that they make the wrong choices in the beginning. But that's just one part of the divorce problem. The other part is the lack of commitment which is promoted by our society. The perspective of the culture makes it easy to divorce. I remember a couple I met several years ago. They told me their story about getting married 3 days after they met, and when I met them they were celebrating 60 years of marriage. In today's world, that would be viewed as a foolish decision by many. But back when they married, it may might have still been viewed as unwise, but I can see why they both were willing. For one, most people believed in commitment back in their day, so it wasn't so much a risk as it would be today. You could trust that any given person you decided to marry was committed to 'til death do us part', and what ever troubles came up you would work them out. Nowadays, people are committed to their own happiness above anything else, and when that's not happening, we jump ship because it's so acceptable.

In contrast to what one poster said, marriage IS hard. That's what it seems so many people don't understand who get married today. They think, if it's not easy, if it requires effort on my part, it must not be meant to be, so I'm justified in getting a divorce. That's a selfish perspective. Dealing with things we don't like is part of being an adult. Someone once wrote, "Getting married is easy, staying married is difficult, staying happily married for a lifetime is considered to be among the fine arts." That's what I want - to be happily married for a lifetime.

One way to reduce the number of divorces in America is to have a nationwide change of heart. But since that is not likely to happen, taking away the benefits of divorcing, and making it difficult might work too. If we changed the laws so that, with the exception of marital unfaithfulness and maybe one or two other issues, the person who initiates the divorce, gets no alimony and is the one who pays child support. I'll bet there would be a big decline in divorce if we did that, not only because people would think twice about divorcing, but more people would think twice about who they marry. Since we no longer live in a society where the male is the primary bread winner, the laws should be changed accordingly. This would eliminate alot of divorce, because it would make all the people who divorce out of selfishness and immaturity, or because it would have been too much work to stay married, think twice and realize that maybe we can work things out afterall. What do ya'll think?


b*tch rocket
Patch said:
What do ya'll think?

I think that I am very glad that divorce is an option and not a huge stigma like it was in the past.

When you think about it, the most important things that we have in life are our relationships

I disagree. Self respect, inner strength, and personal happiness is much more important than any "relationship". Relationships of all sorts come and go throughout your life. If you base your value and self worth on a "relationship", you are a fool.

If we changed the laws so that, with the exception of marital unfaithfulness and maybe one or two other issues, the person who initiates the divorce, gets no alimony and is the one who pays child support. I'll bet there would be a big decline in divorce if we did that

I bet you a dollar the domestic murder rate would quadruple. :jet:


How you like me now?
Patch said:
When you think about it, the most important things that we have in life are our relationships. Everything else can be replaced, but relationships are one of a kind. One problem is that men don't understand this until it's too late, and women are so excited about it that they make the wrong choices in the beginning. But that's just one part of the divorce problem. The other part is the lack of commitment which is promoted by our society. The perspective of the culture makes it easy to divorce. I remember a couple I met several years ago. They told me their story about getting married 3 days after they met, and when I met them they were celebrating 60 years of marriage. In today's world, that would be viewed as a foolish decision by many. But back when they married, it may might have still been viewed as unwise, but I can see why they both were willing. For one, most people believed in commitment back in their day, so it wasn't so much a risk as it would be today. You could trust that any given person you decided to marry was committed to 'til death do us part', and what ever troubles came up you would work them out. Nowadays, people are committed to their own happiness above anything else, and when that's not happening, we jump ship because it's so acceptable.

In contrast to what one poster said, marriage IS hard. That's what it seems so many people don't understand who get married today. They think, if it's not easy, if it requires effort on my part, it must not be meant to be, so I'm justified in getting a divorce. That's a selfish perspective. Dealing with things we don't like is part of being an adult. Someone once wrote, "Getting married is easy, staying married is difficult, staying happily married for a lifetime is considered to be among the fine arts." That's what I want - to be happily married for a lifetime.

One way to reduce the number of divorces in America is to have a nationwide change of heart. But since that is not likely to happen, taking away the benefits of divorcing, and making it difficult might work too. If we changed the laws so that, with the exception of marital unfaithfulness and maybe one or two other issues, the person who initiates the divorce, gets no alimony and is the one who pays child support. I'll bet there would be a big decline in divorce if we did that, not only because people would think twice about divorcing, but more people would think twice about who they marry. Since we no longer live in a society where the male is the primary bread winner, the laws should be changed accordingly. This would eliminate alot of divorce, because it would make all the people who divorce out of selfishness and immaturity, or because it would have been too much work to stay married, think twice and realize that maybe we can work things out afterall. What do ya'll think?

I do not think anyone should have the right to tell you if you can stay married or not or make it harder for a divorce. If that's the case why get married. Sometimes you get in thinking one thing and later things can change. if it is not working and they want out so freaking be it. Why should you or I care.

That is the problem, so many people thinking they know what is best for everyone when it is not their place to worry about it.


How you like me now?
Christy said:
I think that I am very glad that divorce is an option and not a huge stigma like it was in the past.

I disagree. Self respect, inner strength, and personal happiness is much more important than any "relationship". Relationships of all sorts come and go throughout your life. If you base your value and self worth on a "relationship", you are a fool.

I bet you a dollar the domestic murder rate would quadruple. :jet:


:yay: I could not agree more.


I divorced my first husband because he was a drunk, he beat me and he mentally tortured me. I lived like that for a year and a half and decided I had enough. I went 4 yr.s without dating anyone when I moved back up here and swore I would never get married again. Then I met my husband I have now. We met in August and were married by March and have been married for 10 wonderful years! I have never been so completely in love with a man in my life! I now know that I married the other man because I was obsessed with him and being married. This man that I am with now is the love of my life. He does appreciate me, he helps me around the house, he helps me with the children, if I don't feel like cooking or doing laundry he will do it, and he never complains. He loves me with all his heart and I feel that all the time. And you want to talk about total opposites that we are! He's a hunter and I love animals in a different way. He has his stuffed animals and I have mine LOL. I say don't look for love so hard, if its out there it will find you when you least expect it. :howdy:


The Pirate
Christy said:
I disagree. Self respect, inner strength, and personal happiness is much more important than any "relationship". Relationships of all sorts come and go throughout your life. If you base your value and self worth on a "relationship", you are a fool.

I think you underestimate the influence of relationships. Show me a person who doesn't have any (and not just romantic), and I'll show you one miserable individual. Not only that, but the best relationships are the ones that last the longest. And it's our relationships that to a very large degree define who we are, and provide the foundation for our self respect, inner strength, and personal happiness.
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The Pirate
Nicole_in_somd said:
I do not think anyone should have the right to tell you if you can stay married or not or make it harder for a divorce. If that's the case why get married. Sometimes you get in thinking one thing and later things can change. if it is not working and they want out so freaking be it. Why should you or I care.

I think you might care if it happened to you or one of your children. As I mentioned earlier, if that's the attitude, then marriage is nothing more than advanced dating - "I'll be committed to you until I decide not to be."

Nicole_in_somd said:
That is the problem, so many people thinking they know what is best for everyone when it is not their place to worry about it.

I agree, worrying is a waste of time (and we all waste time worrying about something or other). But it is my place and your place to be concerned about things that hurt people or undermine our society. We live in this society and it is what we let it become. The family is falling apart in America, and it's having serious consequences. A major contributing factor in crime is that committed by those who were raised without one or both parents. Of course a significant number were born out of wedlock and the wedding never happened, but just as many, if not more, are veterans of a divorce.
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New Member
Hubs and I were talking about this today!

We have known this couple for 11 years or so, He is very devoted or was, to her. He did not abuse her or cheat on her. I never heard her complain about him. He got sick, and then she decided to get a divorce? We still don't know why, ummmm, I don't understand, and the guy has finally decided to move on with his life.


b*tch rocket
craberta said:
We have known this couple for 11 years or so, He is very devoted or was, to her. He did not abuse her or cheat on her. I never heard her complain about him. He got sick, and then she decided to get a divorce? We still don't know why, ummmm, I don't understand, and the guy has finally decided to move on with his life.

What people see on the outside is not always what is going on at home behind closed doors.

You will probably never know why, because quite frankly, if she had wanted you to know she would have told you. :shrug:

Divorce is a personal, painful thing, and there is nothing worse than a bunch of know it all, busy body, "friends" to make it even more painful.

The ridiculous generalizations being thrown out there with regards to divorce and why marriages don't work ,completely degrade and undermine those who have had the courage to get out of a bad marriage and regain their lives.


How you like me now?
Patch said:
I think you might care if it happened to you or one of your children. As I mentioned earlier, if that's the attitude, then marriage is nothing more than advanced dating - "I'll be committed to you until I decide not to be."

I agree, worrying is a waste of time (and we all waste time worrying about something or other). But it is my place and your place to be concerned about things that hurt people or undermine our society. We live in this society and it is what we let it become. The family is falling apart in America, and it's having serious consequences. A major contributing factor in crime is that committed by those who were raised without one or both parents. Of course a significant number were born out of wedlock and the wedding never happened, but just as many, if not more, are veterans of a divorce.

I agree with a lot of things you have said but I still think that what goes on in a marriage should be between the two. If they decide enough is enough and want a divorce then no one should say anything about it.

They are the ones that have to live in the situation that they are in. If they need support or help that is another thing. That could not be further from the truth. Just because you are raised in a single parent home does not mean you are destined to commit a crime or suffer from anyone the things that you described. Statistics can be manipulated into anything. For every statistic you find saying one thing you can find another going in the opposite direction.

Marriage is the communion of two people in love, hopefully till death do them part, but if it is not working then you should not have to stay in it because society says so. It did happen to me, I cannot say what my life would have been like had we stayed married but I know one thing I know how happy I am right now. I know how happy my daughter is and how happy he is. He went on with his life and found someone that suits him better.

We thought we were right together. We were not. We moved on. Staying together may not work for everyone.
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How you like me now?
Christy said:
What people see on the outside is not always what is going on at home behind closed doors.

You will probably never know why, because quite frankly, if she had wanted you to know she would have told you. :shrug:

Divorce is a personal, painful thing, and there is nothing worse than a bunch of know it all, busy body, "friends" to make it even more painful.

The ridiculous generalizations being thrown out there with regards to divorce and why marriages don't work ,completely degrade and undermine those who have had the courage to get out of a bad marriage and regain their lives.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Patch said:
I think you might care if it happened to you or one of your children. As I mentioned earlier, if that's the attitude, then marriage is nothing more than advanced dating - "I'll be committed to you until I decide not to be."

I agree, worrying is a waste of time (and we all waste time worrying about something or other). But it is my place and your place to be concerned about things that hurt people or undermine our society. We live in this society and it is what we let it become. The family is falling apart in America, and it's having serious consequences. A major contributing factor in crime is that committed by those who were raised without one or both parents. Of course a significant number were born out of wedlock and the wedding never happened, but just as many, if not more, are veterans of a divorce.
Is he going to start complaining about unjust child support laws too?