Why I Carry A Gun ...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Just a thought, but if the entire country was allowed open or concealed carry, how much crime do you think there would be? :whistle: Obviously, I'm not talking about convicted criminals, mentally disturbed, etc. I know Xaquack would say everyone would be shooting each other in the streets, but that is nonsense. I think the crime rate would drop, dramatically.

...allowed is one thing. Everyone actually carrying is another. Facts are facts; where conceal is allowed, violent crime is a good bit less of a problem.

We gotta keep arguing that point.


I am fine with felons and people with a legitimate history of mental illness being restricted from carrying and owning guns. Other than that, anyone over 18 should be able to own and carry a gun no questions asked based on the 2ndA.

@ 18 the STATE issues you an M4 or M16 after 90 days in basic after being taught marksmanship and proper use of deadly force. and you bring home ammo for 7 full mags (28 rnds per) and you re qualify every year

at 21 you get issued the current service pistol and 6 mags plus Ammo

any illegal use of assigned weapons is dealt with in the harshest manner including a quick trial by your piers and execution by hanging on the 1st anniversary of your crime 12 months later after a through examination of the trial proceedings .... nothing long and drawn out ...


couldn't tell you hehe

I just looked for the top few states

California was the highest.

I was kind of surprised that New York wasn't number 1


I really don't think stats have anything to do with who owns/carries guns, but with overall population. You cram so many people into one area and there will be crime no matter who has guns or doesn't.


whoops, I looked again and New York edged Florida -barely- making Texas #2 and Florida #4 (Illinois was #5 and Pennsylvania was #6)

who are the predominant offender and victims in Texas ?