why don't blacks don't trust Republicans?


Bookseller Lady
oh, yeah, that's why..

Media Matters - O'Reilly: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels"
O'Reilly: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels"

Summary: In a discussion of recent comments made by Michelle Obama, Bill O'Reilly took a call from a listener who stated that, according to "a friend who had knowledge of her," Obama " 'is a very angry,' her word was 'militant woman.' " O'Reilly later stated: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down."

Doesn't matter what he was actually trying to say. Poor choice of words will draw attention away from that. I do get his point otherwise.


Lovin' being Texican
It's the oldest trick in the political book. One little slip can turn into a big controversy not matter what party you belong to.

You have finally understood why supporters of W don't trust the MSM!


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Deadbeat child support resister.

Jimmy, what say you about Frosty's comments? :popcorn:

I want an apology from Forestal for calling me racist.
:faint: I figured you would see that I was giving you an answer for your question to Forestal, link it HERE.

That was the reason that I quoted your post to show you that Forestal was correct and there was no reason for him to apologize to you.

I told that O'Reilly did the apologizing and so O'Reilly was in effect apologizing for those (you) cheering his ignorant words.

I figured that would be easy for all to see or I would have spelled it out then instead of here.

Forestal was correct that you just do not get it.

So I hope this spelling it out makes it clear.



mmmmkay lets start with mmkay oh yea,

Republicans ended slavery,

or ummm maybe

fought democrat opposition in the 60's to the civil rights act...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I told that O'Reilly did the apologizing and so O'Reilly was in effect apologizing for those (you) cheering his ignorant words.

Well, you're wrong. Plain and simple.

O'Reilly wasn't making a racist statement when he made that remark about Michelle Obama. If you'd listen to it instead of just reading the spin about it, you would know that. He was saying he didn't want to get excited about her "proud of my country" remark because he didn't think she meant anything bad by it.

He was defending her, not putting her down.

So cut it out because keeping up with this silliness just makes you look foolish.


Well, you're wrong. Plain and simple.

O'Reilly wasn't making a racist statement when he made that remark about Michelle Obama. If you'd listen to it instead of just reading the spin about it, you would know that. He was saying he didn't want to get excited about her "proud of my country" remark because he didn't think she meant anything bad by it.

He was defending her, not putting her down.

So cut it out because keeping up with this silliness just makes you look foolish.

Shirley you jest


Bookseller Lady
Well, you're wrong. Plain and simple.

O'Reilly wasn't making a racist statement when he made that remark about Michelle Obama. If you'd listen to it instead of just reading the spin about it, you would know that. He was saying he didn't want to get excited about her "proud of my country" remark because he didn't think she meant anything bad by it.

He was defending her, not putting her down.

So cut it out because keeping up with this silliness just makes you look foolish.

You do realize that JPC Sr. is not exactly one of the brilliant minds of the Democratic Party. He wouldn't be a brilliant mind at a Keg Party.


You do realize that JPC Sr. is not exactly one of the brilliant minds of the Democratic Party. He wouldn't be a brilliant mind at a Keg Party.

"Keg Party" can be substituted for for following as well:

NMBLA party
1st grader birthday pary
communist party
bedwetters anonymous party
special olympics party


Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson parade around the country infuriating people on purpose and to my knowledge there hasn't been a single attempt on their lives. They don't have 1/100th the security a president has.

This is true, I ran into Al Sharpton in a Walmart in South Carolina and he was alone.


I'm the Boss of Me
You're showing your ignorance. Republicans of Lincoln's era are more like today's Democrats....

Anyway, ending slavery is not the act of a conservative, it's the act of a liberal, as is giving women the right to vote.

mmmmkay lets start with mmkay oh yea,

Republicans ended slavery,

or ummm maybe

fought democrat opposition in the 60's to the civil rights act...